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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Sometimes, I miss the Cormorants... But, my aim is improving.
  2. I suppose you have now read Fishead Ric's thread, but if you haven't here it is: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=19166
  3. I am of the same mind when it comes to Pike... but heh, Fishead Ric, you sure put together a very good article on the Pike scene!
  4. Wow! Nice haul, restores my faith that limit of walleye can still be filled.
  5. Why is it we aren't allowed to operate a motor vehicle without first proving our worthiness by successfully passing a written test and then a driving test of our skills to obtain permission in the form of a driver's license? Would it not stand to reason, that in order to bring human beings into the world, we should be deemed fit and capable parents? I know it sounds George Orwell(ish) (1984), but it could be done. Every child born could have their reproductive capabilities put on hold as to such time when said hopefull parents could then could prove their ability to provide a nurturing enviro. Many people have multiple children as a meal ticket, to support themselves. It is not fair for the children or the taxpayers.
  6. Very true. That is how they will handle it. They will watch you like a hawk, and find anything at all, to justify getting rid of you. It is a losing game. You have to kiss a**, worship the boss, or you are certainly on your way out. Very political. Every man/woman for his/herself.
  7. I was once advised by a Lawyer versed in employment law, that "...they can fire you even if they don't like the color of the car you drive..". That is purty much word for word what she told me. I was, at the time, under the impression that an employer had to have suitable "grounds" to terminate one's employment, but she quickly dismissed my notions.
  8. Me too! Oh the joy of getting into the mounted position, and trapping their right arm under my left knee, and asking a**hole how is it feel now? Then proceed to let him have 4-5 good shots. Then they are pretty quiet fer a long time.
  9. That is difficult to beleive! Can you imagine the repurcusions? I predict this is not the last we will hear about this atrocious behavior displayed by Tim Horton's staff. Three managers! How small of them. They must feel really proud of themselves. I call for an outright boycott of all Tim Hortons.
  10. If you want you can buy a large worm box, from most tackle stores. Or.. the damp newspaper works too. They just love that instant porridge. <h3 align="left">Cages</h3> Use wooden boxes, washtubs, steel drums cut lengthwise or other tight containers. Wooden containers 60 x 36 x 18 inches or metal tubs 2 feet in diameter and 12 inches deep are used as rearing boxes. Wooden containers should be well tarred on the outside and coated with hot paraffin wax inside. Metal containers should be coated inside with hot tar or two coats of good house paint. <h3 align="left">Cage Preparation</h3> Good loam or other porous soils containing organic matter work well. Organic matter (rotted or dead vegetation) may be added and mixed one part to three to four parts of soil if needed. Avoid using sandy or heavy clay soils. Fill the container to a depth of 8 to 10 inches with the soil used. Moisten soil throughout, but do not soak. Add food (1 pound of 15 percent protein mash such as hog or broiler mash mixed with 1/2 pound of lard or cheap vegetable shortening) within the top 3 inches of soil. Cornmeal can be substituted for the mash in the mixture if desired. This amount of food provides one feeding ration for the rearing containers described. <h3 align="left">Biology</h3> Commercial hybrid red worms are best for rearing. A culture can be started by adding 100 worms and covering with a damp sack to prevent evaporation. Earthworms must mate to reproduce, even though one earthworm contains both male and female reproductive organs. Eggs are formed in a slime tube that slips over the worm's head and forms a cocoon or capsule that incubates them. Eggs develop into tiny worms in the cocoon and crawl out through one end when ready to emerge. Cocoons vary in size and shape and are about 1/25 to 1/3 inch long. Some fast-maturing worms mature three to four months after hatching and will start their breeding cycle. Eggs are laid on top of the ground at one-month intervals, with each egg capsule containing 5 to 15 baby worms. If starting with two breeder beds, the crop will be ready for harvesting in about five months and continuing thereafter with proper care. Nightcrawlers are difficult to impossible to raise in homemade containers. Most resort to picking these worms from lawns, gardens and orchards for storing and future use. Worms live 10 to 15 years. <h3 align="left">Feeding</h3> Worms must be fed periodically to maintain production. Feed is added at the rate of one pound for each cubic foot of rearing space per month. Feeding once or twice each week is sufficient as uneaten food will contaminate the bed. Wetting the soil whenever food is added usually provides sufficient moisture. <h3 align="left">Other Factors</h3> The rearing container must be in a cool, protected place with the temperature about 60°F. A good place for the worms is a house basement. Maintain cultures at 60 to 65°F during the coldest weather by covering with a cardboard box. Be sure to have a thermometer. Heat may be provided by stringing a light bulb inside the cover, carefully avoiding any fire hazard. One finds young worms five to six weeks after "planting." Provide good drainage with small holes covered with fine wire screen. Keep soil moist but not wet by spraying with water. Worms can be harvested by emptying the box and sorting out those of suitable size. Some remove worms from the soil by transferring to a 10-quart bucket and allowing to stand for 30 minutes. Put top soil back in the tub and most worms will be found in the bucket bottom. The loam can be saved and transferred to a fresh box as egg capsules are present to start a new colony. Unused worms can be used as breeders. Before sale or use, worms should be placed in sphagnum moss to "scour" for three to four days. Worms will become almost transparent but tough and lively. Haul worms to the lake in a moist bait box with damp sphagnum moss or in cans, cups, etc., that sit in the cooler with soft drinks. Keep worms cool and out of the hot sun.
  11. Whew, I am sooo releived, I had you figured out to be an ax murderer!!!
  12. I have CPAP patient for about 1.5 yrs. The unit is whisper quiet. It was the cure to my loss of sleep. Have you expereinced a weight gain? You may be able to correct the sleep apnea by losing weight. You may have to participate in a "Sleep Clinic" evaluation, which consists of an overnight stay, at the "Lab" hooked up to a labyrinth of wires in order for the technician to monitor your sleep, (or lack of it). This will generate a computer readout which will document every nuance, including the number of interuptions, and your risk of inducing heart attacks and strokes associated with a disruptive sleep pattern accumulated over a period of time.
  13. Try getting at the wiring and jiggling them while turning the switch on and off. Could be a loose or corroded connection. It may also be a worn out on-off switch. Does the radio appear to be old? If yes, then, you may want to replace it.
  14. Goodness gracious, is that an OFC Logo??!!!
  15. Eee doggies, young'un, welcome aboard!
  16. Prolly a straggler from Saturday's Queen's Park, Marijuana march to legalize it.
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. The gov't dock in Cache Bay, ON just West of Sturgeon Falls. It opens on May 24th. Good opportunities fer perch, Pike, and the occasional Walleye.
  19. Thanks for sharing an exiting trip! Those are Cod, I assume?
  20. I think the big problem is too many people living too closely with no space. Irish has a lot of space so he can have a dog roam about, but city folk are all crammed together. It makes fer a lot of stress.
  21. Right on, brother! You got it!
  22. Is that all you can contribute, some snide little remark, you must think yer relly smart. Better stick ta the hard drives.
  23. Something wrong with you (again)? Of course, dogs go outside. But they should be brought in afterwards. Do U leaver yer dog out all night?
  24. Just wondering - why are all these dogs outside. If they are pets, shouldn't they be inside?
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