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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Nice. That is a great day. Almost your own private lake. I need one of those.
  2. We have been blessed with incredible weather over the past 2 weeks and for that I am greatful. Got out early Sat morning for a morning session on the bay. I could only fish until 11:30 I had to make the most of it. Things started off really well as I managed to catch 3 good smallies in the first 30 minutes out there. I was thinking, this could be a memorable day! Turned out to be memorable but not because of the fishing. Here is where the day turns from being enjoyable to a bit frustrating. I pulled the cord to start the engine and it came off the track and went under the track above the flywheel. To make a longs story short, the rope broke in two places making either piece too short to use. I had to take off the cowling and remove engine parts. Someone said to me, "make sure I didn't drop anything in the water." Right after that was said, I accidently dropped something in water. Don't know what it was but it made a considerable kerplunk sound. Not cool. So there we were drifting as I disassemble everything to get to the flywheel. Once at the flywheel I had to wrap a rope (anchor line) around the flywheel and pull start the motor. After about 10 minutes of not being able to get the motor going I began to think that the part that fell into the water might be important. As I was contemplating which boat to ask for help I decided to try the rope on flywheel again. I looked down where the motor is mounted on the boat and I see that the kill switch is in the off position. Are you kidding me? 15 minutes of me trying to start the motor while the run switch is in the off position. Switch to run and pull. Starts right away. This whole scenario must have taken about 1 hour. Anyway, I had to start the motor this way from that point on and it was a bit frustrating to say the least. Oh well, better to fish with a problemed motor than to not fish at all. At the end of our morning I only managed to land 4 fish and lost at least 3 more. They were all caught drop shotting Strikezone Slammers. Jaydub also got in the mix with some smallie action. Not a great day fishing but it was great to be fishing on such a day. I look out the window as I am typing and can't help but think about fishing. Today looks even nicer than yesteday! PS I still don't know what the part that fell off the boat was. I went to marina and got them to blow up a parts list with diagrams on that side of the motor. I checked against the motor and everything seems to be there. I also bought a new pull chord. Only 8 more days of this dirt stache. Can't wait to get it off my face. I think Jaydub is thninking the same thing. Nice early morn smallie Jaydub getting into it a bit Drivning a boat with motor issues. what a pain in the backside.
  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice one Geeza (insert cockney accent)
  4. Nice fish and a nice variety! That river is great. I have to somehow hit it up this fall (what am I going to do with the 4 girls that don't fish?? Shopping in Buffalo!)
  5. And this is the man, who supplies the baits, that catch the fish!!! Slammers!!! Thanks Mark
  6. Hey Jarred, Right after you left we started spanking them even harder. I have a new bait for you to use and a new spot. Let me know if you can make it up here. If you have no one to fish with give me a day notice and we can get 2 per boat. Would be a sweet tourney with 4 or 5.
  7. Thanks for the responses. We lost a few fish as well. I must also apologize for Jaydub's and my moustaches. It is Movember so that is the reason for the sweet staches.
  8. Nice shootin! Wow those are some nice looking musky and that pike is a clean looking pig as well.
  9. maybe not the one you were looking for but still a good deer.
  10. that's a good day for sure. I hear you about losing fish. Lost my share yesterday as well.
  11. clean looking fish. congrats.
  12. That is a nice eye! Congrats on the trophy.
  13. Well, I had this Saturday booked off since early Oct. I was hoping the weather would still be good enough to get out and it was better than I could have ever hoped. My fishing buddies James and Jon (Jaydub), joined me a day of fishing on my favourite lake. Everytime we go out we have a mini tourney and today was no exception. Everyone's 3 best fish would be weighed and the 2 losers have to buy wings for the winner (seeing as I am on a strict budget I knew I had to bring my 'A' game today in order to win this challenge). The day started well and James managed a fish not 5 minutes into our first drift. I soon followed suit with a quality fish on our second drift. Things slowed a bit so we moved to a spot where Jaydub and I marked loads of fish at night last week. This spot did not disappoint yielding the biggest fish of the day. After catching another fish at this location we decided to head to spot #3. Spot #3 turned out to be the honey hole today surrending about 13 fish of all sizes. Fish were caught from 20' down all the way to 47'!! I have never caught bass that deep but there were many between 37 and 47' today. Incredible. Lots of football over 4 pounds today and I think they are going to get even bigger. The competition ended and weights were totalled and I won the tourney by less than 2 ounces!!!(I caught a fish with less than 30 minutes left to put me in the lead). I weighed in 3 fish for 13.24 pounds and James 3 big fish weighed in 13.12 pounds. So very close but it is I who shall enjoy the hot wings this week. Jaydub managed to catch a new PB while were out there as well. Congrats to him! Jigger also showed up this weekend and I know he did catch as well. You will have to pardon some of the blurry pics as I have just bought a new camera and we are still trying to get used to it. Sorry. Some of James fish today Some of Cudz fish today Jigger in background Jaydub's fish His PB smallie
  14. Those are nice looking boys there. Not to hyjack this thread but seeing as 2 Barrie boys responded, I thought I would share this. I saw a doe get hit today by a car. On Ferndale between Tiffen and Dunlop. She didn't get hit hard but was half on the road and half on the shoulder. She was stunned. When a guy walked toward her she got up and stumbled into the forest with what appeared to be at least one broken front leg. Sad to see. Not sure what will come of it. I doubt she made it far.
  15. sorry to hear that Simon. remember when one door shuts there is another that opens.
  16. I was driving up ferndale as well and the tell tale wet lines were all over the road. And I wonder why I pay more than $4500 a year on property taxes!!!
  17. That is a big fish indeed. Do you think your whole body could get into its mouth Jonah?
  18. My buddy had a great day out there today. Managed this nice buck with a nice rack. 11 pointer 8" base. Shot with a compound bow at 30 yards. Just to get an idea or the size of this rack, my buddy is 6'3 and weighs 250.
  19. nice! lots of big eyes for sure. Good day
  20. nice brown. be careful of the white stuff coming out it. Don't know what it is so be careful with it.
  21. Nobody is calling you a poacher. These things do happen. I use a jigging spoon for perch and they get snagged very often. A 10" perch feels like a 2 pound smallie sometimes. That is the nature of the beast. As long as they are released immediately no biggie. On the other hand you may have been into a huge steelie. That would have been nice to see for sure. But like Bill says. when you don't catch fish in the mouth the fish fight crazy hard and are super stong.
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