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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I started paying $540/month, then down to $420 for a year, then down to about $340 for about 5 years. It's ridiculous! Now I pay $130/month but it took 10 years to get down to that.
  2. If fishing with the bare minimum makes you happy, use it and enjoy it. If fishing with the best equipment makes you happy, use it and enjoy it. Read Wayne's signature
  3. Bigfoot created God, Dinosaurs created Bigfoot, Optimus Prime created Dinosaurs.
  4. If there will be anyone around at about 9pm I will drop by for a pop.
  5. I bought my wife's off ebay for $300 and got it appraised for $4500. But I'm a cheap bugger
  6. I love it
  7. I have always used a Fender frontman. It's loud enough and has a pretty good sound.
  8. I have mud gear tires on my 2WD polaris. I screw in 1/2" hex head screws into the lugs. When I am in snow it just paddles through it. When I hit ice it bites in and goes.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsW95u5nmcc
  10. Episode 7
  11. ditto
  12. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65897&st=0&p=735565&fromsearch=1entry735565
  13. Sorry to hear Paul. Stay strong
  14. FORTY SIX & TWO! Awesome Report
  15. I'm leaving shortly for LPB. That sucks Brian
  16. That was 2010. Weights this year were pretty low
  17. Long Point Bay is down about 4 feet. There is 10" of water in my boathouse at the back and the first 6' is dirt
  18. I can probably make it work
  19. UP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uktutdblzxo
  20. Video says he is at 128000' but mission control says 113000' ???
  21. You should add a heavyweight division Good luck with everything, it looks awesome!
  22. Always hoping for the best Wayne. Let me know if you guys ever need anything, even a short break. I'm always around.
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