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Everything posted by jwl

  1. that's a classic man, reminds me of last week up at my camp...someone in the park has a golf cart painted up like the General Lee
  2. ya , that's where the whole question of ethics comes in.....if there are 5 guys fishing, they all have full liscences for walleye for example, possession limit is 4 a person...so techinically speaking, between the group they could keep 20 fish.....butttt...I still don't think it's right if one guy caught and kept 15 of them and "passed off" his limit to the others even though in total the group still has a legal number of fish between them
  3. that one bugs me too when I know of people doing this, specially if there is only like 1 person fishing...I would like to see the CO if applicable in these situations question the kids about catching 'thier limit" specially when people try and pull this off with young children...that would be like me having my 5 year old in the boat, catching my limit of fish then saying my little one caught 5-6 nice fish...mind you she uses good gear,,,my ultralite combo,and it is totally concievable that we may have hit a lucky spot...... but you can easily tell that some kid fishing with a Sponge Bob fishin rod didn't boat 6- 30 inch pike or anything. I personally think "sharing" keep limits this way is wrong, and may sound a bit hypocritical..but alot different then going out fishing with 3-4 liscenced anglers for the day and splitting the catch up at the end of the day...mind you pretty much everyone I fish with does not keep a full limit anyways ..just a couple for the table, and does not keep more than thier personal limit anyways no matter how many peple fishing with areunder thier personal limit for the day...specially people who lie and pawn thier "extra" keepers off on a kid's limit, that gets to me the most...what's that teaching the kids
  4. I would check out the settings like Terry said, as for mounting the transducer that way...my wife's uncle does this on his boat and it works like a charm...As for working under power, mine does not work when the boat is under power either and that is factory installed(hummingbird)..it may just be the sensativity setting that keeps losing the bottom on you as well, or the depth/zoom setting..you should see what it goes up to..mine goes up to 300ft, from your pics, it looks to be in a decent placement on the boat, perhaps as well, if you say it freezes up on you so to speak..check your chart speed settings
  5. nice work, I like doing nature related artwork as well,and fantasy kind of stuff...mostly sketches and watercolours
  6. that's funny you say that about if you have your britches on,you have your liscence....me too,mine is in my pocket as we speak , in my bank card protector, is my bank card,fishing liscence,and PCO card, always keep them all together, heck for the most part I don't even carry my wallet around as much....and I have also produced my fishing liscence as another piece of ID besides my drivers liscence....my birth certificate is in about 10 pieces in my wallet from getting wet before..reminds me I need to get a new one cuz the wife wants toi go state side soon for some shopping and goffing off with the kids
  7. that's funny....I like a few of the older fishin commercials I can remeber. like the Ohenry one where the fish catch the people, or the one, I forget what it was endorsing but...there are a couple guys out fishing, one says to the other one.."if I take one more cast, I think my arm is going to fall off"...his buddy says.."awe come on you big baby"...so he winds up takes the cast and his arm goes flying off into the water, and they both stand there looking like this
  8. all depends on where you are fishing for sure...some areas are "infested" with bass,there are places I have fished from shore on the Niagara River where catching 50-60 bass from sun up until about 10am is pretty common..but after a few days of fishing a couple areas, you come to realize that you are catching many of the same fish over again. I have also spent days at my camp where we catch 30-40 bass of all different sizes within a few hours...sometimes every cast in both of these scenarios. A couple years ago bass opener me and 2 other guys boated 68 for the morning...I know these number may seem far fetched for some, but it does happen...other days depending on boat traffic, weather ect you may have to work half the day to maybe land 12-15 fish. It's pretty cool when you are fighting a decent smallie for example and you see 20-30 of them following around the one you have hooked...then you know it's going to be a good day sure fire way for me to not catch bass is.....enter a bass tourney , I could fish the day before and the day after in the exact same spots and catch tonnes...tourney day...maybe a couple little ones if I am lucky
  9. very nice fish..haven't had the chance for salmon fishing yet this year, you guys got some really nice ones for sure...fish pushing 30lbs are BIG for this time of year
  10. Upper and Lower Niagara,Upper and Lower Grand,Erie,Ontario,misc inland waters around Niagara, and at my trailer in Madoc...lakers,steelies,browns,salmon, muskies, walleye, bass, pike,channel cats,carp...pretty much what I fish for
  11. me too guys, but can't mention that too much too or I may have to cut out some of the expenses..lol, well actually my music hobby doesn't cost me all that much anymore since I havehad almost all of it for a long time Epiphone Les Paul..LP 1 (same as Les Paul Standard Yamaha Acoustic as well 1976 -400 Watt,Sunn Stagemaster amp with matching 4X12 cabinet Hartke Systems 250X250 Transient attack base head with 4X8 SWR systems cabinet various Boss pedals Vox Wha pedal mike stands,couple mics mums the word on what that all adds up to OK guys
  12. told ya in the discussion thread I would be coming home today with a few inches to add , luck would have it I am going to camp for a couple days too so when I get back...pike inches for sure doubt I am gonna catch a 29 incher up there for walleye, and well we already have 51 inches on the board for muskies..so it's going to take a serious kick tail fish to top that entry , yeah for the good guys...we are closing the gap..kick a.s.s. and take no prisoners
  13. well if you add up using the bigger boat a couple times a week in the winter at about 25 bucks or more a trip for the boat,site fees for my trailer, gas for the little boat up there, gas to travel there almost weekly in the summer, tackle, bait, then there is kicking in the odd day for gas, tackle, bait with buddies who have bigger boats like today when we went out in Jeff's Charter boat, not even including local fishing from shore or anything...ummmm...a few grand no prob can't really say how much incase the wife is looking over my shoulder one day
  14. hey that's funny man, I posted some of the same pics already . That was awesome of jeff to invite us out for the day,hey I just remebered that he said today was the first fishin mission for the Reel Serious this season,guess we broke the boat in pretty good. man what a big average for the fish today too..even the smaller fish where couple lbers, the other ones just make them look small . Thanks for sharing the pics man, to bad I had to take my fish and run so quick when we got back to the dock, wasn't trying to ditch everyone so quick, I just had to go..good thing I stuck around for a couple pics. hats off to Jeff for treating us to a great day out on his boat, man was i glad when I got the invite to go out with you guys. We made the best of the day as usual, great way to spend the day with some great fishin buddies and go kick some butt out there on the water, man can you imagine if I didn't have to go, how many fish we could have brought in from that majic spot if we had some more time out there.
  15. here is a couple more pics from the day...man what a day for big fish this was, great average for the afternoon. a quick pic before I made the mad dash for the car to get home for the wife to go to work...hmmm good going on my buddy's camera for saying we got the fish 2 days from now and here is what we brought back to the dock
  16. Here is one you can add for us coach, just brought our 22 incher walleye entry up to 29 inches adding 7 inches for our team Headed out on Erie today with a few great fishin buddies. day started off not too great...lightning soon as I pulled into the marina, sky looked crap and a decent wind. We hummed and hawed a little bit and decided to give it a go anyways after letting the big thunder head roll past for about 45 minutes while shooting the beside the boat. Good thing we headed out in a 27 footer boat today as it was pretty bumpy on the way out, got out set up the gear and fished for a heck of a long time before we got into anything. Fished for a while and only came up with 2 sheepies and a silver bass between us. Didn't get into any walleye until this afternoon we winded up boating 9 with a couple missed fish..3 sheepies and 1 silver bass altogether for the day. Action was fast at the end of the day, we probably boated 5 of the walleye in the last hour. Too bad I had to rush out of there while the bite was hot because my wife had to work we rushed back to the dock for a couplew quick pics, and I mean quick because I had to run fast and at that,I grabbed my 2 fish I was bringing home and high tailed it. I still made my wife late for work...don't gotta hear about that until about 10 tongith though when she gets home,didn't have time to chew me out when I got home, I hopped out of the car and she hopped in it and went to work. Some pics of the day to come later when I get them..like I said when we got back to the dock I had to go as quick as I could Here is a pic I took when I got home, looks like a 29 incher in there to me....grab this one and post it up for our team Greencoachdog you know you came home with a couple nice one when you get 20 incher fillets out of the deal Will share more pics after I get em.
  17. if it's been kept up, you should have no probs at all, I run a '76 -9.9 Evinrude on my 14 footer I have at camp, we got the motor used about 10 years ago, it's been on 3 different boats now...even got frozen in the lake once thanks to my late newfie step-dad , it runs like a champ still, I have had to put an impeller 2 years ago, and about 30 bucks into it since with sparkplugs and replacing the cover latch(fell off a couple weeks ago while out on the water)...so all of about 48 bucks into it in the last 2 years,can't complain, just cuz it's old don't mean it still isn't good heck my 14 footer set up is a 2003 boat with a 1976 motor
  18. if you do, shoot me a PM I can turn you on to some good fishin spots no prob, I have over 30 years experience fishing the area
  19. that really sucks man, must have hit the dock pretty hard to damage a 100 guage hull like that, I mean when I dinged my boat I hit pretty hard cuz of high winds and current right at the corner of the dock and after scrubbing the scuff mark off you can hardly even tell there was a dent at all..so had to be coming in pretty quick. To be honest, I always look for nails, bolts ect sticking out from a dock when I come in...for example on the lower Niagara the launch we use all winter for steelie fishing is sort of an "L" shape and there is a big metal bracket that sticks out on the join, I wouldn't want to hit that for sure . I doubt the city will take any resposibility for that for a few reasons.
  20. jwl

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    you ave to scuse my hacksent, because my Frenches, dey are a little rusty hey, but doze har some very nice musky dare guys
  21. funny how pike cause so much trouble if they get into lakes like the Kawartha chain where there is no "natural" pike population so to speak, but yet it's not big trouble in other places like at my camp an hour east of there where they seem to co-exsist just fine
  22. that is quite the difference between a 4 stroke and a 2, I have an oil injected 2 stroke 40 Merc on my Legend Viper, and with 2 guys in it can get the better part of 40mph out of it..I GPSed it beside another boat with a GPS on it before at 38 mph, 2 guys loaded up for fishing, and against the current of the upper Niagara I have the manual for my motor right here has the specs for 40&50...says WOT rpms should run between 5000-5500 it's the same for a 40 or 50
  23. how bad is said dent??,like on the verge of putting a hole in the boat???, I put a very small not very deep dent in my Legend this past winter not even enough to scratch the paint...still sucked it was a dent but just took a block and a rubber mallet and it's all fixed up..good thing it's a 100 guage tough boat it could have been way worse. The first scratches and dings are always the worst...our boat is 5 years old and looks pretty much brand new still cuz we try to take care of it,only a small dock rash that's it and that's from the first summer we had it..my brother and his buddies had it in the water up at camp and it got stormy...they watched it rubbing against the post of the dock(post cap came off) for a long time before they relaized it was scratching the boat...we where'nt too impressed with that specially since the boat was like a month old at the time. Hope you buddy6 gets it fixed man, Iknow it's a bummer, but it'sgonna happen no matter what sooner or later, a scratch, scuff, ect..specially with guys who use thier boats to the max
  24. the Grand is just tough to fish sometimes because it's so muddied up,play around with colours a bit, where you trolling?dirfting? Sometimes your best bet on the Grand is bait...worm harnesses, drifting minnows, jigging with twisters.
  25. my wife's uncle does that on his tinner and it works great, I helped him cut some decking for the back of the boat to keep the gas tank, deepcycle to save some space for loading up the boat with the riggers ect for fishin on Erie, and we used marine plastic plywood and cut a strip for the transducer and just clamp it with a C clamp just like you mentioned, just gotta take it off if you plan on running nuts out from point A to B
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