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Everything posted by dannyboy

  1. It cleaned up nice. Multiplier fly reel and Mitchell fly rod, the reels were imported by L M Dickson (on the reel) from France in the late 1950s to 1960s and carried by many sporting stores. Very useable for fly fishing. You will probably need to replace the fly line and backing if it is the same vintage. The reel may not carry enough line if you hook into a good sized steelhead. If you want to float fish you will need to look into getting a different rig, a basic centerpin reel and rod can set you back over $250 though. I already had a decent baitcast reel, so I bought a cheap ($50) 13 foot baitcast float rod, a couple floats, hooks, small swivels, split shot (without the wings), roe bags and I went float fishing. Dan
  2. It sounds like it is a fly rod and reel, just as addicting but a little different than a float rig. Will know better when you post a picture. Dan
  3. Without a signed work order they can't charge you for work you didn't authorise, but since they have your money you would have to take legal action to get it back - not worth the time or aggravation. If you have rear wheel ABS and pulling the breaker made a difference it sounds like the ABS is not working correctly. As for testing pressure you would also need to check flow volume also, not sure if this is a standard test. Open a bleeder valve to bleed some fluid on one of the rear brakes with someone applying brake pressure and check the condition of the brake fluid. Changing brake fluid every two years is the best preventative maintenance for the system - but most mechanics can't be bothered. The alcohol in brake fluid absorbs water over time and corrodes the components. Dan
  4. I admire your strength. Thanks for the reminder - children are precious, life is too short. Dan
  5. Thanks for the response John; Good taste and discretion will always be in style and yet I believe that, like germs and viruses, exposure is important to build resistance. If society becomes sterile to the idea of hunting and fishing we will lose our privileges (not rights) to hunt and fish. No I don't believe it is in good taste to have dead animals exposed and "because I can" is not a good reason. Yet while I may not approve of someone's actions I need to defend their rights if their actions are legal. Martin Niemöller summed it up in his "First they came..." Dan
  6. It seems to be about exposure, nobody seems to be offended about the dead animals and animal parts on display in a supermarket. Jeez, just think, the nerve of someone sending a grocery flyer containing pictures of dead animals to your house. Bunnies don't wear vests with pocket watches, Mr Bear doesn't go on holiday with Mr Deer, and food does not come from a store. It is a slippery slope to impose morals on others, if their actions are illegal that is one thing, but if hunters or fishermen are supposed to hide their actions it implies they are doing something offensive and wrong. As people who enjoy fishing we should be careful about not distancing ourselves from hunters, whom do you think the activists would go after if they got hunting banned? Dan
  7. Terry: Sounds like you have rear wheel ABS, rear brakes on pickup trucks can't do much without some weight in the back. The front brakes lock as they don't have ABS and the rear brakes don't lock as they have ABS circuit. Master cylinders generally have two separate two circuits and link front left to rear right tire and front right to rear left so that is probably not your problem. The engineering difficulty comes with matching front to rear brakes; this is where proportioning valves and boosters come in. It seems your problem might be that your front brakes are grabbing too soon before the back brakes can actuate, if the rear brakes have been adjusted correctly and the brake fluid drained, replaced, and bled in the last 4 years, I would try better quality pads on the front brakes (metallic or ceramic) after that the proportioning valve. Dan
  8. The 2000 Dakota was available with standard Rear Antilock or optional 4Wheel antilock. What system does your Dakota have? Sound kinda normal for rear antilock system with nothing in the box. Dan
  9. Check out the tutorial I posted the link to above, it shows exactly how to do it - very simple. Fishing stores that stock fly fishing supplies will carry them, same places you would find the jig hooks. Dan
  10. I like Cliff's way, here is a good tutorial on tying bead head jigs. If you want to use jig heads look in the crappie fishing section, they go down to 1/32 oz and are made with quality hooks, repaint them if you don't like the colour. Dan
  11. Just awesome, thanks for sharing. Dan
  12. That's correct, the police can issue as many tickets as they wish. Dan
  13. Snopes
  14. FT: Just use auto body filler to fill the small depressions. Epoxy is great for filling except for the problem of getting paint to bond to it after it has set up; you have to use coarse paper to get a mechanical bond which makes for an unacceptable finish. Dan
  15. FT: For aluminum you need to use a primer that will stick, zinc chromate is the standard for aircraft. After that you can use regular body repair techniques. Use a light hammer and dolly to remove the dents, aluminum stretches very easily so go slow, start from the edges. Blend out the scratches to eliminate stress points up to 10% thickness of the material - beyond that you should do a doubler repair. Dan
  16. Keep an eye on the weather and know how long it will take you to get back in. Do you know what happens when you take a risk involving safety? – nothing 999 out of 1000 times, but when it hits the fan it is the worst feeling in the world, been there - I was lucky. Remember: It is better be on shore wishing you were on the lake than on the lake wishing you were on shore. Be prepared and be safe. Dan
  17. Thanks for the advice. There is definitely a crack about 4" long, when you fire up the furnace you can see a glow through the crack right beside a weld. We are looking into warranty but the furnace guy thinks the manufacturer is out of business. Plenum was my choice of word, different nomenclature between a furnace and an engine I guess. The furnace technician removed the unit from service as I expect any professional would. Thanks Steve I will get the details on the unit. Thanks again Dan
  18. Just got a call from my wife, we had the furnace inspected this morning and the plenum is cracked. It is a cheap unit about 8 years old, parts impossible to get, not worth fixing. We live in the Niagara area in the country, no natural gas available, currently use oil for heating, no A/C. Our house is a 1200 sq ft brick bungalow about 30 years old. Any advice as to; brand, whether to switch to propane (the oil tank is full of course and was new 8 years ago), where to get a decent deal would be great. Thanks Dan
  19. Boat/Winnebago for sale
  20. Great report, well done. Dan
  21. RR: Just to add: we were just north of there last week, canoed the #13 loop starting from Mowat's Landing, the fishing was great, smallies and pike near shore in the bays through the day and pickeral in the evenings. Dan
  22. RR Not sure where Net Lake is but we have crossed from Lake Temagami to Cross Lake, this was in a 18' boat with a 40hp, there are a few shallow spots where you have to pay attention, take your time. Which Park are you thinking of staying at? as there are about 8 parks in the area. Finlayson Point? It is about a 30+ km trip, one way, from Finlayson point to the entrance of Cross Lake. Dan
  23. Check here Dan
  24. Great pictures and story, thanks Dan
  25. Thanks Justin, I always enjoy your reports. Dan
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