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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. well, the 1st time around I searched... and found a generic "MEGA TANK"... and posted what they said how many gallons it has... then I realized, they can call any "LARGE" tank a "MEGA" tank... then I did a more SPECIFIC search... and found the same tank they used last year...at the FISHING SHOW (before it was closed)....
  2. Ah ok... so its basically a STYLE? (originated by whomever company)... others replicated that look/style? Awesome! thanks guys (you have no idea how stupid I still feel)
  3. Ok... Stupidest question(s) probably ever asked on here.... - What exactly IS a SENKO? - is it a SHAPE/TYPE of PLASTIC? - Is it a BRAND? IF SO...can someone provide a picture of what their "DESIGNS" look like? (bags etc.) - If its NOT a BRAND? Can you name some COMPANIES out there that DO make them? (popular brands?) - What type of hook is best used? and what STYLE? (ie: Wacky Rig? or Texas?) - How many different STYLES of HOOKING them are there? (names?) I'm asking because I may pickup some at the show! (LOL, funny part...I MAY have 'em in my artillery, but not 100% sure) *tuh duh duh; I'm wee-todd-did* Here's what I have... but its called a "DINGER"? (this is confusing; cause if I'm right... SENKO's look similar?) UGH!! SOMEONE HELP!!
  4. OH MAN!! such a bad time to be posting this!! YOU WOKE UP MY HUNGER!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrr... LOL
  5. LOL!!! Sounds like she's "Daddy's Girl" eh?! Your kid is freakin' adorable!! I remember when my 6yr old cousin came fishing with me and some buddies... his 2nd time out...he knows the story of "Gobies".. and what we're supposed to do to them. Anyway, he caught a GOBY... not realizing it was a GOBY (probably cause he's only seen a GOBY 5x times the 1st time around fishing)....anyway, as I was taking the GOBY off the hook - he goes and talks to his brother telling him how "I GOT 'EM!!"...as soon as I removed the hook from the GOBY... my 6yr old cousin turns around....literally, last thing he saw... was my foot bringing "DA THUNDA" on the fish! OH MAN.... the reaction I saw on his face?! ...."YOU KILLED HIM!!"....immediatly bursts into tears...... then his brother goes..."Dude!...That was a GOBY".... he immediately goes into "BIG MAN MODE" .... wipes his tears... and goes "I KNEW THAT! I KNEW THAT!!!".... OH MAN!! IT WAS CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSIC!! (I'm laughing now just thinking about it!!) PS: Thanks for sharing your story!! (reminds us of what GOOD MEMORIES really are)
  6. I've always thought of going STRICTLY to BRAID...but it had me thinking.... 1) Braided line floats... so, using a DEEP DIVING LURE (or trolling for that matter) wouldn't be as helpful... cause most of it would be floating? I'd use MONO in this case... cause I know that stuff sinks. i dunno, my stupid 2 cents
  7. Wow, I'm getting married this year - and hearing crap like this isn't making me feel all that well!! I've heard the economy is supposedly going to be AS BAD as the "GREAT DEPRESSION" :s
  8. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!! My Fiancee is into Photography too!
  9. 1) Dave Mercer & Pete Maina 2) 5,000 Gal.
  10. Just confirmed on BPS website... http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...;cmCat=10007174 They got 'em there...I was in there TODAY... and they had 'em.
  11. Very sorry to hear that Lew. My condolences to you and your family.
  12. Thank you!
  13. LMAO!! that was the style back then I guess?! LMAO!!
  14. christ! I just realized, its open to US RESIDENTS ONLY!! Grrrrrrrrr... guess we're too damn polite these days!! Maybe you can send it to a FRIEND or FAMILY MEMBER you may have in the states?
  15. Saw this posted on another board, thought I'd share it with you guys... If you buy an ABU GARCIA PRODUCT (depending on what it is) one of the coupons will get you something... http://www.abugarcia.com/coupon.php
  16. LeBaron might have some? Give them a call... Their phone# should be on their website (http://www.lebaron.ca)
  17. So... I went over to see my parents today... and decided to go through some of the old photos....then came across these pictures.... My old man catching the infamous ESOX!! I can't remember where he said this was... I think he said "Clear Lake"? Not too sure where that is (if anyone can google map this, that'd be awesome!)...oh, he was also quick to remind me this was in his early 30's! I told my dad... don't worry... I'm catching up! hahaha... now you all know how this crazy obsession started! Here the pics... After looking at the size of these little ones, its the ONE THING I hope to NOT BE LIKE when it comes to my DAD!! (Hahaha, I doubt my dad will ever read/find this on the internet... he has problems using a typewriter sometimes! NO JOKE!! Hahaha... LOVE YOU POPS!!)
  18. Hey Peeps, Just had a question... I'm planning on fishing @ TORONTO ISLANDS or ONTARIO PLACE this season...but I had a question regarding parking? Is there a place where I can go thats FREE PARKING? I know its unlikely, Toronto LOVES to charge "up the arse" for anything and everything...But I just thought I'd ask regarding that. Also...When fishing @ ONTARIO PLACE.... wouldn't it seem odd that its a THEME PARK... and seeing a guy/girl carrying FISHING GEAR with him/her?! Or is there some kind of "path" that avoids walking through the "theme park"? man, im so lost regarding this area...any and all information regarding these places would help!! Thanks Guys... Rob
  19. You'd be surprised how many companies deploy programs like this on computers. Its their way of doing their "research" on the behavior of their consumers. kinda stupid I know...cause really? who REALLY reads those long "I agree" scripts....
  20. I remember watching a couple TC shows of doing SHINER FISHING at Lake Okeechobee...and as HOLDFAST mentioned, they were using BALLOONS as their bobbers...? Hope you have fun!! Report back to us with pics... I heard there are PIGS in that lake!
  21. Copy and Paste the link into a new browser... worked for me. clicking I think won't work for almost anyone.... holy cr*p that's a long a** auger!!
  22. Awesome stuff guys!! The replies I got on this topic turned out MORE than I had originally thought!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!! ...Ever since I joined and became MORE ACTIVE with this forum, I've been literally addicted to it!! hahaha... maybe my name should be Addikted2OFN?
  23. I've been doing SO MUCH RESEARCH/STUDYING on the HABITATS/BEHAVIORS on these species that I'm pretty confident in actually catching one this season! I HOPE I've already bought ALL THE EQUIPMENT and LURES I need to catch these, but what I'm finding is... because I primarily fish from shore... my best time to catch these fish is after ICE-OUT... 2 questions... 1) Has anyone on here NOT CAUGHT a PIKE/MUSKY before? and... 2) Are there other times of year that I can catch these types of fish... but FROM SHORE? (keeping in mind, I only know a select few places that go pretty deep after a cast is made in and around their habitat) Grrrrrrrrrrr..... this is driving me insane, knowing I've spent all this money... only to find out I have a "short-window" of opportunity to catch one!
  24. Welcome Back! I learned my lesson (very similar to yours) a loooong time back! hehe...
  25. HOLY SMOKES!! You've got talent!! Ever thought of selling them??
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