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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. Heading up to Marten River all of next week. I do not frequently target pickerel so I could use some suggestions for lures / setups that work up there. I have a bunch of different colour and size worm harnesses and bottom bouncer weights, decent assortment of plugs and minnow baits, swim baits and twister tails (in white and yellow). Anything else I need? Any other colours twister tails recommended? We will have worms and I will also bring some leeches. Thanks!! Burt
  2. Exactly...... seems to be common to buy them this way on-line in the USA, but can't find anything in Canada. Burt
  3. Anywhere to buy leeches by the pound around Hamilton? By the dozen is too expensive for a week fishing trip! Thanks!! Burt
  4. Another vote for Ande here, always consistent and never any issues with it. Burt
  5. Nice! This reminded me of a trip years ago with the kids where my middle daughter caught a prego one as well.... she was so proud to get the biggest one of the day over her sister.... Burt
  6. One from Valens this past winter...... Burt
  7. I have good luck in the rivers with a 1/16 to 1/8oz jig + a 2" white curlytail. Also #2 spinners with a bit of worm on the treble. Burt
  8. I would rather one in Buffalo, that way we get the American pricing and somewhat different selection. Burt
  9. Damn it why did I have to read this post And why isn't there a vomit smiley???? Burt
  10. Weber charcoal grills are made in Hunley, Illinois. Some Broil King / Broil Mate / Sterling grills are made in Kitchener by OMC (although OMC distributes Weber products in Canada). Burt
  11. Are you sure this wasn't the "Platinum" edition? The Platinum has the side table but no gas assited start. I find it hard to believe a new Performer for $250 Burt
  12. Beef is in the fridge marinating.... going to load up the dehydrator in the morning!! Burt
  13. No issues..... just don't do it the other way around lol... Burt
  14. So I ordered a Nesco American Harvest FD-80 square dehydrator from Costco.ca. Should get it early next week. Been searching on line for marinade recipies and there are plenty!! Can anyone lead me in the right direction of what you have tried and have found to be good? Also is all liquid smoke the same or is one brand better than the others? Burt
  15. #6 Mustad Beak with a leach for smallmouth....... Chartreuse Krocodile with scale tape for pier browns.... Burt
  16. Always bring a garbage bag in with you and fill it up before you leave. Burt
  17. I have the Weber Performer pictured above, the grill size is 22.5", the propane start is nice.... For BBQing ribs, brisket, pork shoulder and chicken I use the Weber Smokey Mountian Cooker. This is THE bullet smoker. Others out there are not worth playing with. Alot cheaper than an Egg (or other komado style units), portable (I take mine camping etc.), and can produce fantastic BBQ. Burt
  18. Why don't you check out Ebay for a used Stanton or a JW Young or something similar? I picked up a 5" Stanton for around $120 shipped and a 4" JW Young Purist 2030 for $110 shipped a few years back, both from the UK. Have to be nicer to fish than an Aventa???? Burt
  19. Now I feel cheap...... I just gave my daughter $2.50 for a molar last week.... Burt
  20. Once it flows into Hamilton Harbour there is dilution and also much more dilution again of the discharge of the harbour into Lake Ontario. The intake pipe for Hamilton is about 5 Km off shore. Burt
  21. The sewage overflows are not contaminating the fish........ what is in there to do that? High BOD? E coli? That will not make fish unsafe to eat. Industry discharge is what makes fish contaminated.... metals, PAH, PCB, etc..... Burt
  22. Has such a rod ever been produced? Anything "Ugly" I have ever seen has been heavier when over 7 foot.... Burt
  23. I guess I buck the trend here and go a little shorter. I use a Quantum Energy QES8642FAC 8.5ft medium action 6-12lb. It casts pretty far spooled with 8lb mono. I chose this rod because it is so light, the longer you go the more tip heavy these set ups get. I use the 10.5ft Convergence for fall pier salmon but I cut a few inches off the butt to solve the handle caught in the coat issue. Burt
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