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Everything posted by WeedLine

  1. Those are some quality bass. Geez, you're all over the place, kind of like me...great report
  2. Those are big fish. Good job
  3. I must do that trip sometime. What an adventure. Thank you for the report
  4. Oh my God! That's a football!
  5. Great looking fish. Those are some big bass
  6. Great colours on her. That's a donkey
  7. Why can't I catch muskies like that? Great job Ben
  8. That's one big ol' bass. Great job. Only the strong survive in the wild. Let's see what happens
  9. Great job. Those are some nice summertime gators.
  10. Great shots. Those are long walleyes. Good job
  11. Great pics Leechman. I love night time topwater hits. Thanks for the report
  12. Thanks for the replies guys. Hey Solo, we didn't measure the walleye. Just a pic and threw her back in.
  13. I'm sure MSP has some pics too
  14. Then came the pike and walleye. We took off for the May 24 weekend and hit 3 different lakes. We had a good time to say the least This fish squirted loose roe all over the boat This beast smashed a jerk bait. She was hanging out on a chunk rock point. I thiught she was a big laker when I saw and felt the huge sweeping headshakes. When I first saw that it was a walleye, I couldn't believe it. This blue-finned beauty is the biggest non Bay of Quinte walleye I have ever seen. She swam away strong. An hour before I got this fish, I hooked and lost an absolute massive pike(25-30lb range)The walleye eased the pain of losing the pike. We went out for musky opener. There was a crazy lightning storm going on that day. I have fished in storms many times before but I have never experienced such a small window of some of the most exciting, hard hitting pike fishing in my life. for 1.5hrs we boated so many pike. Here are the best 5 we caught. Oh, the muskies weren't biting but the blackflies were Big head beast We fished a few half days for kawartha walleye. 30-40 fish days were the norm. No really big ones though 5.photobucket.com/albums/oo96/fishfinder1977/022.jpg[/img] So, on to my favorite season, bass. We have been catching great numbers this year but nothing huge either so far. There's still many weekends left though I'm really happy for MSP. He caught his biggest pike this spring. Good job buddy Usually loons are pretty elusive and don't get too close unless they are chasing down your bait. This guy followed us around for 20 mins. I hand fed him some lunch meat but he prefered live smallmouth bass. If they were dead he wouldn't eat them but if I un hooked them and hand fed him, he would eat them. Weird.The lake is quite remote. I wonder if he has been trained by local cottagers or he was just bold. I hope you ejoyed the pics. Good luck this summer and fall. All fish were caught within 300kms from Toronto. Only some small walleye were kept. Everything else is still out there for you to catch I always thought that loons were black, but seeing this guy up so close I learned that they are a deep, dark green.
  15. Hey guys/gals, I just wanted to share some pics with you from this past spring and summer. It has been a great year so far. Lots of trout, pike, walleye and bass have been landed/boated. MSP and I paid our dues this year by spending 12-14hr days on the water on many occasions. Big fish don't come easy. Black flies, mosquitos, broken wrists, hangovers, sore joints, bad sunburns and hooks buried in the hand were all part of the fishing this year. Many unproductive hours of casting were paid back in many very productive spans of unbelievable catching. Trout opener and a couple weeks after were amazing for huge numbers of hard fighting steelhead.
  16. Even at their young ages, your kids have already lived a great life. Good for you for showing them the water and woods. That place does look like a walleye factory. Great report
  17. The tip is broken all the way to the second guide. There is nowhere to add a new top guide.
  18. Thanks for all the help guys.
  19. They just told me that they can't do anything for me. It was a great rod and caught some big fish for me. Too bad
  20. Hey guys/gals, quick question. Will shimano replace a V-Rod baitcast rod? The rod is discontinued and has a broken tip. Thanks for any info. Hope everyone is having a great summer fishing season
  21. Great report. Some big fish
  22. Great report. Gtreat pics. Those atlantics are crazy. You have it good up there
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