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Everything posted by cram

  1. Sinker - it's not contagious at all. Oil gets on your skin and you react to it. Isn't a bacteria or a virus.
  2. I mean spread it around when you first get the oil on you...you have a little time to wash it off before your skin reacts. Rubbing alcohol is the best but soap works as well. Just be sure you get it all off and aren't just spreading it around.
  3. Sinker --response to poison ivy doesn't mean your immune system is weak. Just means you've had it on your skin enough that your immune system now recognizes it as an issue. The more frequently you're exposed, the worse the reaction will be.
  4. Also, if you notice you've been exposed to it you can wash it off with rubbing alcohol (as Irish said). Soap works as well, btu can also just spread it around a bunch if you don't completely wash it off.
  5. I used to get absolutely punished by the stuff. The best treatment I found is cortisone cream. You can use over-the-counter, but the prescription stuff is stronger. The best home remedy is an oatmeal bath. Not sure why, but it really soothes the skin. You can pick up Aveeno oatmeal bath at any major drug store, which is probably better than filling our bathtub with oatmeal. Also, keep it cool (heat and sweat makes it worse) and out of sunlight if possible.
  6. You are super talented. Wow.
  7. Nice fish. Love the colours. Looks like a great time.
  8. The obamacare crap that the majority voted for.
  9. They aren't closing museums, parks, etc because they can't afford them (that's another battle). It's just a disagreement on passing a budget. Without agreement there is no budget, so they are legally forced to close.
  10. I like that.
  11. I don't know a rational explanation for fishing tied to lunar cycles either (at least in smaller inland lakes where there is no tide), but I believe they do affect fishing.
  12. Great video. Provided a really nice mental escape from the office this afternoon.
  13. 10x by rate, maybe. In terms of actual #'s it's more like 100x.
  14. Not legal, and just a bad idea in general. As sinker said, that's how invasives move from one lake to another.
  15. This site is indexed by google incredibly well, so the info you share in threads is about as "public" as it gets. Not a bad thing; it's how I found the site and there's a TON of great info here. Just something to keep in mind when sharing specifics on a location.
  16. Weird -- they ordered that exact net for me.
  17. Got mine at Lebarons. They don't normally carry it but ordered it no problem.
  18. Great Grampa. Thats a pretty special pic. Congrats!
  19. Really unfair for someone so young to have to go through this. You and your family keep fighting.
  20. Wayne - thank you very much.
  21. There used to be a float plane charter on trout lake in north bay, but for the life of me I can't remember the name of it. Is anyone familiar with them, and/or know of another in the North Bay area (or callander, nippissing)?
  22. Agree on the fake versions. You'll find they're more effective and more durable.
  23. Thanks guys (and girls). Appreciated
  24. Thanks! Much appreciated.
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