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Everything posted by modny

  1. good idea lipping that pike good report
  3. man i love PA
  4. i'm happy to know that this fish was live release good job dale man
  5. i'll get back to you i know danbo's wife knows alot about flashing.
  6. i've done it numerous times. mostly in forests just near my house or my friends cottage its really fun when you build a large quinzee hut, which is just a giant pile of snow, and u carve it out and sleep in it, its super warm compared to being in a tent. remember not to sweat and dont sleep in the same clothes u have been wearing all day!wear layers!
  7. are those antlers from a jackalope?
  8. would u consider the pro sport a heavy boat compared to a 20 foot alaskan?
  9. i would love to catch some crappies on the ice keep us posted!
  10. they are probably stearns
  11. its probably sterns
  12. u wanna snuggle?
  13. i like the blue one
  14. i like the blue one
  15. do the suits come in blue?
  16. modny


    they sure do look tastey and the christmas trees look spikey like my hair!!@ hehe i accidently the whole thing
  17. i just filled up the tank on my pontiac firefly convertible for 13$ sweet!
  18. dont they also offer the lund 20 foot alaskan with a 115 tiller? if so, it would break 50mph wouldn't it
  19. i would no problem
  20. i like the transom style on this boat, it stays nice and high. i'd throw some wave wackers on there and you'd be golden. also, its not a big deal, but i like how the gas tank filler is at the back outta the way, some boats place it in the most ridiculous place, like on the bow casting platform and it totally acts as a tripping hazard.
  21. thats it eh? that sucks i love those big tillers, like 150-300hp with the hydraulic steering... so cool,and such a tecnhological advancement in tiller performance
  22. if i decided on a lund ssv-18 and a 60 horse tiller how fast do u think that bad boy would travel at WOT ?
  23. i totally understand what u mean... for me i was never exposed to hunting in my gamily while growing up, so its different. ive spent the equivalent of years in the canadian north seeing tonnes of great animals, so seeing such a beauty animal downed kinda upsets me. but thats only because i really have no background in hunting etc.. imho, if it wasn't such a magnificent beast of a moose i probably wouldn't really be affected by it. that thing was probably as old as the shooter.
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