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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Sorry to hear Norm... like Misfish said... time to get working on a new one
  2. The lights dimmed a lot last night... I was sure we were going to be out Yikes Yep Holy moly Possible Riz
  3. This year been targeting trout for the first time in a long time since up here, season is close for them but looking at the regs and seeing that certain lakes are open & doing the leg work to find some of them resulted in me targeting them intensively I couldn't be any happier The results... 24 specks, 3 rainbows and a few jumbo perch So made this compilation of my season... Enjoy!!! Leechman
  4. OK... no problem but can you explain this Used to have a globe attach to it and now it's splattered on my deck Also roof shingles appearing in my driveway... thank god it's not from my roof
  5. No kidding Simon This has been going on every weekend since hard water set in Any hoot, I'm compiling another report of my trout hunting this year... waiting for the video to upload to Photobucket
  6. No fishing today in this armageddon winds <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FIce%2520Fishing%25202012%2FMarch3rd2012.mp4">
  7. No such option on my set unfortunately Wish I had it
  8. I bought a set of SCobra (22 mile range CT model type) at CTC a few years back for deer hunting and love'em. They are compaq with 22 channels available to choose from... I use regular AAA batteries not the rechargeable ones that comes with the unit. I find the rechargeable's loose their charge after their initial use and never have the same longevity afterwards... Out in the bush, sitting in the deer stand can become a problem without an ear piece when your partner calls you, a ringing tone is immediately heard on the receiving radio Overall, I'm happy with the units and do not hesitate in recommending them Leechman
  9. I'm surprise no one even mentioned a senko I'd concentrate on the shady side of this bay, first, from a casting distance, would throw a medium size crankbait like a white BigO on the outer edge of the pads on the left... senko would be my second choice working the same outer edge Then a whitespinnerbait would follow working every possible angles. Then pound the pads with a scum frog... turn around and throw the senko at the dock with the slide... switch to a spinnerbait and a then a crankbait etc... Well you get the idea... would keep on working the left hand side of the bay since it holds more shades seeing the shadow of the trees along the shoreline.... there's a good 1h of working intensively in that bay from what I can see in the pic Tight lines Jacques
  10. Some great looking fishes in that report Thanks Wayne for taking the time Congrats on the bruiser
  11. Great report and pics Cliff Looks like good times was had by all Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Thanks for sharing that great video Poppaslayer Little Leah is definitely an angel
  13. Nice haul o perch lovetofish sounds like chuming the hole with the minnow block was the ticket for you guys
  14. Welcome aboard Juli Great intro Looking forward to reading your futur reports... especially the ones where you outfish your partner Leechman
  15. Skating is not easy to learn.... Jack did great for his second time Thanks for sharing Simon Jacques
  16. Good luck to you Richard and keep on believing... stay positive!!!
  17. I'm glad to see you boys spend some quality time together at the shack It put a smile on my face
  18. What a brute Stunning colors Congrats Greg
  19. Awesome job Simon you got some great looking lunkers on that trip Glad to see that you got the monkey off your back
  20. Great job Oakvillebassguy Nice chrome
  21. OK it's either a leechprey or lampleech either way... it's a blood sucking parasite
  22. Awesome Chad You've been getting into some quality fish this season Looks like the parasite is a leech of some sort
  23. Looks good Vince!!! Just need one missing ingredient though
  24. Thanks Sinclair!!! No, not at all The smell, at the time was awesome
  25. Awesome job Vince Glad you're back in the groove but what's up with the goatee been slacking or what
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