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Everything posted by 4x4bassin

  1. Do you have a fish finder , if so find the deepest part of the lake and vertical jig them with a big jig. That time of year 75% of the lakers will be in the deep basins not scattered like in the spring ! If they are not in the deep basin they will be close. No finder then trolling like others said is a good bet but finding that deep water area is important !
  2. This is so true , I work for Air Canada and last week a couple of our planes had to be brought back to the gate and the load had to be re configured in the cargo holds because the weight and balance figures were off and the plane would not be able to take off(rotate)due to the high temps. and humidity.There is not much lift in that thick air and these big birds were using the "whole" north/south runnway too get off the ground,it is quite the site to see a 777 get a running start coming off the taxi way and power up so close !
  3. I have finally found a few things I have been looking for but there on line . Has any one here ordered anything or have any experiences with Tackle Warehouse in the states ? Thanks
  4. Way to go guys,great fish paul !
  5. Thanks guys,I usually do what "Lota" does but seen these other ones on the net and thought I could find some localy. I'm going to JB's today , maybe they will have something like it !
  6. I am trying to find a couple types of jig heads for my lake trout fishing but i'm having a hard time . One is a tube jig that the lead is more long and the eye is in the middle to keep the tube horizontal , I have seen these on the web but was hoping for a store nearby , the other is a lead fish head jig . I have found similar jigs but they are too light , i'm looking for somthing in the 3/4 oz to 1 1/2 oz range . Has anyone here seen these around , I don't really want to buy off the web and wait a couple weeks but it is looking like I might have too !!! Cheers
  7. To me like some guys have said it's not about the numbers it is the quality of fish being caught and just getting out in the boat with friends and having a good time !
  8. Nice one and kudo's for letting her swim for another day.
  9. I some what agree with you that all the people from Vancouver shouldn't be painted with the same brush here but these acts by a select few idiots will result in Vancouver's image being tarnished , thats just the way it is !
  10. I have an older shimano compre (1997-2000) and the tip broke off , does anyone know if there is a time limit on there warranties ? I have had shimano stuff replaced before under warranty but nothing this old ! Thanks
  11. The whole hockey world was watching that game last night and Vancouver as a city was on stage and that crap happens , what an embarrassment !! In all the finals I have watched I have never seen the captain get the cup and have to dodge flying water bottles from the jokers in the seats, Shame on you Vancouver !!!!!
  12. I was fishing for pike in the Chapleau Game Reserve a couple years ago and used chatter baits like yours almost all the time I was there , couldn't keep the pike off of them . Really like that bottom one Mike , I think thats the "one"
  13. I would spend the extra couple bucks and get the quick silver (mercury) bottom end oil as well as the mix ! It should be available at CDN tire as well .
  14. I found that when the sun was out they were deadly and when it was cloudy not so bad . So this is the only time I am wishing for a cool/light drizzle and a bit of wind for my lake trout trip next weekend. I do agree that if it is sunny and warm next week they will be at there peak by the long weekend !
  15. Just got back from the Parry Sound area last night and the black flies are out , so if you are going camping this weekend take the bug juice , you are going to need it !!!
  16. Exactly , it's just a bit harder to stay on top of them !
  17. I agree with this as well , I did this for the first time last year with great results. The key is a good sonar and just slowly drive around the lake until you see them on the screen and stop ,reverse back to the spot and drop a heavy jig out . I use a 3/4 oz white/silver/black bucktail or a gulp minnow on a darter head jig .Lake trout are not shy and if they are hungry they will come up off bottom and chase your bait from 10-20 feet down no problem .The key word here as well is chase , they love to chase the bait up from the depths so if one is interested in your bait start reeling up and most of the time they will smash it ! I found the 40-60 foot depths the most productive. Good luck !
  18. Always have a 5" senko (bubble gum or red shad) tied onto one of my rods at any givin time . Best for me by a long shot ! Great follow up bait for those missed fish as well.
  19. Thanks for the heads up , I was going down there next week to grab some stuff so I will go this week instead !
  20. Ditto for me as well , You always have some great stories Solo and i'm sure this will be no exception ! Have a good one
  21. Love the laker reports , my big trip is planned for May long weekend !
  22. Very nice Paul , I bet you can't wait to take her out and get fishin !
  23. It's that time to start spooling up the reels and was just wondering what the majority here use for braid.I have tried fireline and didn't like it and so the last several years I have been using power pro which I like.I am hearing alot of good things about the new suffix braid and was thinking about switching from power pro to suffix. Has anyone here used suffix braid and what did you think about it ? Thanks
  24. The easiest way to get those driveway weeds out is with round up spray that you can "still buy" at CDN Tire . Round up is a "non selective" herbicide which means it will kill everything that is growing for a long time, the selective herbicide which means that it is weed selective like the old weed and feed and killex (weed killer)is no longer available in Ontario. So if you use the round up be very carefull around the lawn and gardens and don't spray on a windy day ! This will work for you. As for your lawn I would start with a core aeration and then some good triple mix top dressing and rake the soil in good (not to much soil that will cover the exsisting grass)You will be surprised at what just doing this will do for your lawn ! I would do this as soon as possible so the spring rains do alot of the work for you by soaking in the new soil to your old soil.Come the begining of May put down some fertilizer like a 32-5-10 or something in that range .The higher the first number the higher the nitrogen content meaning better grass blade and a greener lawn , a good way to understand the meaning of these numbers is "Up,Down,All Around" Up first number makes grass grow good and makes it green,Down means root growth and All Around means grass grows out and spreads. Like other people have said and the most important thing is don't cut lawn too short 3" is good , you might cut a little more but it is better for the grass and the long grass keeps the root bed cool and moist and as well the weed seeds can't germinate under the shadow of the long grass.Keep clippings on grass , these provide nitrogen for your lawn as they decompose , free nitrogen is good ! Oh ya one more thing keep blades on mower sharp . The best time of year to seed your lawn is in September when you get cool nights and warm days and the weeds are not growing anymore and competing with your seed but you can seed now it's just not the best time of year for that ! A little info on grass seeding is that a grass seed is sorta shaped like a square and three sides of the four have to be touching soil to germinate so raking in the seed is important as well as being moist. Soil temperature have to be around 15 degrees C for good germination too , somthing like finding that magic 52 degree F for lakers (had to throw that in there) Hopefully this helps and if you have any more question feel free to PM me ! Cheers Dave
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