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Everything posted by blarg

  1. I have no experience with this issue, but I thought this quote from Ujal Dosanj, liberal member of parliment might have some pertinence, “I think what we are doing to this country is that this idea of multiculturalism has been completely distorted, turned on its head to essentially claim that anything anyone believes – no matter how ridiculous and outrageous it might be – is okay and acceptable in the name of diversity. “Where we have gone wrong in this pursuit of multiculturalism is that there is no adherence to core values, the core Canadian values, which [are]: That you don’t threaten people who differ with you; you don’t go attack them personally; you don’t terrorize the populace.” ...“I think Canadians need to engage in this cultural diversity debate,” he said. “And we actually have to say to each other: ‘Hey what you’re doing is wrong. What you’re doing here is right.’ We should stop being politically correct and have a debate.” I want everyone to play by the same rules, putting our heads in the sand and pretending that some groups aren't different then others in their traditional practices and views ins't going to achieve that. Those who enforce our laws are no doubt as sensitive to being called a racist as we are. I know there are a ton of white people that are probably doing more damage than all of the non white poachers, but that doesn't mean the non white poachers should be ignored simply because we don't want to go down that road, and from everything i have seen, that does happen. Thats probably trhe last and only time I will agree with a liberal mp.
  2. Cry us a river already, even in Canada the insurance companies collectively make billions every year. The whole industry is a government legislated scam, we are forced to have insurance, which of course is a sensible thing, until of course you need to make a claim or two. At that point you are no longer a money making customer, you are a problem, its garbage. Basically our relationship with the insurance companies is all good as long as we give them money for doing absolutely nothing, makes perfect sense to some, but I question their intelligence. Since we are forced to have insurance the insurance companies should be forced to act in good faith, something which they rarely do.
  3. So given how we are prone to raping our resources as you put it, given how that has been the case since forever, do you think it was a good idea to promote a commercial fishery on an inland lake that was seemingly already pressured and for which the scientists didn't have enough knowledge about? A fishery with very little oversight, a fishery which not only removes a large portion of the lakes targeted species but also a by catch of anything else that swims into the nets. As I said before, bring on reduced limits, bring on fewer ice hut operators, bring on fewer idiots who care less about the overall health of the lake than they do about their next fish fry. But you can't pretend that suddenly having an additional tens of thousands of kilograms of walleye harvested out of this lake wasn't going to significantly impact not only the walleye population but the whole balance of the lake, it couldn't have been more obvious. If the walleye population was already at risk as evidenced by our tendency to "rape" the resource with numbers already in decline, who in their right mind thinks netting the damn lake was going to improve upon the issue, come on people, why did we ever need the slot size? The bigger question is why did the lake need a slot size and limits and licenses and spot checks for one group while another gets to net the lake and sell the fish all promoted by our government, sensible decision? I bet the sport fishing on the lake brings a lot more into the economy than the commercial fishery does, seem though our government decided it was going to the wrong people, and here we are. No doubt a voluntary 10 percent cut will make the difference..oh, and what do you want to bet "getting a fair picture of the non native fishery" will end up meaning for us second class non natives, take a guess, I bet it will be more than a 10 percent answer.
  4. I started with 50lb power pro on my first ever bait caster, it has worked out pretty well, not that i haven't gotten a few bird nests along the way, funny thing, I think I originally over filled the spool even though i followed directions. Last summer, my second season with it I got a huge birds nest and had to lose maybe 20 yards of line, i didn't get a single birds nest the rest of the season after that, and it was easier to cast.
  5. Seems to me these threads get locked because this board is rather liberal in its management, and liberals have a high sensitivity to be thought of as racist, these discussions aren't racist, it is a simple reality that netting a lake as small as Nipissing using modern nets, modern boats etc is a bad idea, especially when the fishery is as loosely monitored as this one. It is amazing enough that the number of non native fisherman on the lake hadn't already depleted the stocks, but at least we have rules to follow, I would be fine with a reduction of limits, catch and release only even. The odds of that happening? Probably zero, the odds of the native fishery being closed is even less, this is a liberal government after all. Most of us who have been on the lake regularly the last few years have seen the numbers fall, something has been happening, but no, the fish are chasing smelts or some such crap, we can't talk about the nets, that surely has no impact, and surely someone with a large amount of liberal guilt will be on shortly to tell us how well they have done on the lake. Something needs to change, if that means fewer fish for us, than so be it, at least there might be fish.
  6. I also recommend malwarebytes.
  7. Well, im not sure I can top that, but in the last month I had my car broken into, my mail stolen, my health insurance comapny screwed with my coverage, i got a collections comp after me(my wife actually) for a debt i didnt know she had, my car went down 3 times for a total of $1700, today i got a letter for a late payment on that same vehicle another better half mistake that also went to collections at least i managed to pay it today, there is more, but you get the idea. Oh, btw, that same car has cracks in the roof from front to back and whenever it rains I get a puddle in the cargo area, a couple inch deep puddle, even better, its not even 5 years old and not yet paid for, i love to get rid of it but because of the above credit issues, i cant. life sure can suck sometimes, but it is still better than the alternative.
  8. You are lucky to have such a great spot there, really nice looking fish.
  9. Unless you're eating them, which I generally don't do, I don't see the point. Relatively speaking how can any game fish caught through the ice fight anything like they do in the summer, i would rather see them caught in the summer. For me ice fishing is just a way of getting fish on the table, catching a 'fighting' fish for sport through the ice doesn't make sense to me. But to each his own, i don't begrudge anyone for doing it if it is legal.
  10. I got called for jury duty last spring, i wasn't chosen, they didn't even call my name. But I was glad I didn't get chosen because i am a shift worker i would have had to got to trial during the week and then work weekends if i was scheduled, possibly having to work nights and stay up and go to trial. Not only would that have sucked for me who wants an asleep juror in the jury box.
  11. This thread could be nothing but trash.
  12. I made the switch to the DE razor last year, it is a much better shave-if you do it right, and it's much cheaper than buying those mach 3 4 5 7 10.. etc blades, it isn't a step backward.
  13. Giguere is going to cost the leafs more than toskala, and Ian white was going to be expecting more money that the leafs were willing to pay him. Rumor now is Blake is in the deal and leafs get a first rounder along with giguere
  14. Burke snapped after watching the Sedins beat up on the leafs last night! Well, they couldn't be any worse, could they?
  15. i wonder how many get hit in the face with a lure on a daily basis
  16. I think the fishing games from the 90's were better than today's, its a small market I suppose, the software developers just don't put much effort into them, that rapala game is no prize either, considering the computing power available.
  17. You should see your doctor rudolph or charlie brown
  18. "Some good" So, the registry folks made it easier to comply with a law and system that has never done any good, wasted more than a billion, and pandered to soccer moms that simply don't know any better, how excellent, I have dealt with them before, without issue, and that changes...nothing.
  19. I've only tried to email them so far, they've simply ignored me.
  20. I have the same problem, my 1 1/2 year old boat is subject to the recall and will lose a significant amount of storage, the storage tat at least in part prompted me to buy it, I suppose ill swallow hard and make do with it, considering what it cost me that's going to be a big swallow. Radnine, if you do get any satisfaction from your complaint please pass along the details.
  21. i would like to see a rabbit around north bay, i've only seen one this year, the grouse numbers don't seem great either, i used to think I was good at this hunting thing, but now i am starting to wonder.
  22. I recently bought a browning bps hunter in 20 ga, so far it has worked flawlessly, the 870 has always been a good choice, you may want to stay away from the new 870 express models though, from the research i did before i bought the browning the 870 express doesnt seem to have very good build quality. For example alot of the the express models have problems with not extracting the cheap winchester low brass shells, my browning is 100 percent wth them. I should add that a common solution to this problem seems to require getting the chamber polished
  23. That was a great video, I certainly would like to see a faster kill though, to each his own but I wouldn't have wanted to watch that with only a bow in my hand, with a rifle i would have done my best to put him down with follow up shots. Either way, it was a great shot and I would have loved to have been there, just not with a bow.
  24. A great blue heron I think, they are impressive birds.
  25. My ancestors were a victim of colonization many times, having a mix of scottish/irish/english/french and who knows what else blood, i wonder how many times the lands and nations of my ancestors changed hands, and how many people died in those wars. Why is it that the suffering of my and all of our ancestors is irrelevant, no one is offering me a cheque every month to compensate for their suffering, but then i'm just an evil white guy. Conquest and colonization was and to some extent still is the way of the world, the native people of this continent did the same to each other countless years before the white folks got here, so do the Iroqiuos compensate the Hurons every month, or is it the other way around? Anyone ever here about the theory theat the greenland inuit invaded northern canada and killed the other inuit ( a distinct and seperate group), in other words the inuit living in the north now are colonists themselves, how do they compensate those they stole their land from seeing as they allegedly killed all of them? By no means did the 'native' north americans get an easy ride, but then in many other parts of the world conquered people have been and still do get treated much much worse, in some cases eradicated. But what is this need for self loathing amognst some Canadians about this issue? Conquest and violence is the way of the world, how far back do we have to go to compensate and apologize to specific groups, at some point we have all been victimized by this cycle, at least ancestrally. What do we have to do to make amends for all of the terrible things we've done that have resulted in a nation that so many people are desperate to move to? THE WORLD ISN'T FAIR. But if I had to be a conquered people I'd rather live tax free with free money in one of the best countries in the world than say..well almost anywhere else, Canada must be one of the very few places in the world where the conquerers pay the bills of the conquered while the conquered do nothing but demand more and more and more, there is only one explanation i can see for this, liberal guilt, it's so Ontario. Maybe harper is technically right, or wrong, but so what? My ancestors played the game just like everyone else, they lost some and they won some, there is nothing to apologize for.
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