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Everything posted by Zebco

  1. I just watched his other video, its called 2009#3 and that fish was hooked in the tail, that 2 outta 2 video's the fish was snagged. I'm gonna go watch the rest. He took your comments down,but left the video up I sure hope he gets what he deserves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykz7Fychz9c&NR=1 Very end of the vid look where his lure is. Has anyone called the authorities? Maybe we should all email them this any links to someone that would care?
  2. I'm American and think Canada won, If they didn't win there would be no Canada!
  3. no database? Everyone should just call and say they lost it.
  4. The Arabs won, now they have a whole country to hide and prepare there attack!
  5. It really sucks spending $1000 for a cottage and throwing back all the nice keeper fish, knowing the natives don't have to or the locals for that matter. I was up on the west arm thanksgiving weekend and all the locals with the french accents were keeping everything they caught and were not afraid to show it off. Drive by em and they pull up a stringer of all slot fish, while we were letting em go. My father caught a 8 pounder and any other lake would have let it go but that was one we were allowed to keep so it was coming home! The other keepers we caught you don't get much more meat then a perch from, what a waste! WE did catch a heck of a lot of eyes in the slot though, more then any other trip and have been going up for years. Everyone around us was catching aswell, thats how I know they were keeping them! Musta been the right place right time I guess.
  6. It is our fault we buy the fish they net, go to their Casino's and smoke there tabacoo. That's the Govt's fault for taxing the heck outta us, why buy a $60 carton of smokes when you can get one for $6. Pretty even playing field we have.
  7. So if I have a fishing pole on the boat I don't need one? Says it's only for pleasure not fishing and hunting.
  8. So I can steal your knot and make it 3 times through the eye and 10 times around the main and name it the Spider Monkey?
  9. Wicked report man, you should write a book!
  10. If the Immigrants weren't the cause we couldn't point the finger could we. Look at the Major cities in Canada, they all are filled with immigrants. Now look at the crime rates, wow the most crime is where these people live. We can't blame them though because we will be called racist, but you guys can scream discrimination as much as you want to your advantage. Next time I get pulled over or asked for a my liscense, I'm gonna try the "Me speaky no english" and start singing like the dali lama.
  11. Touche. I hear ya tho, I don't drink timmies, but would be hurting for a Pepsi.
  12. We betting which one doesn't take roids?
  13. My Grandfather was poor when he grew up and lived along a river. They lived in tents and homemade shacks and all the children had a job. He used to catch bait and sell it, just to get some food for the family. He taught me how to catch helgramites(dobsons), like he did when he was a kid, go to the next pool and nail some smallies or rainbows. I would stay there every summer growing up with him learning to hunt and fish, shovel cow crap, milk the cows, chop wood, bail hay and anything needed fixing around the house. He would tell me stories of stealing coal from the railroad tracks to keep warm. He died about 5 years ago and was the biggest influence in my life today, not a day goes by I don't think about him. I imagine I could do it on my own, but would hate to try and raise a family in those conditions and I pray it never comes to that. As for the guy commenting on Armchair survivalist, what do you consider yourself or do you stand when you type on the forum?
  14. Does your cousin atleast fish?
  15. I don't think they are certified in Canada, just can't take them from one zone to the other.
  16. He right back in it, good race!
  17. Isn't this like cheating?
  18. I agree not worth much I have alot of old Silver Dollars, Susan B anthony's and half dollars that my Grandfather gave to me. Gonna save for my kids. Just like my Baseball Cards, you will get ripped off if you try selling them to a dealer!
  19. What do you do for work, judging by your post you have alot of time on your hands! Maybe more then a teacher
  20. The way the guy talks, I think he has something stuck in his mouth.
  21. The lips have to move for a good grade. Glad I live in Canada!
  22. It's a shame we can't bash any Gm workers on here, but we can pick on our poor little Teachers. The Auto Industry and the Banks are the ones to blame for today's problems, not your kids Teacher. I do think strikes are totally wrong in there field of work, however I did enjoy back in Highschool in the 90's when our teachers went on strike.
  23. Make sure you bring your own beer too, I feel like I have been robbed every time I go to the beer store. We do have Public Health Care and alot less Crime. Only cities with High Crime in Canada are the ones with immigrants out populating Canadians, but we must let them all in because it's the right thing to do and fish have feelings too ya know. Excuse me I have to go hug a tree.
  24. Bush has all the money, him and Osama made sure they bought lots of shares in Enron!
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