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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. Oh, I see, the way it is worded makes it look like it says 2.5 pound smallie
  2. This smallie looks tired or pissed at your spinner
  3. Why not? I've caughten 4 pounders on the J11's.
  4. Would any of you happen to know what spark plug an 80's Johnson 2hp outboard would use? Or a site i could possibly find out?
  5. Shouldn't be drinking "soda" in the boat, haha. nice fish
  6. Hey thanks for the reply, the reason behind my cheapness, haha, is i dont have a job, so i have no money coming in, and only have just over 100 in the bank, so i'm throwing all my money at a new rod I put a wanted ad in the classified for a used one, we'll see what happens.
  7. you got some cute girls a head of you...gunna be tough
  8. Nice fish, they look a bit bigger than 2 pounds to me though.
  9. Nice report Mike, it looks like that lake has a good number of Largies in it. Aren't poppers great? lol Way to go!
  10. just gave you 5 more votes
  11. Well, hopefully it didn't end up floating in the bay later. Wish i could have gotten out there, thursday it rained, friday was too rough, and todays too windy and rough. Oh well, saw the poker run and some sweet off shore boats. Hopefully it calms down tonight!!!
  12. Yea right!! BTW! what is a good size for a baitcaster that i will use for weeds and lily pads?
  13. Yeah, I'm on there
  14. I dont have a vehicle yet, i still ride my bike and put my rods in my backpack.
  15. I really have a feeling that fish died. If he got a weight on it, it was probably out of the water a long time.
  16. Thanks guys. I just remembered there was also a combo with a Pflueger reel that i liked. The rod has to be 2 piece aswell
  17. True that! I had a Abu combo i got a Canadian Tire half price, it was all dark green, I think it''s my favorite rod i've ever used. But i lost the original handle in the river one day, and broke the tip off
  18. I'll be out there tomorrow looking for its Mother, haha.
  19. Well, since I've been using these Senkos and frogs lately, i figure its time to start using a baitcaster. I only ever use one spincast rod every season, and i go for anything, and i always use fireline 10 lbs test. I figure it's about time i have two rods with me these days. Now, I just wanna start out "cheap" I was looking in Canadian Tire the other day and they had a few nice rod and reel combos for under $100. Heres a few i was looking at http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...ast%2BCombo.jsp http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...6-ft%2B6-in.jsp http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...ing%2BCombo.jsp Do those seem like decent starter rods? Something else I am wondering, what kind of line should i put on one of these? I always use fireline like I said, but i don't think that it would work too well on a baitcast reel. I will be using it for pull bass out of thick weeds and lily pads, so I dont want them to be snapping me off. If there is any advice you guys could tell me, i would greatly appreciate it, I will most likely be picking a rod up sometime next week. Thanks, Ciceri...
  20. They probably mean Pike when they say Pickeral, because we all know the proper name is Walleye
  21. What a beauty fish, it probably died with no net used. http://www.midlandmirror.com/midlandmirror/article/139924
  22. I need one of those days, nice report!
  23. Just looking through The Mirror paper and a man caught a 57", 44.8 pound Muskellunge out of Penetang Bay on his Red Devil spoon, there is a picture and this fish is MASSIVE!!
  24. nice perch and smallie
  25. nice little fish, that soup looks ummm... fishy?
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