OK MATT.... now did I spell that RIGHT or is it.... NAH I wont even go there Not even worth it but I give you A+ for trying Watch your team crumble in the first round Like they ALWAYS DO
Edit: The Bruins are going to eat your Sens like there's no tomorrow
It's funny but I don't think your Sens are going to last much in the off season either better call Alfie and get a tie off time now before it's too late but want do I know eh
Simon, been 23C over here this weekend and it's not going to be any colder this week either... giving up on ice fishing and waiting for mother nature to sink the ice on the lakes so that I can target the shoreline for trout
Here's to hoping
Blah blah blah... what took you long??? you seem to get a kick from all this and I'm not even a Leafs fan
Make no mistake about it... Sens are collapsing in the playoffs like it or not been this way for the longest time
Tight lines and enjoy the open waters
Top water: Jitterbug, Hula Popper, Scum Frog
Mid water: Cranks like Big O, spinnerbaits and Mepps spinners
Bottom: Hook, sinker and a worm or on a slip bobber setup
Justin, been hunting deer since I'm 12 years old and never found any sheds while exploring the bush maybe because I never paid too much attention to them but I sure would seek their bedding area if I was looking... good luck with your hunt
Tight lines
I can just imagine Frankie that would of been the icing on the cake
I remember going to the Goin Reservoire a few years back and casting to shore towards an island with a Big O and on the retrieve.... to find my lure to a dead stop... like hitting underwater structure but the structure moved a bit after
My first reaction was to set the hook hard, which I did... 3 times and it got off never seen the fish but pretty sure it was a humongous pike
Edit: There's more to this story but I'm afraid I'd type in this post for ever
I don't have a recipe per say cause I prefer fish cook in butter but what you can try is, squeeze a half lemon on the fish after it's cooked... will camouflage the taste a bit.
Was such a beautiful day today that I decided to do a shore lunch on my deck in the back yard Saturday morning was -11C and today was + something... well hot enough for us to turn off the furnace and open the windows for the first time Got the porta stove out and started cooking Enjoy!!!
Pan shot
Lunch Ummmm
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Thanks Chad!!! I sure did here's a few pics that is fresh in my mind
I still have it in me but mother nature is another story If she keeps it up I ain't bothering anymore cause I know I can't win I'll simply wait end of April for the opener and it's game on again