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Everything posted by blarg
This is that uncommon, last time i was home they had a blue and a huge orange lobster in the tanks, the orange one almost looked cooked.
Tis' the season.... might as well start the topic!
blarg replied to Stoty's topic in General Discussion
It still is, when do we go from sport fishing to trolling like a sword fish boat with hundreds of baits? This isnt that extreme of course but i wouldnt use it, it seems so gimmicky. Do these rigs change the feel of a fish on the line? -
You CHOOSE to put yourself in a position of 'requiring' it, that choice does not override my NEED of safety on the highway. This isn't rocket surgery.
A mechanic doesn't repair my car while driving his own, no, you don't need to be on the road and on your cellphone, you may be able to do both just fine, but many people can't. So i don't care what business you think you need to do, or that you think having a life is a function of how many calls you get everyday, it in general is an unsafe practice, so either don't do it, or hopefully you will get every ticket you deserve. If its impossible for you to get by without driving and talking on the phone find a new job. Btw, it isn't the act of having a phone, or even holding it that is the problem, there is something about having a conversation with someone who isn't beside you that makes it more distracting, its been shown that hands free devices do not improve peoples concentration. As an aside i find it amusing that anyone thinks being called every few minutes is 'having a life'.
Yea, because asking about global warming and pointing out a specifically warm winter in one general area isnt doing the exact same thing...o the irony. Fyi, the whole arctic was colder than normal this year, i suppose that was global warming at work, sigh.
Having been a bit below normal since that warm spell in march, and now about 10 degrees below the next couple days and with a snowfall warning tonight it doesn't seem that North bay is getting the global warming this month. Seriously people, weather is not climate, one winter is not evidence, 10 winters is not evidence, and the snowstorm were getting tonight and tomorrow will not make up my mind for me either way. Imagine for a moment the the planet was moving into an ice age, which it will at some point, that will be disastrous for us, it will make the threat of global warming look like a picnic, what re we to do about it? Not a damn thing, because we cant, and maybe, just maybe, the planet really is warming because of our activities, look around you, just what chance do you think we have of forcing ourselves or anyone else to stop pollution? None, we will have to do what we do best, adapt, there will be far worse calamities to come. The planet has been warmer in the past, we survived it, and so did it.
If fuel prices are such a concern im sure you could save by not boating..
Yea, you're right, lets just close up the air force shop, hell, the whole military, after all, it costs money. I dont know if the f35 is the best choice, but at some point you have to decide if you want an air force. This is more about partisans taking a shot at the government than about the plane.
Its rated maximum is not the same as what it can comfortably do, under ideal conditions it will likely do more, when those conditions are less than ideal the weight it can tow comfortably will be less, if you want something that can tow comfortably you want the tow rating of your vehicle to easily be able to handle the trailer. If it stops only adequately on dry pavement, it will stop something less than that when its wet, if it does the job adequately on mild grades it will do less on steep hills, if the cooling system of the vehicle keeps up on the average day how will it do on a very hot day, long trip, uphills, etc etc. You want headroom, you will in all likely hood be fine with something rated close to you trailer weight, but there may be times you wish you had more, I could be rated to bench press two hundred pounds, but its near my limit and it isnt easy, i can do 150 all day (kinda), rating me for 200 would be a little exaggerated. My mini van pulled my trailer, but you could feel it, and it didnt stop easily, it didnt manage hills easily, it strained coming up the ramp, backing into my driveway, but it worked, just not easily/comfortably.
Invasive species...i wont bother to comment, too ridiculous, but you bring up the point about poaching, as did crosshair, but of course all of the native harvest is accounted for, all controlled, and no doubt if someone steps over the line they are 'punished', sure they are. The whole thing is a sham.
I was pulling my boat with a mini van, it only weighs about 1800lbs all in, but the van definitely didnt like coming up the ramp or backing up the driveway, have a new ram now, i moved the boat last week and it was so odd backing up a small grade idling and not feeling it at all.
Its just the way it is, and there is no one with the political will to change it, ill accept they have the right when they admit that their concern for the environment is just propaganda, a sham, I care more about the environment then most natives do, I care more about conservation then most natives do. Im tired of the 'noble savage' Bull, and most natives I know would tell you the same, but those in charge are playing us with this Bull, its insulting to their own people, they are no different than I am.
And yet there are more guns than ever in the US, record sales over the last few years in fact, and the murder rate is declining, so..more guns, and less murders, now im not suggesting a correlation of more guns = less murders, but it does seem to put a crimp in the often said and never proved theory you're espousing. But hey, the irony that these sort of theories pop up in a thread about science is at least amusing. But no, no one is biased here.
What does muzzling mean? Is the science not available for scrutiny or does the government just not want its employes playing lobbyist in the media against its policies? I know i wasn't too happy when government employees like the chiefs of police were on television lying about the gun registry, no im not saying that the scientists are lying, but considering most public servants likely don't vote or support the conservatives, and likely many of them were hired and grew up professionally under liberal governments, just how unbiased do we think they are? I mean they are people like the rest of us. Was there no muzzling of scientists under liberal governments? Were they all free to say whatever they wished at any time or is there some increased backlash about this simply because it comes from a government they generally dislike, a government with different priorities, one that isn't going to feather their nest? Well i have no idea, but it is really amusing to watch some people here argue from a clearly biased point of view, claiming they know what Canada is supposed to be, ie no war machines for us! how dare we!, and at the same time calling out others for their underlying beliefs. We clearly all have biases, but to simply believe that scientists are being muzzled to the extent that the country is being harmed any more than in the past and without asking some questions is just asking to be misinformed. Is all science good science, is all science worthy of our confidence, are all scientists? Are all government decisions simply backward and unthinking because you find cause to disagree? Neither. I would hope that the government takes the science seriously, i hope that it isn't ignored even if they are telling scientists in our employ to not speak publicly, i don't know if they are, and i don't know they aren't. I suspect that if we are all honest about our biases most of us would agree that we dont know. In any case i don't suspect non action on the part of the current government in the case of the BC salmon farming will be any different than the non action by previous governments, in four years someone else may have a chance to change things. Some of you seem to think that Canada will be destroyed by then, a part of the USA, how little credit you give this country.
We clearly need to tear up most of southern Ontario, a lot of good land and water being destroyed by people, imagine, how dare they. Epic fear mongering, there are a lot of federal and provincial overlap in the regulations, now i hope this doesn't lead to a free for all, and it is nice to live in a province that is concerned with the environment, but have you seen the Ontario economic outlook lately? People need to work, just as people need places to live, resulting in the giant suburb that exists south of Barrie, you want to talk about pollution, look in those backyards and the millions of others in southern Ontario, But people need homes, they also need places to work outside of Toronto. Considering the natural resource wealth of Ontario it is a wonder that the economy is having trouble, maybe there are too many regulations, but i am no expert, but then i doubt most of you are either, despite your assertions that Harper was installed by the oil companies, hey i bet he stole the election too right? of course you cant prove it, but you don't need to, you just KNOW it right? We should wait to find out what this really means before we go crazy about it.
What i don't understand about this at the most basic level, is that isn't it most likely your plate light, or any light, would burn out while you were driving the car? Which aside from the headlight that you might notice, you likely wouldn't be aware of the bad light, and through no fault of your own. That being the case how could any police officer determine that you were knowingly driving with a light out? The short answer is that they couldn't, meaning at worst you should receive a warning, unless there is some record (if they even keep records of warnings) of you being warned before. Are you supposed to stop every 5k and check you plate light? Don't think so.
Wow, that's ridiculous, i would definitely fight this light bulb fiasco.
You seem to be for free will so long as your choices put you somewhere in the mushy middle of society, where conviction is a dirty word, and generally anything but liberal and progressive simply isn't acceptable. I don't care about what he did, the president is just a man, no more deserving of respect than you or I. As far as being an extremist, most of the time great things don't get done by people who are more interested in lying with the sheep, right or wrong. The biggest problem you seem to have with what he did is not about the team but about what he believes in, the audacity, not self identifying as a progressive or a liberal, oh my. Imagine if he was Canadian, he might have voted for Harper, oh my stars.
I have a garmin, i think the number is a 76csx, the model is probably 4-5 years old, i can't say if its more accurate than average, but i seem to remember it has a setting that allows it to use more than just a few satellite in order to increase its accuracy, i have never found it to be out by much.
I agree, i have to pay to attend my xmas party, 25 for me 50 for the wife, this is a large corp. with a unionized workforce. It is mostly just an opportunity for the phonies to play the corporate game at a different venue, strangely enough those same people always seem to be available for the party, every year, while others are usually scheduled to work. When I worked at another location the parties were very family oriented, like bowling for example, and it was a good time, this place is just chock full of phonies who's only real talent is self promotion. They can have it, I hope they have a great time.
Actually the new hits per day number is now 17,000, thats only a three fold increase in 5 years, accounting for about 1 in every 4 police officers checking on a registered gun owner everyday, when you consider the number of officers that arent actually investigating but pushing paper the number becaomes even more ridiculous. Of course anyone with any sense and desire to educate themselves on the issue knows that the 17,000 number results from an interconnected system that checks all the police databases during say traffic stops etc. Btw, do a little math, 365x17,000=6,205,000 hits a year, according to every report I have seen, about half, or 7 million firearms in this country have been registered, so on average there are enough hits on the registry to check on 89 percent of all registered firearms in this country each year and climbing, meanwhile legal long guns account for about 5 percent of homicides and registered long guns about 3 percent. Police chiefs are politicians, believe what you wish but the numbers are pretty clear, they are lying to you, trying to use you, and some of you are letting them. These are the same people who make an up organization that was against the charter of rights and who abused protestors during the g20, if they could get the right to enter your home without a warrant or wiretap you phone they would take that too, would you agree with them there as well? The licensing system is all the information they need, it is pretty reasonable to assume that if you have a PAL you probably have a gun.
O please, some of you don't beleive anything unless a liberal PM tells you to. This is a complicted issue, and I think some of the protest has merit. Capitalism might be the best system there is, people have the opportunity to improve their lives through work and often some luck. At the same time bad luck or laziness can sink you, but the system is being pushed into extremes, constant downward pressure on wages so we can compete with china and ceo's making 100's of millions while their company is being bailed out by the middle class, that is simpy wrong, indefensible. The governement has failed to regulate these corporations, in fact they have enhanced the problem by reducing barriers to outsourcing and making it easier to bring in cheap goods from asia. It is really complicated, but as an earlier poster pointed out, the idea of the american dream where you work hard and get rewarded is becoming harder and harder to attain, more of the wealth associated with that hard work is now being accumulated at the top of the pyramid while the bottom is being squeezed out.
I was working at an airport tower that day, we only had one diverted aircraft come in, we heard all kinds of rumors about other aircraft coming in with fighter escorts and what not so it was nice to see it on the ground. Needless to say the place was swarming with cops and what not, we had tons of calls from people pissed that they couldn't fly, one guy even called cursing about it, at that time we didn't know the death toll but it was obviously high and I thought a few days inconvenience wasn't worth griping over. Shortly there after most of the companies resumed normal ops even with the airspace closed by tagging all of their flights as humanitarian or some such thing, it was just a way to keep the profits flowing, a little pathetic i thought. It was a long day.
No offense but the idea that some people consider North Bay as "up north" is amusing, says something about how southern Ontario centric some people are, o wait, North bay should technically be considered southern Ontario, and it isn't that cold here nor does it snow all that much, at least not compared to most of Canada. That would be the probably 90 percent of the country further north than North Bay, we are actually further south than Seattle Washington, which is obviously further south than all of western Canada. North bay is a nice place to live, but then some people think the constant suburb south of Barrie is something special, to each his own, crazy people need a place to live too.
I suppose it's because even though some of us didn't like him we still respect him for his work and tenacity, I don't understand why some people need to turn condolences in something negative. RIP Jack.