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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. Nope, I remembered reading on here that everyone kept the ones they caught, so we kept this one as well. Thanks everyone.
  2. yea, we plan on to from now on. We just kept the two so we could see if we liked it for future purposes, and my grandma loves fish.
  3. Haha.. Kinda looks like the Scugog River. We see them all the time there, but can never get that close! Nice shots.
  4. So we decided to go to balsam this evening and see if we could get into some Walleye and Musky, didn't find either, but we got alot of smallmouth on walleye grubs, also got a big Sunny and some Perch. Once all the boats went in and the waves disappeared i put on my spoon and tossed it over a weedline hoping to find a Musky or two. Well, didn't get into a Musky, but did end up with a Pike which I was hoping was a Musky that didn't know it was hooked, haha. Heres a pic of the Pike, and some nice shots of the sunset and clouds. Hopefully we find the Musky and Walleye next time.
  5. Carp I have the same reel, love that thing, haha..
  6. Nice healthy Muskies, awesome job.
  7. TTT, he's moved back to 5th, girl now in 4th made a video and is getting more votes for it. Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote OFC!
  8. Yea, theres a Grade 6 teacher at one of the public schools in town named Mrs. Robotham.
  9. Haha, at least you got a fish! You would have had to get the Ferry to give you a tow Georgian Bay is defiantly not somewhere you wanna be stuck when it's windy and wavey.
  10. We fried it up in butter but dipped it in flour first and put some garlic powder on too. It wasn't really like chicken, but pretty mild, which is good because I don't like fish at all, I rarely keep any fish, just for my grandma a few times a year, usually a bass and walleye, and one unlucky Muskie Here's a picture of the one lastnight, it was already dead in the pic thats why it's pail, and looks really big, haha...
  11. We went again today and went further up and nailed them, got one good size and kept it for my grandma, and kept another smaller one for us to try, it was alright, taste like chicken, haha... We had worms, but we preferred the spinners, I'll put up the pic of the nicer one tomorrow maybe.
  12. Come on folks!!
  13. Yes, that was the first one I landed, and afterwards I thought about it and started holding them the other way.
  14. What type of line should i use? I was using 10lb fireline crystal tonight. Why would it be harder to release them using worms? And all I'm gunna say is Lindsay area. Thanks... I think I'm good, no one saw me that i know, haha.
  15. Hey, so me and my mom fished for a bit today and didn't really catch anything, rockbass and perch, but my mom enjoyed the time together, so that was good. Anyway, afterwards I phoned up my friend and was checking if he wanted to go fishing, it was around 7pm, we didn't want to fish the river again today, so we decided to take the canoe out to a creek and try our luck. So we got unloaded and in the creek and i threw on a spinner to try my luck, time went by with no hits and I didn't see anything. Then I get something and it's going crazy on top of the water and gets off, but i saw some reddish on it, so must be some sort of trout! I was hooked though, I'd never had such a good fight from a small fish. I ended up loosing one more but landed 3! It was great, and my friends little brother ended up catching two too. Heres a few pics of the success, I think they are speckle trout? So now that we have this little spot, I wanna get some proper gear, a smaller rod and reel to start with some lighter line. So tomorrow I'm gunna check out the stock at Canadian Tire. Does anyone have any recommendations for type of line and what # test? And we're thinking of trying worms, would a bobber sketch them out? Thanks, Ciceri
  16. Its rather small, you can fish the whole bay in an afternoon, try everywhere and everything. Also, if you plan on sticking around the site for a while, I would recommend making a Introduction topic, where you're from, what you fish for, etc... and throw in a couple pics, we eat pics up on this site, haha Happy Fish'n
  17. TTT for the night
  18. You should bump into 3rd quite easily, then we gotta work on that 2nd and 1st spot!!
  19. Well, my mom has the week off and she has a request for me to take her fishing one day, probably tomorrow. Yea, sounds weird eh, fishing with my mommy, haha Anyway, we're right at the scugog river, but I don't really wanna fish it 'cause i fish it every week and I can get her to drive somewhere else, plus, hopefully no one i know will see us just kidding! We'll be using minnows, and I'd like to get her into some Bass (S/M and/or L/M) and whatever else is biting, but she likes catching bass. If you guys know anywhere we can go and throw a minnow and bobber out in the water and maybe catch a few bass, I'd really appreciate it, I really can't think of anywhere right now. Thanks folks.
  20. Buy some minnows and throw one on a jig head and drop it down in the deepest spots, see what you get.
  21. I break the lips off lures all the time from slapping them off the water to get weeds off, or sometimes just from use.
  22. 105 votes from 4th place!
  23. Nice fishes!! Is your mother a teacher in Lindsay?
  24. Maybe post a want to buy ad in the classifieds for a used net?
  25. You're spoiled, I'd take those medium bass any day. Nice fish'n.
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