I think the best colours are the ones that you have confidence in. Every colour will catch fish silver,black,white,yellow, perch patterns, firetiger, etc. If you think it will work, it will just keep the lure in the water.
I use 50 lb and still get bit off once in a while. I usually tie on a long leader and check it after every fish. If it is in rough shape after landing a gator or muskie, i'll cut off the damaged section and re-tie on the bait. If I was trolling or fishing for only big muskie, i'll go to 80-100 lb test flourocarbon. If you keep fishing without a leader, I guarantee you'll lose lures and fish.
Hey guys/gals, I'm going to a cottage in Pointe Au Baril. Any info from some of you who have fished the area? I have a map and plan to hit up islands, points, any visible weeds, etc. Any tips and tricks would help me out, thanks.
Psychedelic!. Thanks for not posting the background on the spot Mike. Let them keep guessing. We have left the typical, easy to get to areas because of the pressure these pike have been feeling in the last couple of years. We were in the GTA but thats all I'm saying. MSP was actually hesitant to post this pic in the first place.
I don't mean to sound like a... but I know that you haven't been to this spot Fidel