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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Yeah, I agree to this... this is what I've always heard.
  2. WoW!! THATS INSAAAAAAAAAAAAANE!! ... if only we could hear the stories she had to say!!
  3. Do you guys know if its ILLEGAL to USE FROZEN BAITS, ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO? I'm planning on using FROZEN BAIT (Smelt, Mackerel etc...) for PIKE/MUSKY come "ICE-OUT"... PLEASE tell me someone knows the answer to this...
  4. AWESOME CATCH! Thanks for sharing... Man, I can't WAIT for ICE-OUT!!
  5. Wait.... Did that pike have that DUCK as a MEAL?! or... are you proposing a PIKE-DUCKEN type meal?
  6. LOL!! That'd be an interesting taste!
  7. HAHAHA, yeah - I remember downloading this a long time ago now. I checked my PC's properties... last accessed in 2004 Thanks man.
  8. Hey Guys/Gals, I must've downloaded the torrent for this a LOOONG TIME AGO, cause I certainly don't remember it being done recently? Anyway, My question is... Has anyone ever USED/HEARD of this program called "FISH EXPERT 4.0a"? If so, What are your opinions on it? Thanks! Hopefully a FEW people have USED/HEARD of it before
  9. How much information do you have to save? If you aren't sure... highlight ALL THE FILES YOU WANT SAVED (easier if they're all in the same directory) right-click > properties - if you look @ "SIZE ON DISK" it should give you the size of the files combined...
  10. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there are 'Coupons' you can get online if you pre-purchase tickets in advance?
  11. I'm interested to know too
  12. Yeah, I just make my own too now...You can find them @ LeBaron (http://www.lebaron.ca)
  13. No Problem... LMAO!!! Although, it WOULD BE HILARIOUS observing it in another persons POV. ...."HAHAHA!! You got JACKED! JACK!"....
  14. LOL... actually, once the picture was taken... swarms of seagulls dove in for them to eat 'em...
  15. What'd you have to do to fix it?
  16. I remember a few years back, my buddies and I would catch a lot of gobies (if we couldn't catch anything else). Best part, because of the zone we're in (and I think this rule applies to all zones) that gobies are NOT TO BE RETURNED TO THE WATER ALIVE. So, we would catch enough to spell the word "P3TA". Here's the picture....
  17. Nah, I think your computer is fine. One thing to remember when doing searches on GOOGLE (or any search engine); Results are SUPPOSED to come back the same each time (but usually that'll depend if the website is currently UP and NOT having any problems with it) Because what happens is... when you do a search, the query is sent out; web pages that DO have the word that you're looking for will come back with replies; now what happens is - IF for whatever reason, that particular website is having problems; that site may appear to be 4th on the list (instead of 1st on the list). OR.... it may appear on the 2nd page of search results. It all really depends on the functionality of the website.. if its UP and RUNNING, it should respond quickly to the search engine, but if its bogged down for whatever reason... it'll be slow to respond to the search engine; thus putting it 4th on the list... 2nd on the results page... etc.
  18. Thats odd? I have several web-browsers, all produce the same results as you do Grimace . I don't think its a virus or anything like that (I work in IT; my computer is consistently scanned for viruses/malware etc...) What result WERE you expecting? (if not the 1st 2 results that originally popped up?) One thing I can suggest when doing searches on Google... If you are looking for something in Specific, you can add a + in front of the word. for example... If I'm looking for BASS FISHING... I would put (minus quotations) "Fishing +Bass" But lets say results pop up like, PIKE, SUNFISH, MUSKY ETC.... you can include a - in front of the word (which will exclude results that have the word PIKE, MUSKY etc...) like this... Fishing +bass -pike -sunfish -musky Using the + and - sign can REALLY help you in searching for items on the internet, Regardless of the search engine (ie: Yahoo, Alta-Vista etc...). Just remember, when you're searching for something in particular on the web, ONLY include the KEY WORDS (don't put words like THE, OF, IT, TO, OF etc...) it'll only make searching more difficult to find what you're REALLY looking for.
  19. That specific file you downloaded is to update "Trojan Remover" (which is assumed that its already installed) you need to go to http://www.simplysup.com/tremover/download.html to download/install the program 1st - and THEN you can run that file
  20. I actually used to OWN the MegaForce for about 2years before I sold it recently. (I wanted to upgrade my Artillery). Anyway, during that time; I literally had NO PROBLEMS with it. It was actually my 2nd Baitcaster I owned. At the time, when I wanted to get into using the Baitcaster, I didn't want to spend that much money. So, the 1st to REELS I got were the SHIMANO CALLISTO and the DAIWA MEGAFORCE (Both from LeBaron). BOTH ARE EXCELLENT for the price. It would cast & retrieve like a DREAM! Best part, They were EXTREMELY CHEAP! About the Megaforce, The "Twitchin' Bar" isn't really anything special. Its literally a lever which, when pressed down; will retrieve the line for you. In essence, it can be used for "Finesse Fishing". Nothing really "Cool" about it, but I guess its Daiwa's way of reeling in "1st time users" of the Baitcaster. Anyway,I would DEFINITELY RECOMMEND the MEGAFORCE (and the CALLISTO). Like I said, I had it for 2years, and it served me well - and I'm almost 99.9999% positive, if you got the Megaforce, you wouldn't be disappointed either.
  21. I have a feeling, I should remove this I can't seem to shrink it any smaller (for some reason on here, its LARGER than what its supposed to be)... HALP!!
  22. Scratch that, I figured it out
  23. Just a quick question to this topic, Can you ONLY add a URL/LINK as your SIGNATURE/BANNER?
  24. I'd love to go fishing on the water! I use to go with a buddy of mine, but he moved to the states, and took his boat with him! How much would I be looking @ spending for TINNY and a 9.9? (either new or old)... I'd need a TRAILER, wouldn't I? (or would that depend on the size of it?)
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