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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. w00t!! I'm gonna go on the 21st to see Dave Mercer too!!
  2. Reel Trade-In runs from Friday March 6th to Wednesday March 11th, so you're still good.
  3. If you haven't had the chance to go to the BPS SALE thats currently going on; Go when you have the chance! There were lots of guys there stocking up on a lot of fishing lures... Not many Wiggle-O's were left when I got there... STORM's Swimbaits are $1.50?! CRAZY!! I bought like 15 of them!! Literally, there were 5 tinny's setup for the sales that are going on. Anyway, you guys/gals gotta go ASAP!! A lot of the pattern's you'll find that you're looking for - probably won't be there anymore!! There were a lot of people there when I was there today. Here's the 'Circular' (aka: Flyer) link to the 2009 SPRING FISHING CLASSIC SALE @ BPS
  4. Holy Smokes!! Those are some jumbo ass perch!! GOOD JOB!! Thanks for sharing.... Weren't you guys even just a TAD be scared standing near the ice edge?! :| That's why I don't go ice fishing - big guys and ice don't go too well together!
  5. w00t!! Awesome stuff dude!! I can't wait to link up with my 1st Esox!
  6. LMAO!! That was a real good one!
  7. Hey OFC'ers, I posted something similar to this topic, but couldn't seem to find it using the 'Search' tool. Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone here makes their own spinners, buzzbaits, in-line spinners etc...? (Aside from KEMPER, whom already posted just recently) If so, what are some reputable companies out there that I can use that you would recommend? Thanks!!
  8. Yo Kemper!! I wanted to get into this stuff too... I just had absolutely no idea on how to go about it...and STILL DONT! WICKED STUFF DUDE!!
  9. If you go to LeBaron, they're giving away $2-OFF COUPONS - I apologize to the person whom I said that there were coupons off for the 'SPRING BOAT/FISHING SHOW'... I got it confused with the 'SPORTSMEN'S SHOW'.....My Fault! w00t!! I'm gonna be glued to my computer for the next week or so.... whoa! just managed to find 1 ADVANTAGE of being JOBLESS 'cause of the RECESSION........ _ i _ _ i _ _ e _ s _ n _ _ n!! *
  10. AW MAN!! I missed this post - Are there going to be MORE of these giveaways?!
  11. I'm using it for the 1st time this coming season, excited to see it in action.... My only suspicion about this, because its braid (and not clear like typical fluorocarbon) I don't see it being "as effective" as the other stuff, you know? but whatever... none the less, still excited to see it in action....
  12. Just thought I'd post this quickly, since I can't seem to find an answer online. Does anyone know what hours they are open? Thanks! Rob
  13. Can you point me to an area on google? I'm not all that familiar with Hamilton area... Thanks Solopaddler! (or just PM me)
  14. I wonder how many people consistently leave OFC open on their web-browser... Am I alone on this? (aside from Leechman) OFC IS AN ADDICTION!! If it came in powder form, I might just consider sniffing it too!
  15. LoL! Awesome tip douG! Hahaha, I should give that a shot! I'm normally on the computer, I don't watch as much TV as I used to anymore. I'm more so on the internet researching stuff (mostly fishing) or looking for funny videos on BREAK.COM. I'll admit, on occasion I will sit with the wife and watch whatever show she's watching... just to get in some "couple" time...lol, yah - I have a softside... LEAVE ME ALONE!
  16. I was there 2yrs ago and although I wasn't as "prepared" the fishing was excellent. I should've known the pike/musky fishing would be good! Along with friends, we went to Grundy Lake Conservation to do some camping. BEAUTIFUL PLACE!! Anyway, If you do end up going to GRUNDY LAKE CONSERVATION, there is a place/route to take for the people that want to do some portaging (aka: HARDCORE CAMPING)... Take that route, it'll eventually come to a stop at a lake where people can take their canoe to a remote island and camp... anyway, fish out of there... I didn't have any Pike gear with me, but would've hooked into several there... but cause I was using incorrect tackle, the line kept breaking on me. (using 8lb test). Uhhh... what else? There is apparently a tackle shop near by that sell CREEK CHUBS as bait. I don't know where that is... but I made some friends there that were fishing, They were happy to share! Oh! Bring all your "Perch Pattern" lures/baits; they should do amazing there! GOOD LUCK!! Report back and let us know how it went....
  17. Which location was this at?
  18. Fang!! I think you hit it - "The Great Canadian Bait Company" - that sounds REALLY familiar!! Thanks boys for the help!! I'll try doing more research online, hopefully they're whom I'm looking for!
  19. Is it good enough to fish from shore? (my buddy and I aren't much ice-fisherman)...??
  20. Hey OFC'ers... This coming Friday is supposedly going to be excellent weather. Was just curious if anyone knew if THIS PART OF THE LAKE is frozen? CLICK THIS LINK to see what I'm talking about. Anyone from the area, or fish in that general area can help? It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks! Rob
  21. Good question Tonewhy... I'm interested in this topic too!
  22. So, a couple years ago I went to a fishing show and I remember it being held at the RICOH CENTRE near the ONTARIO PLACE. Now here are my questions... 1) Who manufactured these lures? 2) Where can I buy them? 3) Do they have a website? I wanna pickup a few more of these... which is why I'm enrolling as much help as possible! Anyway... I've included 2 shots of them... 1 with flash and the other without. I THINK the lure company had the word "Canadian" or "Canada" in their name... but I'm not 100% sure...I can't seem to remember the name of this Lure Manufacturer for the life of me! PLEASE HELP!! Thanks Guys...Here are the images...
  23. LoL LoL LoL!!
  24. Both ROD & REEL; I believe are generally important if you're after distance... Length to give you that extra 'Leverage' when throwing the bait/lure out there...and the reel needs to be decent, so that when the bait/lure is thrown out there... the reel itself is smooth, and not giving much resistance to the bait/lure itself. This leads me to asking you another question, What kind of REEL are you after? LOW-PROFILE BAITCAST , ROUND BAITCAST , or a SPINNING REEL ? If you aren't targeting a particular species of fish, a SPINNING REEL on a MEDIUM-HEAVY 6'6" 1 or 2PC (depending if you travel a lot when fishing) is a good starter. As far as REELs suggestions go, I'd personally go with the ABU GARCIA CARDINAL ; A lot of people have rated it amazingly, yet it should be sturdy/strong enough to last you years to come. I actually picked one up just a few months ago, and I'm excited to test it out! Regarding RODS; there are a plethora of rods available at an extremely cheap price. For example the GRAPHITE SERIES by BASS PRO SHOPS is a good start. It offers reliability (based on reviews from current users/owners) and stability. But if you are after LENGTH and PRICE on a good ROD... I'd personally pick the SIX RIVERS by BROWNING . Its got the length and price you're both after. This one too I've picked up recently (Browning Six Rivers); I'm excited to try this one out. Here's a pretty good tip Dave Mercer provides on his website found HERE on FactsOfFishing.Com website. You may want to take his tip into consideration when choosing your rod. There are SOME occasions when you DO want your bait/lure out as far as you can (depending on the lake, where you're fishing etc..) but most other times, Dave's tip is exceptional. (You'd be surprised how much that comedic-fisherman knows!) Anyway, I hope this helps - I'm sure others will post their take as well. Goodluck!
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