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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Great video Mike , thanks once again for taking the time to put it together. Great looking spot , just what I like ,tough to get too and nobody around to bother ya !
  2. I agree with Knuguy , stay away from the bear spray . If you have to use it and you get a blow back you are screwed !I don't like my chances against a bear with a face full of bear spray As well as an accidental firing could be a big problem .Our group always has those $2.00 bangers at the ready for a curious bear in camp but just have a clean camp and make some noise when in the bush and you will be fine !
  3. Lots of good info here for sure , like others have said forget the axe/hatchet lots of blowdowns and beaver lodges in the back country, as well you don't want to be putting an axe blade into your shin when your miles from civilization , seen it happen and was a real bugger getting back ! Also a small packet of baby wipes are really handy for cleaning your self up as well as a small bottle of sanitizer. I might of missed it here but if your going into the back country you definitely need some bear bells , the last thing you want to do is stumble into a bear and her cubs. If you are going in the shoulder seasons May/September take a wool touque with ya , it gets surprisingly cool/cold in the north that time of year and a nice wool hat can definitely take the chill off especially if it is cool and damp ,as well it is good to sleep with it on when it is cold at night, trust me on this one ! Might think of some more stuff later
  4. You might get lucky and some of that construction will be over but honestly I don't think so , when it gets a little closer to your departure remind us and someone here can give you an up to date report on road conditions/construction . I travel that stretch of road to Parry Sound all most weekly so I for sure can let you know !
  5. I would stick to your original plan , you don't want to be anywhere near that area 401/400 at 5:00pm especially if it is a Friday . I would try to be in the Barrie area no later then 3:00-3:30pm and it should be smooth sailing except for possible construction delays just north of the split !
  6. Congrats on your catch but whats with that last picture , I may be wrong here but in my eyes that should not be posted !
  7. Has anyone here ever used this product and could advise on its effectiveness ? I got a bottle of this stuff from the states and it is suppose to be great but I don't know anyone that has used it or has first hand knowledge ! It is a clothing spray that kills all bitting bugs on contact , sounds good to me ! This blackfly season is going to be a flip of the coin with this strange spring so I want to be perpared Thanks
  8. I too was waiting for this report , I couldn't imagine what you guys were thinking when you discovered the damaged canoe but actually I some what can, but we had tape at the time ! Great report Mike and some very nice fish , You have to love Algonquin "She's a Beauty"
  9. I couldn't agree more with this quote ! I can tell you that every May long weekend I go on a annual backwoods trip into central Ontario and the blackflies are bad but the mosquitos are non existent. This year is definitly different with the warm March and cool/cold and dry April . I was just up in the Loring area this past weekend and there wasn't a blackfly anywhere and in past years they were out buzzing around . It has been a cold , dry spring in that area ( trees haven't even budded out yet and lakes are low and cold ) so I think the bugs won't be as bad as in previous years but if it is warm and wet for the next couple weeks all bets are off and my theory will be wrong ! Here's hoping for a cool couple weeks
  10. I have a 94 Merc. 8 hp and it will not spit water right away, it needs to heat up first . I was a bit concerned with this as well (no constant stream) but I have never had a problem with it !
  11. I am looking for Owner Ultrahead Saltwater Bullet Jigs in 1 oz , I can find them on the net but I would perfer to buy direct if I can ! I can find them smaller but none in the 1 oz range . Has anyone seen these jigheads around or can recomend a store to call Thanks
  12. For an extra 10 bucks I would go with the good stuff ! Been using Quicksilver (Mercury) oils for years and no problems .
  13. With out a doubt spend the money and get a good goretex suit , you won't regret it ! I was able to get in on the great cabela's guidewear deal from last fall thanks to a few guys on this board and I used it once with no problems.I didn't get the liner for it instead opting for a bigger size and wearing a light/heavy fleece under it to match conditions ! For a good suit you will probably be looking at minimum $450-$500 bucks but keep your eyes open for some deals , they do come around once and awhile ! Good luck
  14. If I give her the 20 bucks and get her to sign my name , do you think she will send in my OFAH lottery tickets !!! Congrats to her Lew
  15. I have a backwoods trip planned for May to my favorite lake trout lake and i'm starting to plan/gather things now . A couple weeks ago I salted up about 75 shinners (they turned out good) but there seems to be alot of info. on the web about using sucker meat ! I do alot of jigging so I was thinking what would be best to put on the bucktail , salted shinner or some sucker . All I can think of is that the sucker is a bit more oily giving off a good scent trail but not sure . Is it worth taking up some sucker strips as well . We have good luck with the shinners but just looking for some more ideas from the board . Any one use sucker meat for lake trout ? Thanks
  16. Good points here as well , alot of the back roads/trails are in real bad shape so if you are going I wouldn't be going alone, just incase you get stuck. Good luck and happy trails
  17. I know alot of areas but I think you should start your search with the Ontario fishing regs. As well the lakes will probably still have ice on them 2 hrs north of Barrie !
  18. Sorry to hear , very sad indeed !
  19. I have been tromping around in the backwoods of that area for several years , what info. do you need ? If I can't get it I have a couple MNR friends in Bracebridge and Parry Sound that surely can ! PM me if you like !
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