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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Why, coitenly..
  2. Ah, Chelmsford..I was 18 the year was 1973, and I was working for INCO, Copper Cliff North mine, and had the purtiest girlfriend.. she was a Gaudin, and lived off the main drag, her name was Natalie. ahh the memories.
  3. I heard that the Steeped Tea will be back soon , as the last batch was ground too finely and was clogging their brewing filters.
  4. John, ya tell a heck of a story, gotta love it!
  5. My apologies, Lundboy, I am indeed mistaken. I am done with my rant. Hope I provided (some form) of entertainment.
  6. A couple of brutes in there. The smile sez it all.
  7. Thanks for sharing this usefull process. Makes me wonder why the grease was not suitable for the anti-reverse?
  8. Really? Check out the below thread. In that thread I was asking a civilised question, and was treated to an infantile answer by Lundguy, who then proceeds to chastise others to show maturity, that's what got me riled. Now he is feigning ignorance. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=18540
  9. Thanks, John, that is some real good advise! You are an indispensable asset to this board and its members.
  10. The minnow part kinda reminds me of a Goby.
  11. Ya got this here Lund guy tellin' people to behave like an adult, he should take his own advise or... CLAMP-IT.
  12. Thanks fer sharin'. Bye the way, Muddy Waters was an old bluesman.
  13. Is this your idea of behaving like an adult.. Nope got the wrong guy, but I do have a pick of you, it was sent to me from one of your pals in here, looks like your right at home. Looks like your talking to that Walmart salesperson you got that $1.99 fillet knife on order with! Reduced 62% http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...ost&id=6031 520 x 400 (42.42k)
  14. The scooter stores are experiencing a higher volume of traffic. One lady said that she gets 200 km fer about $6.00 of gas at $1.20/liter.
  15. G'day, g'day!!
  16. It's mighty nice of you to remember him this way.
  17. Muskies in Simcoe, eh! Along with Pike?
  18. Thanks fer posting, and including the text, instead posting a link.
  19. Are they being legislated back?
  20. With a handle like that yer gonna make us all hungry!! Welcome aboard!
  21. Wow , what a great Catch Gary! Great to hear you were able to take advantage of the nicer weather!
  22. Are you the feller on the far right, with the yellow hat and grey sweater? Any resemblance?
  23. That's a BRIGHT idear!
  24. Good to hear y'all made it back O.K. Enjoyed readin' yer posts throughout our long hibernation.
  25. True, true. And what about diesel? I hear some VW's get 1300 km per tank!!
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