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Everything posted by fishboy

  1. ...if that's real, how the heck hadn't it blown down before that?
  2. Nice work there, Will. We need to arrange some fishing time this summer. Chad & I are heading out on Friday I think.
  3. thanks folks-got to get back up there soon!
  4. I'm not claiming to be an authority but my understanding is the tell-tale should spray independently of a thermostat so you know whether the water pump is pumoing.
  5. Pier 4 (where the boat ramps are) might be busy but may be worthwhile as I think there's some sort of perch derby running.
  6. Had a nice long weekend on the opener fishing in the Haliburtons. The smallies were on in shallower water (still cool with surface temps 70-72F) on the rock shoals, rock to weed transitions and points and seemed to enjoy senko clones (watermelon/pearl laminate was working well) and tubes (salt & pepper and smoke). Attached is one of my better fish of the weekend and also my youngest daughter's first smallie. After being out for panfish, she was dipping the worm left on her hook into the water off the edge of the dock (all of 4 feet) next to one of the boats. She almost got taken for a swim when the bass decided to have a snack.
  7. I caught the same smallie (MNR tagged) Saturday and Monday of the opening weekend using the same bait and within 20 yards of the same spot.
  8. My 40 Suzuki manual suggests that you duct tape the auxillary water intake (check the bottom surface of the cavitation plate) when using the muffs to keep the water from draining back out that way.
  9. Nice work & thanks for sharing. Bass opener at LP is something everyone needs to try at least once. Just wondering, where did you launch?
  10. the Haliburton lakes are full to the brim-our neigbours permanent dock is under water
  11. nice handful!
  12. mikey. I thought those hole in the walls were for a special species of trout...
  13. my dad's wise advice was to run between the drops so as not to get wet...
  14. jitterbug and the crazy crawler..
  15. it's a typical Shield lake; smallmouth, lake trout & whitefish + the usual suspects for panfish (pumpkinseed, perch & the elusive rock bass)
  16. #8....in Burlington, they seem to think that green means go and yellow go like hell...If you're first in line at a red light, make darn sure you check both ways before starting (you should anyway) if in that town
  17. here smelty, smelty, smelty...
  18. If anyone did make it up there this weekend, an ice update would be greatly appreciated.
  19. the best multispecies lake in the land that lake x awesome fish-well worth it!
  20. I expect that in the long run, this will help the ice-get rid of the snow cover and then a good freeze of the surface water.
  21. great fish & thanks for letting us know to avoid the Morbid nightmare..
  22. sounds like fun...do you really think this will set the ice back 2 weeks? I can't see how a few days of warm weather (with some below 0 nights) is going to cause enough damage to 7" of ice on Cook's
  23. Hi Jigger: Where on 12 did you check the ice? We're on Little Bosh & I'm hoping to head up the 26th (or so); if there's 6" now, sounds like I'm good for then.
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