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Everything posted by jwl

  1. don't forget to bring an ultralite set up...if you are driving out that way there is a bazzilion little places you can hit for brookies at the side of the road...all the way past the Soo...then there are a few places up Wawa way and toward Marathon where there are actually some little ponds and stuff at the side of the hwy that even have signs from the MNR that it's a brook trout or splake stocked area basically for "put and take" fishin. My daughter just got back a week ago from an almost 3 week camping adventure with her freind and thier Gramma and had a pretty good time.
  2. I,m with you man, I can't wait until all the rejects go home during the annual "salmon angler" run and the mess they all bring along to be over...the days start to get cold,the snow to start to fly,put on the float suits,load up the boat,and have another killer winter like we did last year man by putting a few hundred steelies in the boat
  3. all the best and many happy years to come
  4. I was going to say an easy conservative 8lbs or so, I caught one over 7 last time at my trailer and that one is bigger than the one I got
  5. well, glad you got that figured out...most electrical for boat accessories is pretty easy...all the negatives(blacks) all go together to the battery...all the possitives(reds) all go together to the battery...anything with an on and off switch should generally have a fuse...you can get a little fuse panel kit from marina..or put all inline fuses..most stuff only requires a 15amp fuse.
  6. whupp em...whupp em all good and hard, and while you are at it come on over my place and whupp my kids too Ah remember the days of being sent to a sitter when you where a kid and mom would leave ya there with the warning that if you weren't good, they where allowed to spank ya too naw just kidding but if ya really wanna come over and beat my kids too that cool with me , I am just kidding really but know where you are coming from I have 3 daughters...14...13...and 5 and they sure have thier moments for sure. As for a "habit" like that...well we all know it's hard to break habits...some of us smoke, and may get nagged from the wife and or kids about that....some of us like to have a few wobblies ect...and as grown ups we know that some habits are hard to break. As for the nail biting thing...if it becomes to the piont where they are making themselves bleed, getting infected or whatever then you should point that out I am sure...vist the doc or something. I am sure you can get some stuff from the doc that is harmless but tatses really bad...my Aunt had to do something simular for my cousin when we where kids...he sucked his thumb even when he was like 10 to the point it would get raw...my Aunt tried taping it up ect..and finally went to the doc and got some stuff, and that seemed to work. If one of the worst things your kids are doing right now is biting thier nails...you arel ucky man..lol
  7. pike,pickerel,perch..that's the only 3 I eat, I don't like fishy fish I only keep maybe 6-8 fish a year total if that anyways,some years none..my wife wishes i kept more though
  8. I would go with some of Hellfish's suggestions, often the walleye shy away from the rigger because they are too close to the boat..you might get a good haul of sheephead on them..lol, you will get walleye, but you will get more using dipsies as they run a bit farther from the sides/behind the boat as opposed to straight down, and also inline boards, or big planer boards off a mast as this will put the baits well out from the back of the boat and spread out depending on how many lines you run...of course you need rod holder for all the rods as well. it is also handy to have good reels with line counters on them too for running the inline boards and dipsies, this way when you run multiple lines, you can start at say 150-200 ft off the boat, clip on an inline board for example them let out a bunch more line...then stagger the lenghts you have the boards out...this way your inlines will run in a "V" on both sides of the boat, and if you get a hit the boards will stray inward toward the middle and out of the pack. Then you can run the dipsies becaue they will be closer to the boat and deeper. You really have to get out there and experiment to see how everything runs all together and to get a good set up going that will have less chances of fouling up all along each other...then from there you don't need much more than a decent assortment of worm harnesses, and some body baits to try. make sure to run long leads from the jets and dipsies to not shay away the fish..even upwards of 10-12 foot leads...long handled net comes in handy for landing the fish this way. It would really help to find someone you can get out with that has experience fishing this way..it's takes a while to set it all up and get a hnag of how it runs, and how to tell when you have a fish on. If you only planning on running one inline board say off each side of the boat , it is pretty hard to tell at time when you get a hit..so it is a good choice to use the boards with the little strike indicator flag that trips when you get a good hit. Colour is not always a huge factor when the fishing is on...but for Erie you can't go wrong with yellows,chartreusess,tigers,bright pinks,watermelons for 20-40feet of water for your baits,jest,dipsies ect, for deeper go with the chrome blues,purples, dark greens for example.
  9. first off great fishin man, I love that spot, some days can be pretty crusher there eh walleyemen It's not really all that close as you would think..and before ya ever actually went over the brink of the falls...there is some white bouy markers out on the water, and if your boat crosses those, the coastguard will be all over you like 90...and it's possible they are going to slap a $10,000 fine on you too for crossing the line.
  10. If I think about it, I think I have more then I posted in my vote..lol 2 ultralite spinning combos 6-Med action spinning combos 1-noodle rod 2- heavy action spinning rods I use for trolling and musky fishing plus some misc rods and reels in the shed at my trailer for just incase..lol
  11. all the best to a totally successful recovery,I just went through that sort of thing with my Mom back just after Christmas of 2007..she had a small stroke at home..woke up in the morning kind of feeling "funny" so she called my Aunt to run her to the hospital, and upon doing some tests they confirmed that she had a small stroke, but then got the worse news when the doctors said I wouldn't worry about that, would worry about the anuerism(sp??). After I took her to the specialist for some tests it was decided it was best to do a preventative surgery and have the anuerism clipped. The docs where amazing, kept the family well informed every step of the way the day of surgery, and after about a 2 week stay in hospital, and some recovery at home, I am happy to say that everything went fine and she had a full recovery...she just actually went today for some follow up test results and was given a big A+ from the doctors. I wish your family the same, and have a safe happy rest of the summer
  12. very cool way you captured the image of the gull there, greatangles on the wings ect..that's hard to do
  13. I think I can explain that one Coach..... The big pile in the back is from all the shovelling the mods have to do around here after weeks and weeks of fish stories with no pics
  14. you mean like nudey girls on one, and a video game on the go,help wanted ads just incase the boss finds out.....and the fishing forum on the go so you can answer questions like this if they pop up???? sure...do it all the time...onlyexcept I am the boss so no probs there...just gotta be fast on the draw about the nudey girls when the wife walks in
  15. they just opened the lower niagara up for 2 rods last season in the new regs,,,but personally unless you are riggin, I don't see how you could pull it off anyways...when we steelie fish, you gotta work at boat control, presentation ect, and sometimes it's hard to fish with one rod and keep control of everything , all I wouls say you would practically wind up with is, a whole whack of lost tackle, and probabl;y a lost rod no problem if you tried for long , and when the fishin is hot,you can have 20-30 fish mornings between 2-3 guys in the boat, I can't see how you would try to fight 2 big airborn steelies at once...some into the high teens and control the boat, watch for other boats and the shore with the current, and still get to the gas motor if you needed too I just editted the post to be a little more descriptive...I have to add the 2 rod rule only applies to fishing in a boat, and NOT from shore, and it has to be "open waters", the following waters are excluded and only one rod permitted...Jordan harbour,Hamilton harbour,Toronto harbour<Frenchman's bay,MUrray canal,Presqu'le Bay,Weller's bay,Eastlake,West lake,BOQ(west of Glenora ferry)St Lawrence River(east of Bishop's Point and the easternmost tips of Howe and Wolfes islands) and all other lake ontario Tribs I just thought I should clarify some of the details here so it doesn't give the worng people the idea that it's a 2 rod free for all..lol
  16. my wifes uncle and fellow diehard angler sent me that in an email about a year and a half ago, I thought it was pretty good
  17. right on man, rates right up there with the pigs from BOQ or Erie, they don't get much longer than that, had to be at least a conservative 12 lber or so..we wieghed a couple lately while out with some buddys in the 29-30 incher range pushing between 9-11 lbs or so from Erie..so you gotta know that one you caught is a real hog
  18. I have a trailer in Madoc,about 45 minutes or so North of Belleville and I find that time of year pretty nice for fishing, and fish on the feed bag...the days are beauty, of course getting shorter, nights and early mornings can be a bit cooler but heck, it's nice after a hot summer on and around the water...less bugs...less people..it's a great time to go if ya ask me I know I will be fishing up and around that way...it's alos this time of year and into mid to later October that I have caught a couple of the biggest muskies I have ever caught
  19. kinda reminds me of a few pecular days in "high"school
  20. another few inches for the good guys , nice fish man, you have been bagging some beasts out there, personally I love fighting lakers...big headshakes...the feel of the barrel rolling around in an attempt to throw the bait, when you got a big laker on, you know you got a laker on for sure
  21. I am with DanC on that one too, I have an older pic where I actually used my livewell to revive a nice musky.....mind you only about 1/2 the thing or so fit in the livewell, but with the water flowing and aerator bubbling the fish only took a minute of so to liven right up and be on it's way....it may not have been the most conventional way to C&R a musky but it worked like a charm on a fish that may not have made it otherwise...when put back in the water, that fish darted away like lightning
  22. some times it's just "rush hour" all day long..I work all over the GTA and Eastward right into Quebec at times, and travel that way almost weekly in the summer going to my trailer, sometimes the little stretch between Ajax and The Schwa is worse itself than going right through TO....I have worked all over Ontario this year so far and most of the trouble from Windsor to Ottawa is all the freekin' construction bottle necking the traffic. Lately we have been travelling through that way at night,on say Frid,Sat, or Sun night, getting through the GTA at around 10-11 at night...pretty smooth sailing then....a couple weeks back different story, it took us over 6 hours for about a 350km drive to get to my camp, and that's just because of the 401, pretty much took us the better part of 4 1/2 hours just to get from Fort Erie to the 115/35 cut-off which should take about 2 hours and change
  23. depends I guess,I go fishing 12 months a year, I have been having a great season if you count since like January for the begginning of 2008...big pike, big steelhead,a couple pretty decent walleye,some lunker bass, and one lost big musky ,then again I do an aweful lot of fishing when time allows, atleast 2-3-4 days a week besides a couple lulls because of my workload or snow storms in the winter if you look at all the team standings on the bottom.....people been into some pretty good fish, and there have been some great reporst over the last couple months
  24. I just use a rectangle piece of cardboard..put a couple little slits in the end for the line to go into and wrap them all around, works for harnessess and pickerel rigs too....I may do a tonne of fishing a year but I am not worried about looking to fancy while I am doing it...no getting up early to do my make up and put on my $1000 fishing costume for this guy
  25. I know exactly what you are saying C-Dude,that's where the whole question of ethics comes in, and you know all too well there are alot of unethical anglers out there man ,one can argue that the "group" would hypathetically be allowed 20 fish between them for example, the question would be who really caught them...it's like the rejects in our area that catch a limit of fish, call up someone on thier cell phone to come and pick them up, a vehicle rolls up, grabs the bucket or bag of fish, peels off leaving the idiots fishing for another bag full, these guys know exactly what they are doing wrong...same as people who claim thier kids caught half the haul of fish for the day..I hate that crap man
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