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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. This is a BPS lure called the egg. All I am going to say is go out and get one. Mike, You have some quality lures there. You've been watching JP and Dave quite a bit I see. As I said earlier, that collection that I have posted is only my crayfish coloured lures, and not even all the crayfish coloured ones I own. I also have that many cranks in silver and white and again in chartreuse and perch colours. It is gross when I think how much $$ has been spent on cranks.
  2. Foul hooked! Doesn't count.
  3. Yeah and when reserves get low Saudi will all of a sudden mysteriously find more oil fields.
  4. That is English, except maybe das (german) How about this 0-5 mins $5 over5 - 10 mins $10 etc.
  5. I know bass season is not here yet but I was getting a few of my trays ready. I fish Simcoe quite a bit and unlike most bass anglers, I only throw tubes about 17% of the time. I would guess that I have a crankbait tied to my line 75% of the time. Anyone want to guess what colour I use? Have a look at the pic Scary thing is that those aren't even all my crayfish coloured cranks.
  6. And you went to Waterloo! My wife is a lawyer. I will try to remember to ask her when I get up in the morning.
  7. Looks fine to me. Did you unplug the electrical? Maybe you left the safety straps on.
  8. I put the handle of my spinning reel on the left side and my baitcasters on the right. Whatever you feel comfortable with.
  9. I have been out at sunrise a couple of times recently and the Simcoe has been glass. I park the boat in 80' of water and for the 2 hours straight there are fish of all sizes surfacing. I am not talking about 1 or 2 fish I am talking about hundreds. lots of smaller fish but a few bigger splashes as well. I tried throwing a small jig at a group of them but no luck. They appear to be eating off the surface. These goofy flies are mating all over the place out there. Anyway, what type could these fish be? I know when they get near to my boat both my fishfinder and vexilar light up. Maybe just balls of smelt and herring eating off the surface and a few bigger lakers following them around. It was interesting but at the same time a bit frustrating.
  10. Hard for me to part with that kind of coin. I got some really good worm hooks the other day for on sale for $2.99 for 5. I only use 5/0 with senkos unless I am using 4" then I wacky rig them.
  11. There is some good stuff there. Lots of quality. Let us know how you like those trokar hooks. Wonder if they are worth all that $. Those are good looking froggies as well. You must be chompin at the bit to go out and use those things. Too bad you have to wait another month. lol
  12. At the start of my video at the 8 second mark, if you listen closely, I make reference to limeyangler. I say something like "Limeyangler style". lol. I couldn't figure out how you took your vids then on one video I saw your shadow on the water and I could see exactly how you were holding your camera. It works great, especially when you catch fish down deep and there is lots time to get thing ready.
  13. I second that vote. How about this: Barrie raceway torn down and in its place a cabela's and an Ikea. Send wife to ikea and go to cabela's. Not to mention that I live like 2 minutes away from the racetrack.
  14. Got out for some lakers and whities over the weekend. Can't catch whitefish but I have a handle on the lake trout. First fish weighed 6.4 pounds and I hooked it at about 30ft after chasing my bait for 40ft. Because it hit so high up it was really lively when I got it on the boat and it was moving so much when I was holding it, he broke the area around the gill and lower jawbone. Not nice and much blood but it was dinner. The video is me catching a 7 pounder and I had no net to land it. Finally manged to do a double hand underbelly sweep into the boat. both fish on 8 pound test. Fun. This pic is of the 7 pounder landed sans net from the video. This pic was taken after the fish was on ice for some time, hence the rigor mortis and funny looking eye.
  15. It has been that way since I can remember. Nothing new.
  16. You make some valid points and we just don't have the resources to cope. I must admit that I have played perch tag. Not really proud of it but it does happen once in a while. With regards to this quoate; "they also toss ciggarettes and crap in the river" I think that is just gross, and unhealthy. Did they have gloves on when they threw the crap or do they do it barehanded. Either way, peple should never throw crap. Well almost never. If someone threw crap at me, I would be hard pressed not to throw a good hanful back.
  17. Nope, dave524 got it correct. The lure you are looking for is the Luhr Jensen Fishback. Case closed. Here are 4 of them for sale on ebay. Pretty cheap too. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280484112576
  18. And what would you know about fires?? lol. Just kidding.
  19. I would say it is low. The last 2 years I have targeted pike and only have a couple fish to show for it. I fished cook's bay on Monday after fishing for whities and lakers in the morning and I tried for 2.5 hours without even a sniff. Saw lots of percdh and sunfish and rock bass and bullhead but didn't even see one pike. Well done to Paul and Joey.
  20. Probably choked on an orange. That is usually how they die. You know how it is. You are out there fishing and then you get bored so you throw an orange in the water. It floats around for a while than a big pike hits it on the surface. The pike tries to swallow it and gets it caught in its throat. Eventually it is unable to get oxygen and dies.
  21. I spent a few minutes today looking at a floater. I had totally forgot that we ate corn last night. Seems that I don't even chew my corn.
  22. I was the third boat out there but I launched at Lefroy in Cooks. I was on the water by 5:30 and fishing by 6.
  23. I tried everything on Monday. Marked loads and could get them off bottom but they just won't commit. After trying to coax the same fish, or same couple of fish for 20 mins I just gave up. They come off the bottom and look at it but don't actually bite it. I tried every jigging technique known to man. On a side note I managed a nice 6.5 pound laker using the ice fishing method and my vexilar. Love that machine.
  24. those pike have cool markings and those bream are huge!
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