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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Get those pike inches for the tournament!
  2. I would do it for sure! A lot of people around Cambridge drive the hour to Toronto for work.
  3. Sorry guys, My guitar teacher of 6 years just passed away and the visitation is tomorrow night so I won't be able to make it. Maybe next time.
  4. Sorry to hear Terry. I forwarded the pics to 26 dealers around ontario in hopes that someone will see it.
  5. We buy a lot of our elevator parts from China. Reason being is that the materials (steel, wiring etc) is insanely cheaper as well as the labour. You get the identical parts for a quarter of the price. I will certainly buy a motor if it is built there.
  6. Luckily a close buddy bought 100 acres on Tobacco Lake on the island
  7. I love the beer battered fish crisp!
  8. I wasn't aware of the 45 days but you're right that isn't enough. I have waited that long for some things before.
  9. I hope you get it resolved and get your money back!
  10. Why yes I did participate. What the hell are you guys talkin' about
  11. Some nice fish! Still trying to get my first with no luck!
  12. Damn Fords Some nice pics there!
  13. I was not aware of this!
  14. I forgot my plug once and wasn't turning around to get it. So I completely covered a rag in grease(safe for all the little fishies) and pulled it through the hole. Fished for 4 hours with not a drop of water in the boat!
  15. What else can be said!
  16. After reading Hookset's thread I thought I would ask how everybody launches their boat at the ramp. I figured everybody will probably do it a different way. Personally I'm just used to launching my 16' tinny that is very light. I end up just backing up and sliding it back and to load it's as easy as grabbing the rope and giving it one good pull and she's one. I'll have to see that best way to do it with a bigger boat next month when I pick up my new one.
  17. Just found out that I will be participating. I am now going to the hockey game
  18. I'd like to do it but I'm sure I will forget about it or not be paying attention to the time.
  19. 1 more month and my boat will be sitting in the water there!
  20. That may be the greatest reply that I have ever read!
  21. I'm forwarding that to everybody at the shop!
  22. I hear plasma is the best but I've got a 48" Philips Rear projection HD and it is great! I got it from Leons a couple years ago. I'm not really a fan of the LCD they just don't seem very clear when watching normal TV.
  23. You talk about money being put to better use and you make a comment like this!
  24. Sweet! I just won the bidding on a new reel and like Tracker said please don't tell my wife!
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