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Everything posted by fishboy

  1. I was supposed to be out today but plans didn't work out as i'd hoped. That being said, one of my buddies just called and he was already on his way back home due to the downpours and lightning.
  2. fantastic looking fish and way to make us jealous up here...
  3. excellent insight & detail
  4. keep a set of old plugs to use the first time you fire it up to burn off the fogging oil, that way you don't foul your good ones
  5. ..and if the "weak & IDLE" were the ones proposing the changes, would you sing the same tune? How about they tighten up the fact that you can rent a boat and do that dockside checklist to be deemed a safe operator but those of us who have owned & piloted boats for years need the card?
  6. nice fish and pics-congrats
  7. if you're jigging in deeper water, give a buzz bomb a try
  8. great looking fish-congrats
  9. yep-smallies, lakers (and of course the elusive rock bass or 2)
  10. works for me!
  11. Nice work and glad you got out. I had a friend and his son report that with the lightning on Sat and the wind on Sun they got precious little fishing in.
  12. exactly..I cringe at some of the minute details folks post publicly
  13. fantastic pics and report-making us jealous!
  14. hmmmm...sucker sandwiches-I'll pass thanks
  15. curious-where's the launch and what's the fee?
  16. so do they just rely on the annual oil change to keep things clean?
  17. curious...if you have a boat, where can you launch and how much $?
  18. that engine sound is music to my ears....think I'll go get mine out of the garage.
  19. I had the same "levitating line" trick happen to me on Dalrymple. There was a storm in the distance (at least I thought it was still far enough away) and the line started to rise up. As soon as the line started lifting off the surface without any significant breeze, I was thinking holy crap, that's a charge building up and got out of there. I certainly have changed my thinking on how far away a storm needs to be....
  20. What type of connector to the tank/motor? I can remember having an OMC with a simple o-ring problem
  21. nice to hear
  22. thanks for the update
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