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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. Yeah im not going to take what he said to the heart. I'll contribute when the time comes when i can give what i know. Just need the right thread to pop up, till then i guess. Thanks.
  2. Me and my friends have found a couple good ponds too. The one holds some good largies 4.5-5 pounders, nice muskie, decent smallies, decent eyes and some carp. Its nice to be able to fish somewhere with out boats driving by and people everywhere.
  3. Well i've been informed that as a "Newbie" i should make a thread to introduce myself. My name is Ryan, I live in Lindsay, Beaverton, and have a cottage on Georgian Bay. I fish ALOT, about 5-7 days a week. I mainly fish the scugog river and target anything that moves in there. Also fish Georgian Bay, mainly target smallmouth, largies, and pike. Last winter i got into icefishing and caught a 3 pound largie for my first ice fish, followed by many perch. I would hook you guys up with some pics but i just got a new computer and all my good ones are on the old one. Havent taken too many pictures this season. I'll be sure to share my catches later when i hook into some good fish. Anything you would like to know just ask. Ryan.
  4. same here, the markings are quite nice, and a very clean fish.
  5. Hey, those are beauties. You fish much on Lake Scugog or the river?
  6. No problem, im glad you guys liked it. Nice fish Smokey
  7. What's your problem?
  8. Ok bud, im not liking this site as much as my other ones.
  9. i thought you guys would enjoy this video/song, i sure did. Ryan.
  10. OH?? Hi my names Ryan, i have a cottage on Georgian Bay and im a fishaholic.
  11. anyone have any good spots for catching crappie on southern g-bay around this time? or even any other species, mostly looking for crappie and FISH WITH TEETH! Thanks.
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