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Everything posted by cram

  1. btw - you might try posting this on the muskyhunter messageboards. Saric is a big proponent of Salmo, and that board represents one of the largest musky communities (if not the largest) in the US.;
  2. that's really disappointing, esp. for a company with so much upside (and room to grow in marketshare).
  3. They surprisingly do not. I was there yesterday.
  4. any idea where i can buy them? (in/near toronto or north bay or in between?)
  5. you can call up to the island lake conservation area and they'll let you know. I suspect there's not enough ice yet though.
  6. #1 is a tiger # 2 and 3 are pure musky.
  7. curious -- why? Is it because of the musky population?
  8. Hey -- probably a dumb question but i honestly don't know....is there no ice fishing on the kawartha lakes? Interested in balsam in particular. If so, why??
  9. True. Question -- what would be wrong with letting them go bankrupt and restructure their businesses to become competitive?
  10. I fall into none of the 3 categories...certainly don't enjoy the misfortune of others, have not yet been that hurt in the economic downturn, and don't care about the lowered prices (they'll actually go up with inflation if the fundamentals ever catch up to the US dollar being printed like newspaper). Anyway -- the companies are not competitive. Not at all. Why aren't they competitive? They seem to use the additional labour costs as a crutch to explain the reason , so why is it not fair for us to comment on those? As a side note, i think their problems have as much to do with business model and product quality (vs. labour costs), but anyway.... btw ...is ontario really the leader in automobile production? That's really interesting - had no idea. Does that # incorporate magna etc, or just the big 3 + honda autoplants?
  11. The deadline they supposedly would not agree to is end of 2009.....so they were agreeing to paycuts but not until end of next year....why? The retiree healthcare thing is a legit problem. Companies with legacy in the US have a huge problem, and the system is always going to favour new companies wthat lack massive #'s of retirees......of course this all changes if Obama implements universal healthcare so that the big 3 doesn't have to pay for it. I say let them fail. The economy will hurt but no one has yet pointed out how the $$ will help these companies become competitive. If not competitive, why keep them around? Its time to pull the plug. I bet other auto companies come to Canada and the US to use up some of the production capacity. I understand that Honda/Toyota won't touch ex-CAW workers so it would not save them....but new jobs nonetheless.
  12. They need to fail, it seems. Imagine you ran a business and it was worth 400k but on the verge of bankruptcy because of future obligations......the government is willing to give you 1.5 million to help your business if you'll cut your own salary by 8 percent....would you do it? If so, you get to keep 92% of your salary (which is a great one). If not, you face unemployment. That's basically what's happened......they need to fail, i guess.
  13. fantastic interview.....
  14. be careful, and wear a floater suit.
  15. Yeah, you needed to read the quote i was replying to. A previous poster said it was kind of unfair for us to be judging how much money someone else (the autoworkers) amke. My response was that those autoworkers are asking US for money to pay their salaries, so its fair. If you're askign me for a few hundred $ out of my pocket, then its fair to judge...
  16. huh?? not following you
  17. You're right - it wouldn't feel very good, and most of us don't really know what we're talking about.....BUT, they're asking us to pay for them, so its fair. At end of day this is a few hundred bucks out of my pocket....likely more if there are subsequent payments.
  18. The same US companies who wouldn't let you drive across the border to buy at fair market value when our dollar was equal to the USD? The same US companies who build their cars to fail so that the ygenerate the ever-so-precious service/parts revenue? I will happily buy foreign if its a better car and the price is fair.
  19. Don't ford and gm move a lot of their plants to mexico while toyota and honda have been opening plants here? I know when i buy a honda that i'm supporting my friends who work in alliston....
  20. Use it as an opportunity to further train your dog. Its better now than later in its life when habits are well-established. btw - i wouldn't worry about wolves eating your dog.....everyone talks about it but i am yet to know a single person who it has happened to. FOR SURE keep him/her in control.....but wolves luring your dog away??? give me a break.
  21. lots of important nerves and ligaments etc in that part of the thumb.....they should have taken him to a hospital.
  22. interesting thread on the muskyhunter messageboard about what the fish would weigh...http://www.muskyhunter.com/forums/generalforum/14548.html
  23. i don't know if any part of canada wants this....assume everyone hates it as much as you do. The politicians are just running a power play. This is so undemocratic....it really pisses me off.
  24. How un-usable are traditional portable fishfinders for winter use? Do the LCD screens freeze that easily? I may only get to fish 2 or 3 days this winter....not sure i want to buy a separate unit for icefishing..
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