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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Nice hog Chris
  2. For a one man trip.... you certainly got them dialed in Tony Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  3. Looks like a win / win situation Great report Wayne Sounds like fun
  4. I've said it before and say it again..... you got mad skills with the brush Terry Awesome job dude!!!
  5. Good one Vinni
  6. Cute little bundle of joy Congrats to the both of you :clapping: Leechman
  7. Awesome report Congrats Gman
  8. Nice gator Congrats on your PB
  9. Congrats on the second place finish SRT8 Some nice bronze backs
  10. Great report and pics Mike Ya certainly got those carps dialed in.... great job dude Good luck with the upcoming CanAm tournament.... looking forward to reading your report Thanks for sharing Jacques
  11. Sounds like you had a great time spinnerbaitking Great report and pics!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Nice bucket Toddyc20
  13. Great report and pics Luc Tough bite eh..... you guys still manage some good ones Great job and thanks for sharing! Leechman
  14. Yep.... that'll do it Glad you figure it out
  15. Thanks Julie!!! Appreciated
  16. OK you got me worried for a moment.... what were you not doing right??
  17. Thanks fishindude!!! Nothing like it for sure
  18. Brian, browse your post and click on edit at the bottom right, then click on Use Full Editor Change the title and when finish click on Submit Modified Post Jacques
  19. Yeah too bad I don't usually share.... but I'd make an exception... maybe Thanks Ryan!!! You should give it a try and get the kids involved.... I'm sure they'd love it Wow Bruce Very nice Thanks for posting Jacques
  20. Good going Steve seems like every client had a happy outing Good on you
  21. Nice going Guys for first timers.... that is excellent
  22. Great report and pics Ryan Is Averie ever growing fast.... She's got the casting down to a T..... pretty soon she'll want her own custom rod just like daddy Sounds like a great time for the both of you!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  23. Nice garden Rob For your first I say great job bud.... I remember mine a couple of decades ago, was 20' x 30'.... I had planted all kinds of different seeds and plants.... had some success in 80% of what I had planted, this was my first learning curve. As the years went by, I soon realize what grew well and what not... so all this to say that I basically stuck to tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, carrots, garlic and peppers A good soil mix is key to being successful, that is why, every year, I add pre mix garden soil, sheep manure and peat moss to all of my little raised beds. Bone meal is a must when planting. Again great job and thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. Sound like you're having a great start Kevin Congrats on that beauty of a hog Looks like she been feeding well.... awesome job dude Jacques
  25. She seems to enjoy being in the water.... cute puppy The nose diving was pretty funny LOL Heck she might even retrieve your fish when you bring her out fishing Thanks for sharing Leechman
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