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Everything posted by jwl

  1. just have to pick your days, know what your boat can handle and how to read the water...my boat is a bit smaller with a 76 inch beam...and I would have no probs bringing it out there...on the bad days the 18 footers are coming in too...all a matter of your comfort zone, my boat has seen some pretty big waves on Erie, just got to take it slow and ride the trough
  2. you will always get people with mixed opinions on what kind of gear to use......to be honest a couple of the biggest muskies I have ever caught including 2 in the 52-54 inch range,30lbs plus, and a couple 4 footers have been incidental catches on my 7 foot med rod, 8lb test..no leader ..this isn't recommended by no means, but do-able, come to think about it, i have probably caught more muskies on that gear than I have on my actual musky gear
  3. my boat is a bit more than 1000lbs, and I have no troubles with a mini van, although come winter and the ramp is icy I rely on a couple people with 4x4s to get me in and out..it's a fair trade, i got the boat, they got the tow
  4. cool pics man, gotta love our area for all the different species of fish you can catch in a year, and all from shore to boot, right on man
  5. your cover must not be vented, that's why the mildew inside...mine on the other hand has the opposite problem, outside is getting covered with sap and pine pollen from being out at my trailer,I would also be curious as to see what people recomend to get it clean..and any other remedies for sap they may have..my leather seats have a couple marks on them from having sap on my panyts and not knowing it at the time. if your cover has no vent on it, you can probably get a place that makes covers to do it up for you pretty cheap
  6. wow go figure eh???, you better go out and buy a couple lottery tickets now man cuz the chances of that are 1 in a million for sure
  7. good going on the fish, those ones are usually scrappy little buggers, hopefully I have the same thing to report mid week, heading on a couple day musky mission later this evening. Thanks for sharing the pics, cool markings on those ones
  8. and you are admitting that infront of all these members on the board , I hope what you are trying to say is that you have a hot date with this even hotter woman who promises to make your wildest fantasies come true right after you take her to the concert
  9. hey sounds like a great mission...lots of nice little fish there, you guys should have kept a bucket load of them big chubs for pike bait, I always startstockpiling them in a fish tank in the early fall if you guys can find the really small original rooster tails, those work awesome up in that area, anyhting with a brown bucktail on it. Any of you guys ever try a mini version of a dodger and fly for specks????, I learned to do this years ago fishing up north of The Soo for big specks, we would get lots of 2-3 pounders this way......in the higher current areas ,use a small Williams with the hook off it for the dodger, then tie a lead off that with a streamer,worm or small twister tail..works like crazy specially in areas like the one you where in there, that the specs share the water with lots of creek chubs, I think instinct kicks in big time as a competition for food and the specs think that the spoon is a chub trying to score thier meal..it's a fun way to fish them in the current
  10. I like this lil invention myself........spring loaded with 2 settings,one for light bites, one for heavier bites.....get a nibble it springs back like a moustrap. Thought I would share seeing as there where some good homemade ideas on the table....here is mine I gave this one away as a prize last season
  11. will be by with the gang about this time tommorrow to get ya man
  12. Hey Bruce,good going on the fishin with Bill today, what's this practice for the next couple days Hopefully we add 10-15lbs to those guys you better not have gotten yourself into trouble by staying out fishin too long today,seeing as you are arlready supposed to be going away to my trailer tommorrow night for a few days Where you sitting around the house like this so you had to get out?????..just couldn't wait to hit the road tommorrow Better not get to your house to get you and find out you are grounded,if so..we are bringing your beer hey I ain't gonna help stock that place every spring, if you don't quit keeping them ..naww great to see, great info to get back to the club and the MNR about regarding our annual project, and all the more reason to keep it going with success rates like that..
  13. probably not much help, but all my stuff is spinning gear so that's my prefference, and always will be..I target eyes, and pike for my icefishing missions
  14. don't feel bad man, sometimes they are just stubbourn....you think you have one hooked but you really don't, they will battle you all the way to the boat, and hold on like a pitbull with brain damage only to open thier mouth on you and out pops your bait
  15. I know where there has been a couple big ones hanging out near my camp Bruce,maybe one of us will get one after tommorrow on our trip You guys are stuck with me for a couple hour musky adventure Monday morning anyways..cuz who ever is in my boat, that's what I am doing, so you are stuck for the ride I have a spare musky rod if someone needs to use it, and a pretty good range of baits Keep plugging away at it Rizzo, getting them to follow your baits is half the battle, the big ones didn't get that big because they are stupid a 50 incher 30lbs plus fish is 25 years old or better
  16. ah I remember the "good ole days"when I was a teenager in the 80's and could see almost any of my favorite bands for between like 12-20 bucks a ticket, and sometimes that was even on a party bus..those where the days have a blast at the show man AC-DC puts on one heck of a hard rockin concert
  17. I heard they where already sold out,should be a great show though, I seen them many years ago....For Those About To Rock tour, that was a wicked concert.
  18. Late Oct is a great time for musky fishin, many don't even start thier musky fishing season hardcore until October through the really crappy cold weather months until close, I know I will be trying a few places in October, I got my 3 biggest ever in 3 different Octobers
  19. That's what I say Bruce...the trip to my trailer is gonna be some solid fishin
  20. bring it on!!!, I will be up in the Hastings area fishin at my trailer for a couple days at the beggining of the week. Bringing on the frosty night means puttin on the feed bag for some fall monster toothies...didn't get my annual 50 incher plus fish yet this year
  21. nice report, some of you guys have been out there giving the bass a good whoopin
  22. again didn't check anything off in the poll. for me I guess it depends on what I am looking for,where I happen to buy it. I can say that I pretty much buy somehting before everytime I go fishin, and that's probably 200 plus days a year
  23. didn't pick anything on the poll.....but I fish for pretty much anything that swims 12 months a year..for me there really isn't a beginning and end to fishing season...it's 12 months a year long, always something is in season to fish for, my 2008 season started January 2nd when I renewed my liscence
  24. I just think somewhere is an evil plot to kill off the guys , all the guidlines always say that women in child-bearing years and children should not eat the fish
  25. neocitran with rye in it
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