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Everything posted by Zebco

  1. I would rather stay home then get raped at that bait shop!
  2. Any pics of that 16 pound walleye? Must of been like 36- 40 inches thats huge!
  3. It's the Niagara river at the mouth of Erie, she is roaring!
  4. I thought they were supposed to be like that? Hold the fish in the cradle and snap a pic. Your going to be releasing it anyways. Otherwise that's what nets are made for!
  5. I caught it on vista last weekend had to format, I put xp back on.
  6. Amazing tale, I'm glad you lived to tell it. We all have made stupid mistakes or get too brave with our buddy's at some point in our lives. Part of living. Good story for the Grandkids!
  7. 1 and 2 are tigers, I dunno if I'd be positive on a barred Musky on the 3rd tho.
  8. Why are all these people not trolls too Forrest? Or do you only attack new members?
  9. LMAO priceless...
  10. Ya nothing like a whole 1/2 hour of line dancer lol. I switched to DN last month, WFN only channel I miss from Bell.
  11. Please keep it up there!
  12. Ya i made this account in august, cause I knew this thread was coming. Let me guess you work in the Auto Industry Forest. Life is like a box of Chocolate....
  13. You sure are full of yourself. All these troops over in Afganistan making far less then you, they couldn't hold a candle to Canada's Finest Sirfishalot! I'm sure there allergic to work aswell. Maybe your kids play ps3 all day, mine likes swimming and soccer. Not my fault you said you been working since the 80's at GM and still don't have your house paid for. What did you do with all your money? I would be sweating now too.... You tell me my assumption about people over 55 is just an assumption then you go make a remark about people under 30. My father is 60, hardest worker I ever met. Even he agrees that the Big 3 makes way more $ then there worth! His house is paid for and he never worked at GM hmm.
  14. Sorry I ruffled a few peoples feathers, just my opinion. I'm not saying screw everyone over such an age, I just find it outrageous the money you make to do the job that you do. It's not rocket science we all know that. If you are say 55 years old, I imagine you have your house paid off working for Gm, your kids college is paid for, you have nice vehicles. Why do you still need to get paid what you do, when a million guys under 40 could come in and do it twice as good?
  15. Good vids, I watched all three parts. Thanks
  16. Congrats, was pretty cold out there today.
  17. I get my facts first hand, i have to go to these plants to fix there mistakes. As for st. kitts having the highest quality thats the biggest joke I ever heard. I would hate to see the quality from the other plants. I only deal with parts from St. kitts and there all the ones with problems. You guys make nothing just put the crap together and your bragging about quality... What kinda quality? You guys are good at putting another companies parts on your vehicle and taking all the credit and the pay. Very high quality in pay, is only quality I see... I will be out of work for a second, but it aint hard to find another job for the same pay I was making, I can work. 8 1/2 hrs a day is nothing, thats a short day! Heck maybe even get educated like you assembly workers. I can only see good coming outta this for my side. Im only 28 and I feel this will help ppl my age... Time to cut some dead weight.
  18. I inspect parts for GM and want them to fall, if you think they are quality parts you are nuts or work for GM. Pretty much every part on 2009's V-8 engines have had something wrong with them at one point or another this year. Thats just there motor... Little things like hinges can't even be made right. They are made in Niagara Falls Canada. The weather stripping made in welland is being sent away cause they can't do there jobs. I won't name the companies. Nothing is made by GM all they do is put the car together so how is it a GM vehicle? Alot of parts come from Mexico aswell, some from Poland, Germany and so on. How is that a North American made car? So there is your quality.. If they actually made a quality vehicle my opinion would be different on the bail out...
  19. Comparing autoworkers with the Mob, is like comparing Paris hilton to Charlie manson. I am on the ladder taking a 10 percent pay cut beginning in Febuary for these pampered workers at gm. Most of my co-workers will be laid off... Like I said welcome to the real world. I been in it for awhile, never got handed a job to me because I was born at the right time...
  20. Lot of wasted space as well as wasted money. If all these assembly line workers are such genius's why did they let this happen? Can they not vote for a pay cut to equal the foriegn competitors? I'm sure they can, just chose not too. Look at all the things they have went on strike for in the past, seems they always get there way, now there crying cause they might not get there way. Boo-Hoo Welcome to the real World!
  21. Just get a cheap dish and a cheap reciever, unless ur garage is attached to ur house.
  22. I hear our Canadian Cops may be getting tested, they have been steady gaining weight and we have the most advanced doughnuts in the world. Tim Hortons can make a world class Wrestler into a slob in a real hurry...
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