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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Just a question for you regarding "Spiderwire Invisi-Braid"... I'm gonna be using it for the 1st time this coming season... I personally don't see it being as good as a "light-refractor" compared to the clear flouro stuff... Is it technically "ok" to attach a lure directly to the line... and literally, I won't have to worry about it being "as visible" to the fish??
  2. If I use Flouro at the end and I know the area I'm throwing it in won't have many rocks or abrasive stuff to rub up against... I just use regular Flouro line... either same # test or higher. If I know there are rocks and other rough stuff nearby, I'll add the Leader Material then. Otherwise, don't use it. If the vegetation is thick enough, it should be good enough to camoflauge the line. (at least that's my thinking...) any others with input?
  3. Thanks DanielM!
  4. I didn't know you could get FLYERS sent to your house too?! I've been looking all over the website, and can't seem to locate a place on where to do that? Can anyone help me out here?
  5. Which LeBaron location do you work at BTW? EDIT: I just realized you live in Richmond Hill; Ignore this question. I've only been to that location 3x.
  6. Welcome aboard!! I go to LeBaron all the time!! You'd probably recognize my face if you saw my profile!
  7. CONGRATS BUDDY!! W000 H000!! ... Where's the fishing rod? Wasn't he supposed to be holding onto a rod after birth?!
  8. Whom better to get an answer than from a Professional Fisherman himself... Mr. JP DeRose! w00t!!
  9. Hmmm... Thats a rather interesting question (now its been rephrased)? Hmmm... I would assume they would be OK... provided they aren't scented or flavored? if anything.. if THEY ARE scented/flavored... you spent extra money for the scent/flavor for nothing? Especially to just leave it out in a tackle box, rather than its original packaging? But I don't know... can anyone help in providing an answer to this - I'm pretty interested myself....Thanks for asking this question Duxbware.
  10. I think you may be confusing it with Berkley's Gulp stuff... that stuff, if its taken and left out of the bag for a long time - it'll eventually dry up and shrivel.
  11. Hey Guys, Anyone here ever buy fishing related books from AMAZON.CA? If you check it out - they're selling books on SMALLMOUTH BASS for literally a penny! Check it out! CLICK HERE to check out the link. I just bought 1 of the 2 "1 penny" value books... so, there's only one left. HURRY!!! PS: Shipping costs about $6 +change.
  12. OH MAN!! LOL
  13. LMAO! That's a good one!
  14. LOL, dude! I just realized, thats the EXACT VIDEO I posted! n00b!
  15. LOL...yup! Its soo hard to go back to spinning, once you've gotten used to Baitcast reels!!
  16. I will NEVER switch back to spinning gear - I only use it when the lure/bait is too light I love using baitcasters!
  17. Backlash & The solution that's to fix it... Uhh.. Does it work with BRAID?! Anyway, I was outside in my backyard practicing my Pitching/Flipping Technique... until I finally got a backlash! (I thought I'd never say this, but it felt good... hahaha... thats how much I miss fishing during the off season!) Anyway... as I was saying... I got into a "Backlash" - I then tried BASSFISHIN.COM's technique/solution to correcting this found HERE . I tried this technique, only to find that it DIDN'T WORK. Now, I'm thinking because I was/am using BRAID... that this application/solution doesn't apply. Has anyone tried the SAME SOLUTION; only to unsuccessfully resolve the problem?! Does anyone know of a more simple technique to quickly resolving a BACKLASH? Especially on BRAID?! I hate using LINE PICKS... I seem to love stabbing myself every time with the JIG PUNCH on my RAPALA LINE CLIPPER
  18. Oh man, that is SOO TRUE.. I remember when I 1st started learning Baitcasters... I bought a $20 combo from a friend of mine (whom works @ BELL DISTRIBUTORS)... man, it was literally the WORST THING I've EVER practiced on... I later bought a $100 one... IT MADE SUCH A HUGE DIFFERENCE!! It true.... better to spend MORE on a BETTER/NICER reel and learn off that... rather than buying a crapty one... and becoming continually frustrated cast after cast after cast!
  19. Couldn't agree more... You'd only be cutting yourself short on tackle equipment.... Remember the saying "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link".
  20. Thanks for the info MJL!!
  21. Thanks Hammer! Any idea what the price ranges are? cheapest? most expensive?
  22. Since we're on the topic of CARP... Does anyone here know where to buy ROD PODS or those ELECTRONIC TRIGGER STRIKE INDICATORS (I think they're called) in ONTARIO? (Toronto to be more specific?)
  23. I've got 3 Abu Baitcast round-reels. The C4 in both 5601 and 6601 and the RECORD RCN61; all of which are used to throw out the larger/heavier lures. I've only had them for one season so far, and I've had NO PROBLEMS... Hopefully it'll stay like that. I thought of picking up the "Black Max" - but checked out reviews... I didn't end up getting it, cause I felt like I would be "taking a risk". It got a lot of mixed reviews.
  24. I personally just think of all the lakes I've fished (or plan on fishing) and do some research AHEAD of time. What I do is find out what types of forage the bass (or whatever fish you're after) most commonly feed on in that particular body of water and also what time of year it might be. Then, when I get to "the show" (whatever it may be)... I get what I believe should work. If I'm camping with buddies or whatever and I don't have a lure in my box that may not perform, I ask locals what lures are commonly used in this area (wherever that might be). Often, I try to 'twist' it around... you gotta remember, some of these fish are probably exposed to tournament after tournament, so they've seen practically everything out there. so, I try to be 'innovative' in a way... and think of different fashions of presenting my lure(s) to the fish... as far as lure sizes go... I usually start off small (spring) then make my way to larger ones (summer). If one size isn't producing over another, I obviously switch it up.
  25. LOL....does it have an actual name??
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