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Everything posted by alexmedic

  1. If it's the Birch Island Lodge that is just south of Manitoulin Island, they have closed shop. Apparently it was a business venture that they tried and did not really enjoy. Too bad, there was a great bass hole I found there 3 years ago that never failed! If it's that neck of the woods your are looking for, there are several places close by that would offer the same scenery. Brennan Harbour Resort comes to mind and there is another one just outside of spanish, on the river, that is supposed to be pretty good. Sorry I do not remember the name though. Good luck!
  2. I don't have an answer, but maybe this page will help? http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000894.html
  3. Lowrance just posted it yesterday: Lowrance 4.0
  4. I launched from the city marina. I always seem to have bad luck with those crazy steel walls at Tiffin! If you do go out, don't worry about travelling too far from the launch though (hint hint )..
  5. Actually it's an option on the HDS. It snaps a shot of the screen and then you transfer it over via SD card. It is really cool if you want to snap a bottom alongs with a nav. screen.
  6. Got the boat in the water for the first time this season. A little breezy, but nothing an anchor could not handle. After 20 minutes of trolling around I noticed the average water temp was 38. Then I found the mother load. It was amazing to see was 1 degree warmer of water produced. They were biting soooo light. The only thing you noticed was just a slight weight difference in your rod tip. However, they were plentiful. I caught well over 50 in 2 hours and ended up bringing just over 20 jumbos home for dinner.
  7. I bought a 7'0 Micro Lite a few years ago. I got a small jig caught in some weeds and yanked it up to break free and crack! The rod broke at the fist taper in the rod, just past the cork handle. I then watched 6 1/2 feet of it slide down the line into 30 feet of water, never to be seen again! Took the little piece of rod I had left (and receipt) back to BPS the next week and got a new one - no questions asked! That break must have been a weak spot. Since then, I have never had any issues with the rod. I think they are great..
  8. Awesome! Even scarier, check out this downhill race from the same web page! Chile Race
  9. I like to post just so people can make fun of my avatar!
  10. Huh?? Is she a broker, or with a company?
  11. Sorry if this is a redundant question, after searching I couldn't find anything... may have an opportunity become the new owner of a used 700cc 4x4 ATV. I was wondering if anyone give me a rough idea of what insurance would be on such a machine. I'm in my late 30's, clean driving record and have also been an owner of a insured street bike for 8 years (if that would be a factor or not, I'm not sure). Thanks!
  12. Here is what I did when I installed riggers on my Starcraft: I used truck cap clamps to hold it down, and utilized the existing cleats: I varnished the wood at least 9 times and finally used some felt in betwwen the wood and the boat, to prevent scratching.. Hope that helps.. Feel free to PM if you have any questions..
  13. Just when we thought it wasn't possible to make our any bigger!!
  14. Saw huts and ATV?Sleds out there. Anything bigger beware!
  15. Thanks for a great report. I also use a HDS 5 on the ice. I was unaware that there was noise rejection settings on the unit. How do you access those?? i
  16. Really? I did post the same topic on iceshanty and people were steaming mad. Maybe that's why?? Mmmmm. Steamed boneless chicken.
  17. Now that avatar bothers me. But in a warm fuzzy kinda way!!!
  18. I'm not bothered, this is becoming fun!!!
  19. I guess I can't expect everyone on this board to have decent ethics.
  20. You seem pretty upset over such a little insignificant picture! Perhaps if you catch a fish in the near future and beat the hell out of it, you will feel much better! :-D
  21. Good point. That's a good way to explain it to my daughter. Thanks
  22. I was surfing You Tube earlier today and came upon this video: Video Here I have to say, it bothered me a bit.. First at around 3:12 into the video, it appears he catches a fish that has another line/ hook stuck in it's mouth and then releases it back with the hook still in. Then at 4:32 he catches another and kicks it across the ice. Sure it is going to be dinner, but is it just me, or does this seem uncalled for?? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to slam this dude personally, I have no idea who he is...
  23. I've noticed that WFN no longer has him on. Is he just not as popular as he used to be?
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