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Everything posted by alexmedic

  1. I did not realize that Eskimo made this shelter as well. Good to know...
  2. I don't think that the hut at Costco Barrie, is the same as the one on Costco.ca. I bought the one from Costco.ca (Orange/Grey) and am very impressed with it. The fabric seems the same as a clam and setup/take down is a breeze. The one at Costco Barrie is blue and goes by another name - correct me if I'm wrong. As far as augers go, I bought a 6" fin -bor 3 2 years ago and love it. Considering that the majority of my ice fishing is on simcoe and the muskokas, I have never felt the need for gas powered. It's a quick as anything and effortless to use. I have yet to catch that 20lb laker, but I have had many 8 and 9's come through the hole with no problem. For $90, you can't go wrong.
  3. I'd be willing to buy 1/2 of your spikes. if you are interested..
  4. I have found when targeting pike this time of the year in the Muskokas, flat -ining has always nailed the occasional laker. Big spoons, 1.5 mph
  5. Added to job completed, for those who followed the post..
  6. alexmedic

    ice hut

    Had a look at them today. For a hundred bucks, it's not a bad deal, but I noticed a few minor things that many may find not that great: 1. The entrance is smaller than an ice hut entrance. 2. Lotsa windows, but whe you open them, they are just screened, could get pretty breezy on the ice. hat being said, the screens do velcro out. You could replace them with home-made windows. 3. No snow skirt. Once again, could get pretty breezy. Other than that, not bad.....
  7. Thanks for all the replies. I ended up ordering a SkegShield from BPS. If it works, I'll post some pics....
  8. Well I decided to go the Skeg Guard route and it arrived in the mail today. Installation was very simple and all together it took et 15 minutes to do so. Here is a picture.. The only additional thing I did was drill an additional hole right in the middle. The last hole (Closest to the prop) was running through the existing break. It was only about a 1/4 of the hole, but I did not want to risk it. On the water it was great. I did not notice any difference at all. So for $120.00, I am a happy man! I just pulled a bone head after a sweet day of perch'n and broke my skeg in/on the driveway!! It's a clean break and the bottom half is still in great shape. [ Can anyone recommend a place to have this fixed in the Barrie area? I have been also looking at the skegshields/skeggards. Does any one know if they are any good and would it work with my break?
  9. The only other place that comes to mind is West Marine..
  10. I feel your pain!! x 2 for me!!
  11. Ran into the same situation a while ago in a little stocked bow lake. Normally rigging off the bottom worked. All of a sudden flatlining was the trick. Maybe the lake turned over??
  12. I own 3 of them. 2 - 6125's and 1 - 6130. I love them all. Smooth drag and great feel. Hard to get parts though. I lost the dust cap for the where the reel handle screws in, called Pflueger Canada several times and left multiple voice mails. I eventually just gave up. $60 is a fait price, not a steal though. I think BPS sells them for $69 + tax..
  13. I couldn't agree more. I have never had any luck with that stinky stuff. Slurpies though...
  14. Princess Auto. Loom for a great price.. Every 8 inches or so, add a zip tie to keep it all together..
  15. This is what I use: Windfinder
  16. Lotsa rock/structure around and between the islands to the west of you. Great from smallies on tubes If you have worms - you'll find perch anywhere. Pretty open there, so be careful if it is as windy as it has been lately
  17. I also have a 16" starcraft dual console (aluminium) I installed a 55pound thrust 48 inch shaft minkota edge. 12v It has proven well, but if I could do it over again, here is what I would do: 1: Longer shaft - 48" is in the water, but I should have gone longer. It would have been better in choppy conditions. 2. The edge foot petal is big - My bow room is limited and a lower profile petal would have been more comfortable. 3. The edge 55 pound is plenty of power I find, but in certain situation speed 4 seems under powered and switching to speed 5 seems too much! I wish I could mod a 4 1/2 speed in it. PM me if you would like to see any pics of the setup..
  18. Great reply and thanks for all the info. I totally agree on the structure theory. I guess the only time seeing an actual fish would be important when I am downrigging..
  19. Great price, but I believe that model is without GPS..
  20. Thanks for the great explanation. I have been reading like mad about this technology and the one weird thing I have notices is that everyone, meaning Lowrance and Humminbird, brag about the bottom quality you see, or baitfish balls, but no one ever talks about key thing.. Can I mark fish?? With a standard fish finder, it is no problem to identify an arch, but what do you see on Down Side Imaging??
  21. That is a really good point. The one thing I have learned over my years is listen to people that have been around longer. Especially when their advice is only there to help!
  22. That was something I was wondering about as well. Although the possibility of Lake O salmons could be there, it would be very rare. Just out of curiosity, what happens when the water depth exceeds the sonar range? Will it just it bounce back or show 250 feet max??
  23. So after a mixture of really bad luck, I ha to cancel out on the annual fishing trip that I participate in That being said, the $750.00 that I had saved up over the last year for the trip can be used towards a new fishfinder/gps I have decide to make lemonade from lemons! My buddy has the Lowarnce HDS 5 and loves it. Since I'm in no hurry, I was looking at this unit that will be released shortly: http://www.lowrance.com/Products/Marine/Mark-Elite-Series/Elite-5-DSI/ There is very little info on the unit as it has not hit the water yet, but I was wondering if anyone has any insight into it?? Is it worth the new technology or would staying old school be the way to go? BTW: The best price I have found for the unit is through GPScity.ca - $710.00
  24. Did one just after I got my boat. Quick, easy and it now fits in my garage.
  25. It is this weeks flyer ending this evening..
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