Thanks for the report. Now I want to go icefishing. Can't wait. I never caught a laker so shallow trough the ice. Do you usually fish in those depths up north or is it a good early ice pattern only? Anyways, thanks for the detailed report. Keep it up and stay warm.
The spinnerbaits look great Leechman! I really like the red/white combo. Try making a couple with bigger blades too. They will give off more flash and vibration. Those look like they would catch some pike in the spring.
Hey guys/gals, I have a Garmin Oregon 200 and was wondering if the BlueChart Canada g2 chip is best for the unit. I can't get a straight answer from BPS or RadioWorld about this chip. Should I just buy the inland lakes and Great Lakes chips separately. I really need the inland lakes more than anything but could use the Great lakes chip as well. I heard that the BlueChart is mainly for the Great Lakes but am not sure. Does this make sense? Thanks for the help.
You guys CRUSH the bass. Awesome job. I'm coming over there one day. Huge fish for your buddy! Your bro looks very happy in those pics. I wish it was that easy to catch fives like that.
That's keeping the rods down to a minimum. You should see all of the musky, trout, and ice gear we have. I haven't bought a new pair of shoes or eaten a decent meal in years.
Keep those reports coming. Disregard all of these negative comments. I love seeing those big pike and walleyes. I'm gonna make it up there one of these days. This world is full of complainers. Shut up and FISH!