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Everything posted by blarg

  1. i looked around for some but i could only find either too loose or too small, i read online that you can use small elastics that women use in thier hair, i twist them on to themselves and open it with my plaiers and pull the senko through, it worked really well.
  2. I was on the new brunswick side in the vicinity of beaver or blacks harbour, fishing the tidal zone of a river, but i cant remeber the name of it, and if i remember correctly the run is usually around mid june.
  3. thats a sexy machine
  4. It didnt rain In north bay yesterday, first time in a week, and its supposed to be nice all day today, if it doesnt rain today it will be the first two day stretch without rain that i can remember since a warm stretch we had in may. I dont care where your from, thats crappy weather. And a great deal of that rain was in the form of thunder showers. Lol, i just noticed, net attendant, what does that pay anyway?
  5. yea its a little sad, i think the sysytem jsut isn't demanding enough and probably not supportive enough at the same time, we shouldn't be sending people with no shot at even a top 10. You always hear the argument, well its a young team, wait til the next olympics, well thats Bull, as if the americans, aussies chinese russians etc etc etc arent going to have good atheletes next time around.
  6. ive done some striper fishing in the bay of fundy, good fun for sure, biggest i caught was 5 or 6 lbs, good eating fish too.
  7. those are some pretty big stones for here, i was in Edmonton maybe 5 years back when they had the big storm, it hailed golf balls for hours low lying roads were flooded to the over pass above, there were gyser's coming up from the floor in the lowest level of the west ed mall, i saw people floating on air mattresses in intersections etc. there was a couple feet of hail on the ground in places, they had to plow the roads. It was july or august. Biggest storm i've seen.
  8. well sure, its not going to hurt the fishing much, but there are other things to do as well, and not that im excited about it, but i've been trying to paint a fence for about 3 months now..the other thing is that virtually every day we have thunderstorm warnings, and id rather not be caught out in that if i can help it. Little showers are nothing, downpours are a bit less enjoyable, and then there's the lightning, mmmm lightning.
  9. well, i'm trying to be happy for the lakes, really, but more than one non rainy vacation day isn't too much to ask, arrggggg.
  10. Hey, i can't help much as i've only been there once myself, but when i was there last week i caught a few small mouth in meadow bay, i wasn't really fishing much as i had the whole family there, caught the bass casting to shore with wacky rigged senkos, a couple were 16-17ins, good luck. oh and i lost something large on a reef northwest of meadow bay, i didnt get to see it, i was trolling for walleye and it hit on bottom, but it was a heavy fish for sure.
  11. So, im curious has the weather in the rest of Ontario been as silly as it has been here this summer? At last count we had mayb4 days where it hasn't rained since the snow stopped, i don't mind a little rain, but this is getting ridiculous. When it's not just raining it's a torential downpour, and when it might not be raining it's usally windy as heck, we haven't seen 30 this year, which is abnormal, everyone at work says that i jinxed summer because i bought a boat . This is my second summer here, so far Yellowknife was soo much better, if you could get through the 8 months of winter anyway, sigh.
  12. blarg


    thanks for all the info
  13. whats a little worse is bass fishing and hiting the odd pike, i dont want to use a steel leader bass fishing, what size floro could a guy get away with without it affecting the fishing, if at all, or is it best to just lose the odd lure to pesky pike? (i hate doing that to a fish tho)
  14. blarg


    damn, you guys reply faster than i can click the refresh button, thanks again
  15. i want to try wacky rigging senkos, ive seen them done with little o-rings, i was wondering where id be likely to find some the right size, crappy tire maybe?
  16. if you have mental issues and a violent tendancy why should the rest of society take the risk that you may forget your meds for a couple days and attack someone? I know it sucks for the person involved and for thier families, but life isnt fair and trying to pretend that it is isn't fair to the other 30 million of us. Violent people need to be restrained imo, regardless of reason, and this is just a horrible example, its too bad we can't carry weapons for self defense in this country maybe it would have turned out differently.
  17. ive eaten lots of lobster, and shrimp, but ive never sucked face with one...braaaaaaiiinnsss?
  18. this board has been very helpful to me, i've done plenty of fishing but fishing nipissing for walleye and bass was new to me, and other questions ive asked have been answered, now, not every answer is a goldmine but thats to be expected. I have caught some fish, and i would have posted some results by now, if i could find the damn usb cable for my camera.. anywhoo, if i knew that everyone fished the way i think we all should then i suppose i and alot of others would be more forthcoming in general (not just on here) but there are alot of people out there that have the attitude of "its just a fish"
  19. so if i wanted to find your lost lure, where might one look..
  20. There about a billion different ways that people get hurt, and another billion people doing other stupid things that might get other people hurt. Is this illegal?, yes, is it dangerous? yes. Is that any different from alot of other things, no. Should you do this on busy street? of course not. But i'd bet more people are killed on the streets in "accidents" at the speed limit than the odd guy who puts the pedal down on a quiet highway once in a while. If you really want safety id start with removing about half the liscensed drivers who would never speed first, because following the rules doesn't really mean that you actually know how to drive now does it. It just makes you legally unsafe.
  21. lol, well played..ive seen 140mph in a late 80's cobra gt, it wasn't something i would hope to do again, i wasn't the driver. When your passing cars doing 70 like thier parked on the highway and your at the limit you've gone way too fast.
  22. damn i never thought of bobber fishing, haven't done that in a long while, thanks
  23. Im curious, and i'm not actively looking for perch, though if i knew where to look i'd be happy to catch some, drifting for pickerel off of north bay, i've caught a grand total of 1 perch and no sunfish either. I have read that nipissing has alot of perch, i would have expected to catch some just by accident. Generally where should i look for perch this time of year, what depths etc, and what techniques are people using? My neighbor has told me that years ago lots of perch were caught right off the marina in town, maybe like most things there just aren't many around now. My kids like to fish, but like alot of kids my youngest gets bored when he's not catching or getting bites, id like to find some perch once in a while to keep him interested.
  24. When I was a kid my brother and i were brook fishing this nice summer day and after finishing up we started walking a back road towards home, i don't recall if it even looked stormy, being it was in cape breton we didn't see alot of convective weather. Anyway, i had an odd sensation but had no idea what it was, then all of the sound in the world exploded seemingly right on top of us, all i could see was bright light, i think back now and i think our sight and hearing were just overloaded i dont think we were really shocked but stunned form the light and sound. It was the closest i've ever been and ever want to be.
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