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Everything posted by alexmedic

  1. Been there and going thru it again! My 2nd daughter is 5 1/2 months old and it's not pretty.. A couple of suggestions: Tempra/Motrin. Tempra is Acetaminophen based and Motrin is ASA based. What does that mean? Well you can give the 2 in shorter intervals (ever 2 hours) with no harm to your little one. This will help with the discomfort as well as the fever. Gripe Water. We love it. It's natural, cheap and it zonks them out. Great for stomach aches as well. Word of advise, get the alcohol based one. It's just a fraction of alcohol in it and help them (and ultimately you) sleep! Besides, just think of all the keggers he will attend in the future - you are preparing him!! Those got us through the first time and seems to be doing the trick now. But now I must sleep!
  2. Yikes! I just calculated the s/h to Ontario: $13.88!!!!
  3. Purchases throughout the season. The last purchase was $2 storm suspending shads. I could not keep the pike off of them!
  4. Why does it seem that whenever I buy any tackle that BPS has on sale, I have amazing luck with it?! Top of the line Rapalas......not too great.. Clearance Storms or BPS Brand.... WooHoo!!
  5. Canon G10. The 11 is out as well. I had a Rebel with all the fixings (Lenses, external flash, etc.), but with 2 little ones (2 and under), I found it impossible to devote myself to the SLR Hobby. I sold the package and bought the G10. Never looking back...
  6. Has anyone ever heard of these rigs? I heard they are great for perch.
  7. I was recharging my testosterone levels last night at the local Princess Auto and came across 1/8 strips of aluminum, that come in 1/2, 1 and 1 1/2 widths. This got me thinking... A lot more durable than plastic, easy to bend, but would it perform well on the ice? What do all of you think?
  8. All good points. Unfortunately that web page from the US does not ship to Canada. So I guess the Hyfax would be the ones to buy.. Thanks for all the advice..
  9. I lucky enough to get a great deal on Frabill Commando flip-up shelter. This got me thinking about the best way to protect the bottom of it. I know Frabill makes Hyfax runners, but the price in my opinion is crazy for what they are. I found a ice fishing forum where a guy made his own (I do not believe I can post that forums name though, can I??), and he did exactly what I am wanting to do for $7.00 in supplies from a pretty cool supply page in the states: http://www.mcmaster.com/ I was hoping anyone knew of such a Canadian place (preferably in the GTA) Here's picture of the mod that was done: Any ideas??
  10. I knew I guy that bought the 151 and found the 25hp very under-powered. He ended up upgrading after the fact to a 50hp and it cost him big!! Apparently this year's comes with a 20hp...
  11. My buddy and I are heading up to the Gogama area in a few weeks and apparently the walleye have been hitting great! I was going to buy a minnow trap before the trip, but after reading the regs., I'm confused... When reading regs, it says, "Only resident anglers may capture baitfish, using the methods outlined below." My question is what is a "Resident Angler"? Does it mean a resident to the township, the zone, or to the province? I'd hate to find out the hard way!!
  12. Heading out on Simcoe tomorrow for some lakers. Might give it a try.. If I'm successful, I'll let ya'll know!
  13. HAs anyone ever tried to troll or down-rig with a Tube? Any luck
  14. My buddy just finished taking the course (somewhere in Richmond Hill), and his in structor told him the same thing. Looks like another crack-down..
  15. Over a dinner party this evening, I was asked if I have had any close calls with lighting while fishing. I personally have not, but I thought I would ask the rest of you.. Any close ones???
  16. Does anyone know how much Soldier's Bay Marine charges to launch a boat? We are thinking of heading that way for some crappie this weekend...
  17. The way I see it is this year you'll be casting from boat, not from shore... Can't beat that for $1000.00
  18. Thanks all! Just ordered it.
  19. Found this on the Cabelas.ca website and am considering buying it. http://www.cabelas.ca//store/?ID=4494&section=1188 Has anyone ever owned or used one before? Is it worth it?
  20. My buddy, Greg, in Bracebridge built this one. It's stitched plywood, covered in glass. It's gourgeous and smoooooth!! http://www.glen-l.com/picboards/picboard17/pic976a.html
  21. That is true as well. My wife bought me a weber kettle grill last year and I love that as well!
  22. I have owned a Weber Genesis Gold for the last 3 years and love it. It was just shy of a $1000.00 dollars, but it is kinda like owning a high end appliance - you get what you pay for. The beauty of Weber/Napoleon is that the BTU's are much less, because it cooks much more even. Lower end BBQ's have much higher BTU's to compensate for the corners that need more to heat up. As far as Canadian/China, that's a tough one. I'd personally go with my gut. I remember when I first considered buying an expensive BBQ, it was a hard pill to swallow. Now that I own one, I could not think of anything else...
  23. http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/
  24. Thanks for the replies. Still so much to learn!!
  25. I was just wondering if anyone new if there was a difference between 10lb test Fluoro Leader and 10lb test Fluoro line (or any test for that matter). I was comparing the prices of the 2 and noticed that you can get much more bang for buck using line as leader.. Any reason why not??
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