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Everything posted by 12footspringbok

  1. Theres fish in that river?
  2. Theres no option for from a boat and from shore...lol Is it bad that I'm going to pick up some rock salt tomorrow not for my driveway but just in case the ramp is iced? LOL
  3. Not a big fan of flouro... The only time I like using it is for leaders when pike fishing. Played around with it for summer salmon and lake trout fishing. Not impressed. My 2 cents
  4. Thats funny. I remember floating around the mini icebergs with my old man out there close to 15 years ago now.... There would be about 25 boats out there. Like three of the boats would be absolutley hammering them and everyone was getting skunked... Greasers.... Yup Started messing around with my ice gear last night. BTW I heard your living not too far away from me. Better be careful or you might have someone else following you to your spots...
  5. Thanks but it actually was more like three months...LOL Thanks Rod Caster! Some one always gets slimed when the 12 foot springbok hits the water...LOL Thanks Just wish I had some better camera skills. We did get a few "dandy's" but nothing like those lake O beasts I see some of you guys catching. Some of those deep slow moving spots with back eddies and weird currents are hard to fish any other way. We tried the spring whitie bite last year. All we caught were bows...LOL
  6. Well it was a good season for sure. With all this rain we're getting I'll be lucky if my favourite pools aren't iced over by the time the water clears. Anyways I had the itch something fierce this fall and pounded the river bank harder than I have for a few years now mostly with my good fishing buddy Jim. I also tried a couple new things this fall as well. I bought a "pin" to do some "proper" float-fishing not this half ass spinning gear floating I've been doing since I was 16. Secondly some friends and I got out a bunch of times trolling in fairly shallow for bows. I'll get a little more detailed later. It seems the salmon have started to make a little bit of a comeback. Its too bad they don't get much respect once they enter the rivers. They really do offer a good challenge to anyone that wants to target them legitimitally. I had a rough start with them, think I lost the first 8 or 9 fish I hooked this fall. Doesn't sound like much but when you're lucky to get 2 or 3 strikes per outing it hurts. Anyhow onto a couple pics. I got out a bunch of times on the bay trolling with some friends through october. Took a couple friends out that don't fish much. I'm glad we got into some fish for them because now they have the itch too...LOL We experimented flat-lining, rigging, and using planer boards with leadcore. The planer boards with leadcore and spoons did most of the damage. It was cool to experiment with something new and have sucess! Orange seemed to be the colour they liked the most out there. We spent alot of time still fishing a great big deep pool close to home. I tried figuring this spot out with the pin but I just kept getting outfished by my buddy and his trusty egg sinker wait and see approach. LOL My friend got a Beauty male one morning his new PB. Just not sure the size no scale or tape measure. He was destined to make lots of baby steelehead. We also did quite a bit of trolling flatfish and casting spinners from shore. Gotta love the violent lure hits. Prettiest fish of the fall by far too bad the pics don't do it.... Lastly float fishing. Not sure what the big deal about it is. What can I say its a great tool, but I won't be putting the spinning gear away anytime soon. First one on the pin. Oh and one other thing. I did have to give up the river for a week of hunting. Didn't have much luck this year but we did sneak away a couple afternoons for some walleye fishing while up on the french. Tied my PB 27" walleye. Time to start getting the ice gear ready.... Thanks for reading.
  7. Imagine that sometimes you just have to put down the float gear and do something different! Nice fish!
  8. Good pics wish I had a camera man like that. Some of those fish are hogs... Wish there were more that size up this way! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Your eyes look all squinty and closed in them pics...LMAO Nice fish.
  10. Nice work Colin! I have some mods to do to the old polaris soon too. Just have to wait till the river freezes and I get some free time before Simcoe freezes!
  11. Good work. I think your right about the oxygen rich waters. I had a couple fish that just wouldn't give up this weekend. Thanks for sharing!
  12. Dammit and I only need one or two. Looked high and low around here for them, even tried ordering some online from sites that had them listed. Have to try harder I guess. Thanks
  13. Just curious have you ever come across one of these spinners with the green tipped blade in your travels? Oh and nice fish as usual...
  14. Away from the rat race, up north, with no mortgage. I'm green with envy. Good on ya. I hope this is what my midlife crisis looks like.
  15. Nice fish. I like the pink colour on the second pic in. I don't know if its just my crappy camera or something else that I'm missing because I never seem to be able to capture that rosy colour on the fish.
  16. Yup all the fish are hiding out in the C&R zone don't bother with any other parts of that river....
  17. Clean safe power my .
  18. A pink unicorn on some tribs LOL... A nuisance equivalent to rock bass while walleye fishing on other rivers. Nice fish though. TFS
  19. I hate the cold but I gotta admit I'm looking forward to ice fishing. I do about 80% of my ice fishin on simcoe. Its a no brainer out there williams ice jig or a white tube 90% of the time. Over the past few years I've found its not the lure your using but HOW you use it. I think I may try messin around with some different swim baits next year because I did have some pretty good sucess last year with them towards the end of the season.
  20. Me and a buddy were on the bay saturday. The 2 birds I saw closely looked to be loons. Saw some other ducks out swimming around looking healthy. Hopefully this things over and done with seems a little fishy to me that its just botulism...
  21. I could have swore naming specific tributaries was a no no on this forum. Guess that only applies if they flow into lake O....
  22. I certainly won't waste my time typing up a well worded response for this naive crowd but a picture is worth a thousand words...
  23. Yes all those hippies need a haircut and a job....
  24. Nice going brian. Give it a couple weeks and the bigger ones will start to show up.
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