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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Awesome!! Thanks Guys!! Been REALLY GREAT HELP for me GBW - I was thinking of picking up a few of those, I've never caught a WALLY before! (I should add that to my "TO CATCH" list) But, I don't know if its possible for a SHORE ANGLER, Considering, they're DEEP WATER fish, aren't they? (Hmm?) BASSMASTER4 - Yeah, I'm definitely going to pickup a few of those Cotton Cordell's you were mentioning about
  2. Awesome! Any idea what the name of his show will be?
  3. LOL!!! That's hilarious!! LMAO!! Nice Boat!! You guys did awesome!! Guess you'll be joining the "Take a Fish Boating" Campaign this season!
  4. I keep them in PLANO PLASTIC boxes; and as far as the actual TACKLE BAG itself goes; I put it in my "Team Canada" Hockey Bag! I bought that Hockey Bag specifically for my LURES; and I'm probably going to put all my "LIVE TACKLE" stuff (2 Large Plano Boxes) in the larger BLACK BAG. The SMALLER BLUE bag, WAS used for my LURES, but since I've been adding so much to it lately, that small bag is freakin' useless! I just hate it when I go fishing (purposely leave some stuff behind) but then later realize, that the scenario I'm in would've been GREAT for whatever tackle I decided to leave behind.
  5. I know SUICKS and those OTHER MUSKY/PIKE lures are out there; but are they really worth it for a SHORE ANGLER? I've also got FLIPPINJIGS & TRAILERS, SPINNERBAITS, and LIVE BAIT EQUIPMENT (for both smaller fish, and MUSKY/PIKE) Just wondering if there's anything "ESSENTIAL" I'm missing...(Keeping in mind I fish primarily from shore) Oh, I've got a LANDING NET (Should be large enough to land a big pike/musky should that happen this season!) Last picture to post... MY SOFT PLASTICS
  6. Hey OFC'ers, So, I went through my tackle today; Man do I ever have so many lures! I'm starting to think this is an addiction of a NEW KIND! I'm wondering if I'm missing any kinda lures? I used to fish primarily for BASS; But I've recently added MUSKY and PIKE to that list. I hope to catch 'em this coming season! As primarily a SHORE FISHERMAN, Is/Are there any lures/equipment you could recommend? HERE THEY ARE
  7. Amazing Stuff Waterwolf!! What lake did you go to?
  8. QUESTION, If the plastics are scented, doesn't putting it in a box take away from holding on to its own scent?? (thats always been my conception) Can someone please verify this....
  10. Yeah, the 1st time I heard of "Tur-Ducken" was on the FOOD NETWORK; I thought it was kinda weird too!!
  11. I don't think you will. I think the RODS and REELS you can bring as CARRY-ON, but the HOOKS and OTHER SHARP OBJECTS need to be put in your luggage or whatever. (As long as the SHARP OBJECTS aren't brought with you physically on-board)
  12. Here's my little portion on Baitcast Reels... My 1st Baitcast Reel was a Shimano Sojourn (found HERE ) At LeBarons for under $70 for the COMBO. I personally NEVER had ANY PROBLEMS with this particular combo for the 3years that I used it. (Other than the obvious BIRDNESTS) I also did quite a bit of research on the benefits of BAITCAST REELS and found THIS LINK and THIS LINK to be pretty helpful. If you do a search on GOOGLE and type "Baitcast +pros" (without the quotations).. You'll have a good amount of results. Here's what I find to be major benefits of using a BAITCAST REEL... - Able to cast HEAVY BAITS/LURES with ease (Mostly why MUSKY/PIKE anglers use baitcast reels) - Casting distance increase is significant on BAITCASTERS (10-20yards; depending on how well your reel is greased/oiled and how easily the bearings roll) - Baitcasters are designed pretty much the same to that of a WINCH that is used to haul in a boat to the trailer (Hence why its usually preferred over Spinning Tackle when fishing for LARGE FISH) - SPINNING REELS "Speed" ratio is much slower than that of a BAITCAST REEL (Baitcast reels have a lot of variety) - The drag on SPINNING REEL isn't designed for long fights for big fish (Again, why BAITCAST REELS are usually used for LARGER fish; IE: Marlin, Tuna etc...) A few pointers I should point out when learning to use the baitcast... - BE VERY PATIENT (Trust me, in the end you'll LOVE using it) - If....err... WHEN you get a BIRDSNEST, I found a pretty cool "TIP" on the internet on how to quickly remove it found HERE - The "Specs" you read on the ROD...or a ROD (IE: Lure Weight) needs to be followed; You can get away with this on SPINNING REELS; but on BAITCAST REELS its really hard NOT to get away with it - Others have said to "GO BIG, OR GO HOME" (IE: Spend the extra money on a 'Good' baitcaster); I would personally have to disagree with that only because I know there are several BAITCAST REELS that go under $100; for example the DAIWA MEGAFORCE is a good reel for its price. This was my 2nd reel, and THAT TOO did NOT GIVE ME ANY PROBLEMS - DO YOUR RESEARCH; Just because the REEL may LOOK NICE, its PERFORMANCE may FAIL YOU! (I usually read the ratings off BPS's website) Anyway, in the end - You'll be happy with your BAITCASTER once you've learned how to properly use it. I find now that I'm using it about 90% of my outings. Hopefully I made this information a little "Useful" to you. Sorry for the yammering... Rob
  13. Awesome!! Thanks Rockfish!!
  14. 2 Parter here... 1) Quickfish - Where's Bronte Pier? Whats the closest Major Intersection? Cause I've heard of this place before?! ...Also... 2) Since we're on the topic....To all the PIKE/MUSKY FISHERMAN.....Do any of you use DEADBAITS (outside of WINTER SEASON) when fishing for these guys? And if so, What have you found to be the most productive?
  15. Try using Microsoft Paint (Start > Run > Programs > Accessories > Paint) - Use the CUT icon, then go to IMAGE > RESIZE/SKEW and reduce its size by 50%. I have a problem with sizes of the pictures too - I find it the fastest route for me
  16. Just out of curiosity, how much did the WAX WORMS cost you?
  17. Where you fishin'?
  18. Where is this place exactly? Can anyone show a link/map of it?
  19. This is killing me, I HAD a website that was pretty awesome for knots - If you go to YouTube and just type in "How to tie a fishing knot" you'll find a few videos that have a guy replicating himself typing a mock "fishing line" and "hook"; except the "Fishing Line" is a BLUE ROPE and the "HOOK" is a "CARIBEANER" (spelling!) anyway, If I had the site, I'd share it - only, I can't remember the name of this site... if I come to it, I'll let you guys know.
  20. Where's DAVE MERCER to reply to this THREAD He may be the ONLY ONE replying "Its my PROFESSION!"
  21. My prayers and best wishes go out to you and your family - I will be sure to include your family in my prayers... Keep us posted.
  22. I know VMC is definitely sold at LeBaron.
  23. Dude! I love your AVATAR!! Its freakin hilarious!!
  24. Well, I know its not COMPLETELY invisible, it only SEEMS invisible because of the light refraction - but what I'm asking is, does that stuff work as great as VANISH, POWER-PRO ETC?.....
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