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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. o ok, i didnt enlarge them before, but i see it now. the ice in the bay was about 7-8 inches, then 2-6 inches of slush depending where you were.
  2. that looks like its around kookanack (spelling) put yea, the freighter went in today, stopped by present, and the ice breaker did the rest to the docks, the breaker went back out around 7-730. the freighter will leave tomorrow im guessing. Me and my dad went fishing today in the bay, didnt get anything but weeds and bark, lol. we werent out long, but i'll be back out soon.
  3. no kidding!! i sliced 3 of my fingers one time last year, bled like crazy
  4. mine is to catch a Pike, Crappie, Lake Trout, and Whitefish through the ice. Good luck to you on quiting.
  5. thats crazy, im waiting to pull something of that size through the ice
  6. this is my favorite
  7. by the time your buddy has his gas one running good enough to cut a hole, you will have already punched 3 holes to fish.
  8. talked to my dad lastnight on the phone, and we figured something out. Instead of this portable with the plastic sleigh, we're going to get one that can pack up into a bag, like this: http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...408474396672364 And then we can get something like this and put a box on it to fit all our stuff http://www.royaldistributing.com/ShoppingC...ow2009/295.html the sleigh kit The reason for this is because we go into the islands, honey harbour, and we want to try Mcrae and Go Home Lake's this year, so when we're just riding in the open to get to our spots, we can use the sleigh, then when we go in the islands, we can just carry everything on our backs. Because a sleigh would be just to much hassle going over bumpy islands.
  9. i dont know, but it is high performance
  10. good you got out, to bad about the no wallies. Better luck next time right, but still a nice perch she got there.
  11. even if im just on the lake? im not really worried about it, i dont see them around where i fish, but still, just incase.
  12. thats an excellent idea, and yes i am stuck, lmao.
  13. yea, that beast weighs 75 pounds lol. plus my gear. I'll see if i can find anything to use tomorrow
  14. haha, i would def. do that if i could.
  15. okay, yea i saw them in Tromblys Saturday, but forget the price. I'll check the CTC in lindsay and midland. And i'll see if my dad knows where Lebarons
  16. where can i get a tow bar without getting it over the internet? Lindsay, Beaverton, Markham, or Penetang areas would be good. Or anywhere between them.
  17. does anyone know if i can get a tow bar for this portable hut, or easily attach one to it? http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...408474396672364
  18. some serious off roading right there
  19. do they work good? what d you catch? i saw some at tromblys in orillia and wasnt sure if i should get one.
  20. love skitter pops
  21. whats the sale price? and the details?
  22. Thats a pretty cool sleigh, next time i am in CT i'll look around
  23. haha, i spend enough money there as it is. I may get some kind of portable hut though, my dad doesnt like the cold G-Bay wind, lol. Depending what kind i will see if i can get one with a tow bar, then just get a hitch.
  24. the only thing i really need is the hitch and tow bar.
  25. thanks fellas, i'll see what i can find. I bought some little pink tube jig things today, so if i go fishing tomorrow i'll just jig those and see if i can get some perch or something.
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