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Everything posted by Zebco

  1. He must be trying to make some cash to pay his back taxes.
  2. Great vid!
  3. Sorry never been arrested, probaly shoulda a few times but I guess the cops were on "Lunch break" . I guess according to these cops in here we shouldn't even listen to the news or newspaper. Sorry have no respect, I grew up in an area down here where my Bouncer buddies used to do drugs with the on duty cops in the bars restroom, have seen guys get let go driving like a excellent person being hammered because who there father was... I'm sure there are some great Cops out there and you probaly are one, the crack dealer in my old neighborhood seemed to get along great with the cops they visited him every week for a few minutes and were on there way, 10 minutes later some cracked out hooker's come knocking on his door!
  4. If the cops were doing there job in the first place we wouldn't have this debate! I just went for a timmies and the guy ahead of me ran the red light and was speeding while the officer was at the drive thru window facing the intersection and he just watched and waited for his coffee, I thought he will get it and radio ahead or go after the guy, nope he proceeded to pull in the parking lot and drink his coffee while i went through the drive thru. This is at 12 in the afternoon wonder what there doing at 2 am?
  5. More money for the govt. If they really wanted to stop it they would sit at the bars and wait for the drunks to stumble to there cars, have seen many ppl leave in there car were they can barely walk! I'm pretty sure the new reading is the same as drinking 1 beer, yet we have people all high on prescription drugs or worst driving all over! I'm more worried about the soccer mom on vicodin and prozac running me down then I am about a guy who just drank 1 beer!
  6. Easiest way is a little t.v on the roof or installing out a window so u can turn it from in the house and watch ur tv!
  7. I thought Chukkk was banned for the name?
  8. Some of the best trout fishing down at the whirpool if you don't mind the climb.
  9. I know the old ones rust like a son of a gun!
  10. Not fishing, but I was in basic training and we had a bad storm, Tornado warnings and all the drill sergeants ran for there cars, we had to stay in the firing range field with the butt of our guns touching the ground and us on one knee till it passed. I thought for sure I was gonna see a tornado that day the clouds were just swirling above us and lighting everywhere. Ended up passing and we finished the day soaked and cold, but it was a expirience. I knew I never wanted to go to war with them chicken drill sergeants though!
  11. Whats that saying about glass houses again?
  12. I used to like em till I ate one up on Nip last summer. I cleaned it with the eyes and pike and it was mushy and muddy tasting, so I don't think I'll keep anymore in the summer.
  13. Won't be that way for long lotta ice comming down the upper and a whole lot of mud!
  14. I mighta kept it if it was dead, but wouldn't post it on this board for the Mnr to see. I applaud you for your honesty.
  15. Pikasseye Grows like a pike, fights like a Bass and taste like a Walleye! Now just need these scientist to start making these things.
  16. There were lots of boats last weekend on the lower... Just depends when they decide to move the Ice boom.
  17. Don't bad mouth the man, now you gotta watch over your shoulder and sleep with one eye open. There watching!
  18. Ya I would hate making half that. But that isn't really nothing Buffalo Bills Lineman Jason Peters wants 11 mil a year and the Bills only wanna pay him 8.75 Mil. The guy is way over rated and hasn't proved nothing so far in his career. I think we should start with the athletes then these Business Exec and Politicians. Isn't right these ppl make this money when our Military, Firemen, Doctors, Paramedics, Teachers and Cops make all right money, but nowhere near these greedy sots. But I don't know nothing maybe these GM janitors are really worth more to society more then our Troops fighting in Afghan and Iraq, seems that way when you look at there pay!
  19. I caught many Bass on Flying lures, so many I used the whole kit about 10 yrs ago when they were popular.
  20. What does our license money go to in the first place? They complain there aren't enough Mnr, they can't stock enough fish where is all this money going from our fishing license each year? Non- resident is like double our price so they should be raking in the money. NY non resident License cost about the same as our residents one do and they stock more fish, don't make since to me I see all the tourist heading to go fishing on the hwy in the summer, where does it go?
  21. I have total respect for our troops, they don't make the orders... They fight and die for our way of life, God Bless them! My question is why go to Afghanistan to fight them, when there are millions living in Toronto? If Cockroaches infested my house I wouldn't start the extermination in the yard it would be in my house!
  22. Can't find nothing about this on the news or any news sites?
  23. You 2 guys into that fancy Syncronized swimming thing?
  24. If they bust him they better bust the hundreds of illegal immigrants smelt fishing in Lake Ontario!
  25. One more things, why would the Locals need free parking if they are local they can walk to the Lake or drive there skidoo's or quads. Isn't it the tourist that put money into your little towns? I stopped going to simcoe last year cause this Bull, used to go few times durring Ice Season and a few in the Spring and summer, but I would rather take my parking money and keep going down the road to a town that appreciates the money! You guys that live around the lake should start voting in some Politicians that care about the Lake not raping the tourist!
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