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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. That is really too bad, I was hoping he would be alright. Was he found floating or under water? I'm guessing underwater if it took that long. Hopefully they find the boat, or someone else does, something I would like back if I was family.
  2. I want to hit up Georgian Bay this weekend, but it's been rough out there these days, and we launch the boat with marine railway, so it's tricky as we are out in the more open part.
  3. Anyone hear anything new?
  4. been using a 2hp johnson on our 16 foot, side mounted, usually 2-3 people in the canoe, never a problem.
  5. Those are some nice fish, congrats.
  6. I've always wanted to go fishing for big cats. Nice fish.
  7. Go May 1st, thats when Pike opens, they should be nailing the shiny stuff.
  8. I can't wait to get out on Georgian Bay in the boat, there's something big out there waiting for me to bring her home, and it's not a fish
  9. I have gone in twice, once on purpose, once an accident, either way, IT IS BLOODY COLD!!
  10. Those ice scratchers are great. Thought you might like to know this about the scratchers. If you make a plate for on top of where the scratchers are bolted on to your running board it will strengthen them. I'm saying this because I am an avid snowmobiler, and I have talked to a few people and have had them show me where the ice scratchers start cracking their running boards from all the force put on them. Then one day a guy showed me how he made some plates for his so that his running boards didn't tear like his buddies. It kind of looks like you have the same chassis sled as me ZX, and i know those running boards are not strong at all.
  11. No kidding, they're so lively in that tank eh. I've gone into a No frills around there, probably the same one, and there was some freaky stuff for sale in those tanks, like eels
  12. Beaverton!!
  13. they found that missing snowmobiler today to, floating in the open water at the mouth of the river.
  14. pretty good, lol
  15. get out there before we get the snow back
  16. oh, and i rebuilt my 99 mxz 600 over x-mas break for $400. That was to bore it over 20 thousand, pistons, bearings, circlips, rings and full gasket kit. ride em and fix em
  17. that doesnt mean it did not seize, when they seize they are hot and the piston is expanded, when they cool down the piston becomes smaller and isnt seized anymore, i've had first hand experience with that twice Since its a fan, the best thing to do is take the head off and look at the pistons and check for damage. Or even look threw the exhaust ports if you can.
  18. nice fish, but, MarCum Technologies?
  19. well i said snowbank, either way. and whats deep snow for a ATV, 1-2 feet? where as a sled would get stuck in like 4 feet, and theres a very easy way of getting a sled unstuck which wouldnt work with a quad. it could go forever
  20. yea right. sled would be easier, use a snowbank to put it in, then just slide it out and let it drop to take it off. For the garage you can get dollies with casters that go under the skis and track to wheel it around
  21. I'll let you in on something for fishing scugog river on shore, POPPERS ARE YOUR BESTFRIEND!!!! haha
  22. yup!! i got a few pics of bass to, 4 pound plusers.
  23. theres spots to catch steelhead, salmon, and brook trout in Lindsay? Would you have to drive there, or is it like biking distance from town or....?
  24. will be driving this once i get a job to pay for insurance and gas, might get a trailer for a 12 foot aluminum too.
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