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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. We performed the clean-up of the Petro Canada Park area of Bronte Creek today. I was a little disappointed with the turn out as many hands make light work. The five of us that turned out hussled and did what we could. We did not make it up as far as the willow hole this year as we only had one in waders but we did pull out a lot of garbage. Much thanks to Kory (the picture taker), Chris, Victor, and Noel!! For those of you that did not show up please take a bag in with you every time you fish and bring out a bit extra when your day is done. If we all do this regularly, we can eliminate the need for official clean-ups altogether. Kevin
  2. Boy, you fill that out and they have everything and more than they need to mess up your life.... Thanks for the warning... Burt
  3. Yeah, they were pretty good. Used a mix of Bull's-Eye Original and Chicken & Rib, with some rub mixed in.... Burt
  4. Just took them off the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker, attempting to wait for the baked potatoes to finish.... don't know if I can..... Burt
  5. PC's are not the only ones doing that. The Liberals called us on Monday afternoon, and they didn't even have the decency to have a real person call, it was a taped message!!! Burt
  6. These will go forever, even the 3100 is not too bad, I drove my '01 Century 385,000+ and sold it to one of my customers, his son is still driving it. Thats with only a front coil spring, catalytic converter, and a battery replaced! My '04 LeSabre is at around 205,000 and I have done nothing to it other than oil changes. The fuel economy is obviously not as good as a 4cyl but they are actually very cheap to run. I average around 9L/100Km in my LeSabre. Burt
  7. Why look anywhere else then???? If you can't already tell I am a pure Daiwa guy.... Of the Daiwa's I own the Team Daiwa Advantage 2500 size is one fine reel. I don't think they make them anymore (discontinued last year?) but if I were to buy one now I would opt for the Team Daiwa® TD-Pro, Daiwa® Tierra™, or the Daiwa® Sol™. A little bit more $ than the Exceler but nice reels for sure. And as Radnine posted, LeBaron usually has much better pricing on the Daiwa stuff.... Burt
  8. A Michigan handle is a rod with a longer fore grip and shorter rear grip. Such as this one: http://products.gloomis.com/gl/products/al...D=1222223465056 My buddy uses an old Quantum with this handle style and likes it... Burt
  9. We need another couple of rains to bring that water up and I think you will see a big push of fish in Bronte. They come every year, heck, even last year with the dismal water level, they must complete their lifecycle... Burt
  10. I filled up from empty for the equivalent of $1.10/L ($3.85/Gal) yesterday in Buffalo, glad I did!! Burt
  11. I use a Shimano Convergence CVS-L100M-2 paired with a Daiwa Regal 3500-4i series spinning reel. The rod is 10' long and rated for 8-17lb line, 1/4 - 1oz lure. The butt of this rod is quite long so I modified it by cutting about 2.5" off. This thing throws 3/4oz Cleo's and J-13's pretty far on 10-12lb test. The rod was around $75 and the reel around $40 if I remember correctly. Burt
  12. I would recommend the Michelin X-Ice. For the first time I put on a set of winter tires last year. I was expecting a noisy, rumbling ride due to the aggressive tread pattern but was pleasantly surprised. They were quieter than my all seasons. Grip on snow and ice compared to the all seasons was amazing. I would suggest you also buy some winter rims and keep the tires on them and swap them out with the seasons. Burt
  13. Red Bellied Pacu - Colossoma macropomum
  14. I used a stale, full sized marshmallow on each point of the treble of the spoon Lets hope it happens again and again.... I do the same thing, zoom in on the cement to see if it looks familiar lol.. It looks quite dark in the pic but that may be the flash playing tricks at night. It was not really that dark as in the pic... Burt
  15. Doesn't look too abnormal to me, just like a rotten fish with part of its lower jaw torn up and hanging down, could be its tongue with the teeth on it. Sound like Bull to me... Burt
  16. Alot of people seem to have good experiences with the Woods tents but the one I bought a couple of years ago is crap. Last week with the first heavy rain (and there was alot of heavy rain!) it came right through the fly and dripped into the tent through the mesh. It was like the fly was not treated with water repellent properly. Burt
  17. I have a Hillary tent from Sears for the family car camping. It is large, about 10'X12'. It uses the "GoBeDry" technology. It is basically a highly vented tent with a full nylon fly, plus for severe weather (like last weeks downpours, stayed totally dry) there is a full polyethylene tarp fly as well. All layers are held out away from each other. Don't know if they still sell this style but for around $180 on sale it rocks. I use a polyethylene tarp under the tent, flolded up so none sticks out like others have said. Also I always dig a small trench around the sides and back directly under where the fly overhangs. This captures any water and leads it away from the tent so that it will not flow underneath. Burt
  18. He must have had a marshmallow on that treble, probably fishing for salmon....
  19. $0.45 for the first 40,000Km, $0.32 for anything over. I usually do about 60,000Km per year. Burt
  20. Sounds like a great weekend Whopper Do you ever keep the white perch or white bass for the table? How do they compare to a meal of yellow perch? Burt
  21. The link I posted from the other board was for the pic I posted, not of the original posters fish. The way I read the email I received was that it referred to the original posters fish, not mine. Was the fish I caught last year an atlantic? Maybe I should have asked them to comment on that one as well lol... Burt
  22. This is exactly what went through my mind. What is the deal with a 4 hour stand-off? They knew he killed someone, why not storm the bus and either take him into custody or be done with him. I think in the US this may have turned out differently... Burt
  23. I emailed the link (http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22303) to the OMNR and received this response (CLofchik is correct): Hi Kevin Thanks for bringing this photo to our attention. It does indeed appear to be a chinook salmon. One feature we use to help identify salmon and trout in the field is the shape of the anal fin. If you look closely, you'll see that the fish in the photo has an sharply-angled anal fin, with a short leading edge (characteristic of chinook salmon at this size). The identification of salmon and trout from Lake Ontario can be challenging. We are currently working on a field guide to help anglers positively identify their catch. We are very much interested in hearing from anglers who encounter Atlantic salmon in the open lake, as part of a multi-partner effort to restore this native species to Lake Ontario. Among other things, we'd like to know when and where Atlantic salmon are being caught and how big they are (total length). A good photo would be helpful for identification. Until we have online reporting capability on the website, you can submit Atlantic salmon observations by e-mail ([email protected]). The current limit for Atlantic salmon in Lake Ontario is one fish over 63 cm (24.8 inches) for a Sport Fishing Licence (0 for Conservation Fishing Licence). Atlantic salmon are closed all year to fishing in Lake Ontario tributaries. We would encourage anglers to live-release fish if they are at all uncertain about identification. If you wish to find out more about the Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program and partnership, here is a link to our website: http://www.bringbackthesalmon.ca/. For information about Lake Ontario fisheries and fish communities, check out our annual reports on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission website: http://www.glfc.org/lakecom/loc/mgmt_unit/homepage2006.htm. Our 2007 report will be posted there soon. Thanks again. I hope you have a succesful fishing season. Marion MARION DANIELS Management Biologist Lake Ontario Management Unit Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 300 Water St., North Tower, 5th Floor Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8M5 PHONE: (705) 755-1345 FAX: (705) 755-1900 E-MAIL: [email protected] -----Original Message----- From: Kerr, Steve (MNR) Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 10:51 AM To: Daniels, Marion (MNR) Subject: FW: MNR Website Inquiry: Fish ID Query Can you respond to this - it looks like a chinook salmon to me but you are the Lake Ontario expert. Steven J. Kerr Senior Fisheries Biologist Fisheries Section, Fish and Wildlife Branch 300 Water Street, Peterborough Ontario. K9J 8M5 Telephone: 705-755-1205 Facsimile: 705-755-1957 E-mail: [email protected] -----Original Message----- From: Martin, Christine (MNR) Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 12:02 PM To: Kerr, Steve (MNR) Subject: FW: MNR Website Inquiry: Fish ID Query Hi Steve Would you please coordinate a response to the e-mail below regarding a fish ID question? Thanks Christine Martin Senior Compliance Communications/Marketing Specialist Ministry of Natural Resources Enforcement Branch 300 Water St., Peterborough ON K9J 8M5 705 755-1770 [email protected] Enforcement Branch Mission: "To safeguard the public interest by leading and delivering professional regulatory protection of Ontario's natural resources." -----Original Message----- Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 23:22:58 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: Hi there, Could you take a look at this message on the OFC fishing forum? http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...=22303&st=0 There is a debate going on as to whether the caught fish is an atlantic salmon or a chinook. Could anyone shed some light on this? Thanks, Kevin So there we have it! Burt
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