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Everything posted by blarg

  1. Yep, thats right, you got me, the thought that the people we know net the lake might have left these nets in the lake was clearly racist, and not in anyway a logical extension of, idk, reality. More likely are the conspiracy theories espoused by some, anyway, you're clearly the better man what with your paternalism and what not, i acquiesce to your assessment of my character, coming from you I have no doubt that it must be correct, you have me all turned around on the subject.
  2. Yes of course, what are the odds afterall that the nets belong to some among the group of people who are allowed to net the lake, or who net many other lakes in the area. But of course we should give them the benefit of the doubt, and be thankful the nets we can prove they use have little tags on them to identify them, because those nets arent also destroying the fishery on the lake. Of course these nets couldn't belong to one of the many native gill netters who aren't sanctioned by the NFN, fishermen we know exist. These non commercial fisherman dont sell fish illegally just like native hunters don't sell wild game illegally. None of these things could be happening, and we must always consider that while any rational person would think it very likely that these nets belong to some in a group of known netters as soon as those netters appear to be doing something wrong we should then invent the equal possibility that someone else is in fact responsible. Yes, that all makes perfect sense.
  3. This is always the result whem you argue with a liberal, the only answer is dont bother, the non stop ridiculous hyperbole is impossible to break through, yes, Harper is the worse thing to happen to Canada, do you actually believe that garbage? I dont like harper much, but look around, the country hasn't changed, how weak and pathetic you must think we all are that a PM who has done nothing radical at all could so easily ruin the nation. But hey. trrops in the streets, women in the kitchen, etc etc, which ones did i miss? There really should be a test before people can vote, anyone ridiculous enough to think this pm is the worse thing to ever happen to us need not apply, what a ridiculous opinion to hold, an extremist, ridiculously biased opinion. i dont even really want to vote for harper this time, he's had his chance, but there has to be something wrong with the other guy if your indicadive of those who might support him, i would vote against that if not for harper. You rail against the oil companies, hey, there are supertankers off loading oil in the Bay of Fundy daily, to the largest oil refinery on the eastern seaboard of North America, have been for decades, but now, its the conservatives fault! it's the conservatives fault that many, many liberal governments subsidized the oils sands for decades, that's harper's fault! More pipelines? OMG, there are already thousands of miles of them, anything new must be bad and clearly harpers fault! Changes to the water act that changed nothing, provincial rules apply. christ almighty, vote for whomever you wish, but get an education.
  4. There was no one worth voting for, but certainly rewarding criminals should have been the last result.
  5. So is it good that many more bought into a party of criminals? Is that your version of an intelligent choice? When the liberals forced cut backs that resulted in the loss of 34 staff from the hospital in North Bay last week were those cuts somehow different than what Hudak might have done? It's amazing how glib people can be about an election that effectively gave a glowing endorsement to people who stole billions from us. It's all so sad.
  6. A clearly unbiased opinion.
  7. I think you just have to leave this argument up to the individual and their personal morals to decide, there isn't miuch else you can do, also, for the most part if a lure will catch a walleye, it will catch a bass, or a pike, they are just fish. If you catch a bass or two, move along, or at least you probably should, in any case I dont think the bass population is in any great danger.
  8. I dont think you need expensive glasses to get polarization or protection. You might get a clearer or more durable lens qith more expensive glasses idk, some of the cheap one i have used made as much difference on the water as the more expensive ones I have now.
  9. The nugget convieniently forgot to open the comments on this article, sometimes I think the Nugget has a relationship with NFN. It's not the first time they haven't allowed comments on a story about the comercial fishery.
  10. The mnr is working as an agent for the native fishery, that is all we are seeing with this change, allowing the small fish to go free to be caught by the commercial fishery, once they grow, putting anglers in direct competition for those larger fish with clearly inferior methods of catching them. If you aren't a commercial fisherman the government isn't concerned about you, it has been said many times, recreational non native fisherman are at the bottom when it comes to the management of the lake.
  11. When solar or wind can provide baseload power it will be much more worth while, if a practical method of power storage can be developed solar and wind will become much more viable, until then it is more of a fashion statement, and Ontario politicians thinking so much of themselves as they do felt the need to be a world leader in green energy even if it is of no practical value to the people they serve.
  12. I think thats a common complaint on the f150
  13. Blue Jays, they bad.
  14. While i am admittedly not a huge believer in the AGW catastrophe that we hear about daily and am likely biased as a result, when i see some of the believers and the associated other conspiracy theories they hold i can only become less of a believer. This thread is embarassing.
  15. When you see the world through that sort of broken and biased lens you might as well not write anything more than "im a liberal", your opinions will be jsut as clear. These are minor cuts, the services will still be available, and being a veteran does not make you immune to changes in government. Not to mention of course the reason this made the news is becuase PSAC paid for veteran protestors, used them. Not that you seem to mind.
  16. Denon is a good choice, but just about any brand would do depending upon how fussy you are, you really don't need huge watts especially from a better brand like denon or Yamaha, assuming your speakers aren't hard to drive. I have the denon avr 991, it's a couple years old and I've been very happy with it, it drives my energy RC-70's to louder than should be legal volumes while being very clear. I think it's rated at 135w/channel in stereo, but those numbers aren't always comparable to other brands as there is not set standard for measurement. Anyway, a good brand with the connectivity and features you want, like say room correction, is more important than squeezing out 10 more watts for 200 bucks, most of the time at normal listening you're using literally less than a single watt.
  17. Virtually everything you eat has been already modified by humans. We have been selectively growing and hybridizing plants and animals for thousands of years, but i bet that most of the people here who are bothered by this would consider someone who isn't bothered to be uninformed and anti science. In fact the opposite is true.
  18. Your mind seems easily blown, it will be amusing in a few years when nothing has really happened, but i doubt you will take notice, surely there must be some factual youtube videos where you can get some more 'truth' from. O, and yes, suzuki has been proven a fraud many times, of course conspiracy theory leftists like yourself, people who think themselves intelligent but aren't smart enough to know better, believe in him, that's what makes him successful. http://www.vice.com/read/these-nuclear-physicists-think-david-suzuki-is-exaggerating-about-fukushima “It's bye-bye Japan—and everybody on the west coast of North America should evacuate.” - Suzuki “I'm sorry, but that is ridiculous. It's totally impossible! I can't believe he would say that. When he's in his own field, he's usually reasonable. But this is just crazy.” David Measday, nuclear and particle physicist (University of British Columbia)
  19. It was actually a category 4 with sustained winds of around 150mph when it hit and most of the reports about it are just media 'omg were all gonna die becuase of agw' hype. Yes it was a big storm, and like most big storms that hit heavily populated low lying areas it caused a lot of damage, just like 'super storm' (Bull) Sandy. Btw, that wind speed is what was measured by the Phillipine Met agency, most of the numbers you have probably read were the forecast numbers.
  20. Well see the sun is at a low point in its cyclle with fewer sun spot...o, this is about fish, go figure.
  21. O come now, it couldnt be the people in the country and the cultural differences between us that matter, if people can buy a semi auto, scary looking black rifle, they will use it to kill people, even if it functions and fires the same amunition as a non restricted non scary looking rifle, how dare you attempt to inject rational thought and facts into a debate like this.
  22. In Canada in recent years more people have been stabbed, and if i remember corectly, 2 of the last 3 years more people were stabbed to death than shot to death. So whats your solution, ban more guns? Which ones? Is there a sliding scale of mass murder efficiency that we can look to, no ar15's but semi 12 guages are ok? Because you certainly couldnt kill 12 people with one of those, or actually you could, easily. So maybe we ban those too, pump actions? Well gee, idk, but they seem like they could be pretty deadly, cant have em, single shots, well ok, but be careful because if we could ban those and it only saves one life it could be worth it. Rifles of any kind are another story, they are all basically sniper of potentially fully automatic baby killing machines so, their gone too. The vast majority of all of those murders you mentioned were by hand gun, but no one has even talked about banning them, and they wont be, instead people who hold your attitude are trying to ban firearms that are the weapon of choice less often than hands or feet. You can make an argument to ban any gun if your belief is that they are inherently bad and it could save a life, but then there are a lot of other things that we could ban for similar reasons, or we could accept living in a free society with the risks that come with it, which includes getting shot by a mad man, the good news is that gun violence and violent crime in general has been decreasing there and here, so your odds of being shot are less, but you wouldnt know it.
  23. The american economy is not based upon the manufacture of guns, you don't seriously believe that do you?
  24. In other words you believe what the CBC tells you. yep, lets ban 'assault rifles' that actually aren't because they account for a tiny fraction of overall gun murders, not even to mention total murders, fewer than things like hammers, or fists, or feet. But they are scary, and we know what scary looking things do to people without critical thinking skills. Hand guns will surely never be banned, they are simply accepted as a personal defence tool, rightly or wrongly, but complaints about how the terrible assault rifles that arent need to be banned are simply wrong, the stattiscs don't lie.
  25. I like oil, idk, i think it's important in this, the real world. But I agree, it's unfotunate that the government doesn't want to allow tens of thousands of commentors put forth by organizations like gree peace solely designed to delay the process idefinetly, what an evil, terrible government. I mean with a government like that something might actually get done, perhpas we should all just move to the make believe world where oil isn't contained in almost everything we use and own every day, o what a place that would be, how clean, how pristine, to heck with this reality, lets do it!
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