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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Awe man!! I wish I could go Saturday - but I can't! I'm going MONDAY tho.....if that counts for anything!
  2. Another guy from the OFC group joined the contest too... I think its "MEPPS"....Anyway, Good luck to you bud!
  3. Hahaha!! I know!! My fiancee thinks I'm crazy about it!! hahaha - I told her, EH! its just as bad when a woman has to have 50 different purses....just like you, we need different rods/reels for different fishing applications! LOL!!
  4. Alright... I gave you 5 stars Vote for me too - please? http://www.wfn.tv/gearweek/view.php?entry=121
  5. LOL!! I would - but I'm in that contest too!
  6. If you go to ANY of the LeBARON STORE LOCATIONS , they're giving away $2 OFF coupons to their customers... You can even grab however many you need!
  7. Yup, its because of "Out-Sourcing" that people like them get a job... and people like myself, are OUT of a JOB! ::
  8. Awesome pics dude!
  9. No no... its nothing like that. I saw a guy last year when I was fishing; specifically targeting bass that are still spawning (even though bass season has officially opened) at 1st I thought it was completely illegal to target spawning bass... but then the guy told me its ok... once the season opens...its ok? thats why I said what I had said previously.... i probably won't target them anyway... knowing the kind of damage that can happen once its "protector" is removed from the next... even if its for 3min...
  10. Whoa?! I didn't know JP DeRose himself was on here!! Awesome!! thanks for the input guys!! PS: JP, I found out the information from "River 2 Sea" on the WFN website... I only wish I had WFN @ HOME! :wallbash:
  11. Awesome Dude!! Thanks!! The "Nest Raider" should be pretty good in my region... we certainly can't fish DURING spawn, but once the season opens (and they're done their spawning) some bass that are spawning (the late bloomers I guess). So, it should be good for that... Thanks for the information though dude!
  12. I'm most interested in the NEST RAIDER (I think its one of their newest products)... some of their SWIMBAITS (Kong & S-Waver), V-JOINT MINNOW JERKBAITS, (TOPWATERS) WOOD N' MINNOW, WOOD N' SLITHER....but mostly their NEST RAIDER... Thanks SmallieFisher
  13. Just wondering if anyone has any of their lures in their artillery? And what is your experience with them? They have some pretty sick lookin' lures, so I may just pick some up at the SPRING BOAT/FISHING SHOW next weekend! My most curious question, how much do these things go for? (whats their price range?) If anyone knows anything about this company and its lures, I would definitely be interested. Their website is http://www.river2seausa.com/ incase anyone is interested in checking out their stuff.... I HOPE some of their stuff will be at the show......I hope!
  14. Check it out... http://www.wfn.tv/gearweek/video.php?video=1067
  15. Hey Guys/Gals, Just wanted to ask a few questions regarding CREATURE BAITS VS. CRAWS? * What's your opinion on them? * Do you find one produces more over the other? * Which one do you prefer? * What type of fishing line is best to use with the CREATURE BAIT? (IE: Flouro, Mono, Braid) * What lb.# test is good to use? * Can you rig these with BASS JIGS? ( FOUND HERE ) Or... are they better left "as is" on a WIDE GAP HOOK? FINALLY... * What is recommended to rig these CREATURE BAITS? PS: I would assume best places to throw this bait would be around rocks & cover? (basically anywhere, where you'd find a small insect hiding?) Can anyone elaborate on this if I am wrong? Thanks Guys! Rob
  16. LMAO!!! THATS HILARIOUS!! Hahahahaha....I think I just pooped a lil in my pants from laughing so hard!
  17. KEEP IT UP BUDDY!! not to discourage you or anything... but I was once smoke free for 5yrs before I met my Fiancee. then started smoking for another 3yrs... and just recently... trying to quit again (been 5months now) I have the craving at times too.... especially when driving - so what I do, is carry TOOTHPICKS in the car - whenever I have an urge, I just grab a toothpick, at least it keeps my hands busy! LOL anyway, GOOD LUCK BUD!! Keep up the dancing.... I mean GOOD WORK!
  18. Awesome!! Congrats!! Although, I've been noticing a pattern with ICE-FISHERMAN... Do the fish bleed-out THAT MUCH during ice-fishing?!
  19. IT SUPPORT for Royal Bank of Canada (most recent job)... now, I'm looking for another job! (out-sourced)
  20. OH MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! LOL.... I think I just felt an artery explode on me just watching it!! I'M DOWN FOR THE ROAD-TRIP!! LOL!!!
  21. HAHA!! No kidding, no matter HOW MUCH you REALLY DON'T NEED IT... you always seem to come up with a VALID REASON WHY you need it...well, at least I do!
  22. HOLY SMOKES BATMAN!! And I thought I HAD a LOT OF RODS/REELS!! hahaha ...My "Addiction" pales in comparison to you....haha
  23. Hmmm, I saw this yesterday on the news.... Does anyone know if this would apply to LAKES? and NOT JUST OCEANS? Would be pretty beneficial to Anglers!
  24. ..."I MADE YOU A COOKIE....BUT I EATED IT".... http://images.mylot.com/userImages/images/...tos/1538135.jpg
  25. Yeah? got any pictures? By chance, are they available to the public?
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