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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. I heard the same story. What would you been planting on crown land? Hmmm. Not too sure. Maybe just some flowers or rose bushes to spruce thing up a bit.
  2. Got out for a couple of hours on beautiful Georgian bay in search of some walleye and pike. Could not find either of them. Seems that I am not doing too well with the pike this year. Haven't seen many posts about pike other than SteveR's. Are there less pike around these days? On a side note, there are lots of smallies. Don't mean to catch them but they are pretty agressive right now and I was fishing in places I didn't think they would be nesting in. Managed a 5 pound smb today. Too bad it was oos. Have to go back to those spots in July.
  3. Damn, Sorry I blew your cover.
  4. And drinking a fair bit. I am pretty sure it is a samsquatch.
  5. Misfish is still here. His new handle is BrianB
  6. What about GCD? Have I missed a post regarding his whereabouts?
  7. Obviously that is a big portable waffle iron. Duh!
  8. Good fish. I got out for some pike but the biggest I caught was 3.4 pounds. Pathetic. I did weigh it because we had a two team tourney going on. Here is the kicker. That was the biggest pike of the day. lol
  9. I'm with you on this one. I am willing to bet it is one of them Saskatchewans.
  10. I had the same problem on a 20hp merc. When the spring gets old the cord manages to slip under where it should be feeding and there are these razor sharp metal pieces that cut the rope almost instantly. Make sure you really wind up the spring by turning the flywheel before tying the string on. I have done the fix on the water and it is a PITA. I also dropped something in the water from the motor and it made a big kerplunk sound and I still to this day have no idea what that piece was. Must not have been important.
  11. undo the handle. take out the rope that is tied into it. Go to store buy new rope. Put one end of rope into handle and close up handle. Take flywheel and load it up keep turning it tight so the spring is wound, then insert other end with know tied to the end onto flywheel ( this can be tricky to do I will use a screwdriver to hold flywheel in place so it doesn't spin). once rope is on flywheel, slowly allow flywheel to spin in the opposite direction you turned it. This should be making the pull cord shorter as it winds itself around flywheel. It is not that difficult but it might take you a couple tries to get it right. I have started my engine on the water without a pull cord. You can use any string you have. I have used anchor rope. Take off cowl. tie knot in one end of string. Place knot in groove on the fly wheel. Wrap rope, string or whatever you have a few times around flywheel and then pull hard. might take a few tries.
  12. Not bad on your picks Steve. I picked well and only missed Mcdonald, and Doerksen. Great card. Makes up for 112. Kos is a crappy actor but Daley is a dirtbag and got what he deserved. He needs to learn some professionalism.
  13. not sure yet. Thinking of going over to willow beach but weather is no cooperating.
  14. Zone 16 pike and Walleye open 2nd sat in May which is the 8th correct? Simcoe whitefish and lakers also open 2nd sat in May. Just want to make sure these species are open this Saturday.
  15. Nice perch. I can't figure out what type of vehicle/vessel/hut you are fishing out of on the hardwater. Do you have a pic of it? Is it a vehicle of some sort?
  16. Very nice! Can't believe we have almost 2 more month to wait down here. Doesn't seem fair.
  17. I have been fishing with frogs for about 4 years now and generally I am very successful with the hookset. This particular black spro gets hit more often than any other frog but there is something not right with it. I always think that it is something I am doing so I continue to try it every once and a while but with the same results. I put on a similar coloured mann's frog and set the hook almost every time. I don't get it. The hooks seem sharp and located in the right place. I even bent them out a bit after missing so many hits. This particular spro frog has a very thick rubber body. As mentioned before it seems thicker than all other frogs and much harder to squeeze. I am sure it is just defective. Like I said, it gets hit more than any other frog so I may have to go to the store and get a new one (I will have to do the squeeze test). In the meanwhile, I have recently bought 4 new frogs. They are Bobby's Perfect frog and I will give them a try this summer.
  18. That whole set up is SICK!!! I love the colours. Too bad you have to wrap it. Bling Bling I hope that rig helps you from gettin schooled this summer. lol
  19. I have a spro black frog and have had probably 20 fish blow up on it and have hooked 0 of them!!! I swithched over to a mann's black frog and went 3 for 4 with it until I lost it. My spro body is much harder than the mann's frog. Maybe my spro hooks are messed up or maybe I got a defective frog. Anyway, I have checked the hooks a hundred times and can't figure it out. The mann's frogs are also about $5 from walmart in the states. I bought a kermy from BPS during the sale and it looks like a carbon copy of the spro frog. Haven't used it yet but I hope it hooks up better than my spro.
  20. I am surprised you caught a smallie on a crayfish coloured wiggle wart. You must have caught that fish on another lure and then stuck the ww in its mouth. Pay attention people: Crayfish coloured wiggle warts do not catch smallmouth bass. Now that you all know this, pm me and I will send you my mailing address. Just pack them up and send them to me and I will dispose of them. By doing this, you free yourselves of valuable tackle box space.
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