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Everything posted by cram

  1. Has anyone tried that new horseradish flavoured mustard?
  2. there will always be an economy. As long as people are willing to trade services or products for other services or products, there will be an economy. Especially in canada.
  3. I respect Les Stroud but the guy sucks at finding food. How often does he completely misfire trying to catch fish or game (and end up with nothing)? Instead of setting up his elaborate traps or fishing contraptions, lift a rock and find/eat a crayfish....i mean, its never as complex or dangerous as he portrays it to be.
  4. I'm so, so sorry. Can't imagine what you and your family are going through.
  5. I fished from shore at 2 resorts i've been to. Both times were a little outside the area that people swim though. Generally i tried two things -- first, ot some fresh shrimp from the restaurant and tossed it out on a hook. Lots of success with little snappers, grunts, etc. Second was to cast out highly castable lures (heavy spoons and weighted minnow baits like xraps). Never got anythign huge, but was always fun.
  6. It can't spawn, and is a potential world record....i have no problem with that. I do have a problem with ice fishing muskies though. Be thankful that Ontario is a little more intelligent with its fishing regs.
  7. cram


    yep, usually is.
  8. cram


    just wondering what happened to the tuesday night chat. Just realized it didn't happen
  9. cram


  10. cram

    D DAY

    Didn't Canada or Ontario pony up more than $4B? I'd hope that our plants aren't closing....
  11. that's a lot of money. Don't they just need another truck (on good ice) to pull it out? I could understand if lifting from the bottom, but that looks a lot easier than 30k....
  12. Beautiful boat. I am very jealous.
  13. Interesting. Any idea what they were acquired for (relative to revenue)?
  14. The economy in the US is crap....i bet these guys are hurting and less able to spend 5k to put up a booth at a show that likely won't generate an immediate return.
  15. I stayed at that resort a couple of years ago. Loved the place. Didn't have that much luck in the lagoons -- all of my fishing was off the rock cliff area (mostly snapper). I can't believe there were tarpon in there!!! Need to go back...
  16. Interesting. Are winter bass legal there?
  17. You mean that you assume most of it is, because that would make sense. I did as well. If your daughter is in elementary school, next time you visit ask the teacher what in the classroom was paid for by the school/board and what was paid for by him/her. You'll be surprised. Maybe its just peel region, but i doubt it.
  18. I have many friends who are teachers (probably not a surprise) and i can tell you --- much of what is used in the classroom comes out of their own pockets. Maybe your school board (or individual school) has a better system. Its not hte case where my friends teach. That part more than anythign disgusts me. As for the raise...it basically matches historical inflation. Most people's salaries match inflation. And, everyone says "if you don't like it get another job".....well, they didn't liek it and did something about it. I have no problem with that. Keep in mind that with the union structure there are no options for good teachers to get paid more than the crappy ones either. Just as it lifts some weak people up, it holds some strong ones down. I for one would LOVE a free market. The good ones would get paid more, and would have more optoins when they're paid unfairly. I think what you should be arguing against is there being a union....not teachers wanting more (salary matched to inflation...what greedy people). btw - the auto companies took $4B out of our pocket this year to keep paying lien workers 140k. I personally have no problme paying 700mm to pay the teachers of my kids an average of 71k (+2.5% per year)
  19. Long post, but you're basically arguing my point. Funding for students may indeed mean for hiring teachers to reduce class size (i don't know), but the point is they presumably gave up larger personal gains in income to provide more funding. The paper and paste you refer to --- wouldn't it be nice if the school could pay for it instead of the teachers out of their own pockets?
  20. I sure wish ice-out pike were in-season where i live or cottage.
  21. They have been working without a contract since august. They were offered MORE money in august, but less funding for students. They took more funding for students and less money now.
  22. Don't mechanics make way more than teachers? What's your point?
  23. Yep, you pretty much did. And the average is 71k.
  24. I have, and it worked out well, but it is only one example. I would suspect its like ebay....lots of good apples, a few bad ones.
  25. So accomodate the lowest common denominator. I would prefer a free market, but the free market means you get to negotiate your own contract. So, if you're a good/great teacher you get to earn more than the average. It would be an interesting situation. btw - I can tell you from first hand experience that the tech market the past 3 years has been as good or better (for the IT guys) than the dot-com boom you're referring to. If you remove the Y2K contracts the market is actually bigger than it was back then.
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