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Everything posted by WeedLine

  1. Great report and pics. That is a huge bass! I know your bro Nathan. Tell him congrats on the big catches. Good luck in 2012.
  2. It's Cold Lake Alberta. I love this vid. There's a part 2 as well.
  3. Great looking fish. Thanks for the report
  4. Great fishes and great stories to go with them. Good work, you earned 'em
  5. Iso Kala. When are we getting more salmiakki? I think Roy is right, nice Atlantic carp
  6. All amazing, thick fish. Great report. Looks like you paid your dues and the fish gods granted you some true beasts. You're right, it ain't over till it's over. Good luck on the ice
  7. Good luck with your move and let us know how the fishing is up there
  8. That's a donkey. Way to go. Cool looking bait too
  9. "You do good job." When I get back let's get some nines kilos pikes and then hit quint before the snow falls. Your elbow is fine. Good laughs and great memories this year, some big fish too. Your friend, Eddie Haskell
  10. Must feel great to take a buck that big on the bow. Great stuff, congrats. Jeepers Cripes he's thick
  11. You and your client must be on cloud 9. Awesome pics and report. Those look like some heavy fish
  12. Great goin'. I saw you guys at the country style this morning while it was still dark. I had a great day too. Giant smallies, largies, a few small muskies, pike, and a tiger, it was crazy! Great job on the PB! Sorry I didn't say hi, I realized it was you when I walked out.
  13. You lucky dog, you. Great muskies. Must have been an amazing experience spending a couple days with those guys and all those fish. Thanks for the report and pics
  14. Great report. Big walleyes
  15. Sounds like a couple amazing trout outings. Good job, great pics. I had 2 days back to back last fall that sound just like your trips, no one in sight and lots of fish
  16. Good luck pup. I'm sure he'll bring fish to the boat. Have fun with Iggy Pop for the next few years
  17. Great job guys. Some sweet looking specs.
  18. Great fish. You'll being thinking about that one for a while
  19. Cool pics. Nice smallies
  20. Amazing fish and great pics. Well done.
  21. Monsters. Great fish and pics. The pike and specks are huge
  22. That's a good one. Nice and fat
  23. Great fish and pics. Looks like the father and son team beat them up pretty good. You'll both remember that trip forever
  24. Amazing fish. Good job for letting her go. Great pics
  25. Some lakes I fish that have a few pad beds are diminishing daily as of the last 3 weeks. Must be the cold nights. Alot less pads this year
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